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[[Image:prefuse1.png | 350 px ]][[Image:prefuse2.png | 350 px]] [http://prefuse.org/ Prefuse is best illustrated through a movie of its capabilities: [http://cs.smith.edu/~thiebaut/freevideos/prefuse.wmv movie].
[[Image:prefuse1.png | 350 px ]][[Image:prefuse2.png | 350 px]] [http://prefuse.org/ Prefuse] is best illustrated through a movie of its capabilities: [http://cs.smith.edu/~thiebaut/freevideos/prefuse.wmv movie].
==Interactive 2-D Graph of word relationships in Dictionary==
==Interactive 2-D Graph of word relationships in Dictionary==

Revision as of 10:58, 12 October 2008


This page originated as a Wordpress Blog documenting the progress on an Independent Study by Allison Bellew in Spring 08. Allie's work is currently continued by Christine Grascia.

The collection of posts is organized from the most recent (at the top) to the oldest (at the bottom). It might make better sence, then, to start at the bottom of the page!
Additions are continuously made, documenting interesting discoveries regarding visual displays of information.
While this page is not available for anonymous edits, feel free to send comments, suggestions and/or discoveries to thiebaut@cs.smith.edu.
