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[[Image:wellformedeigenfactor.png | 700px | thumb]]
From http://well-formed.eigenfactor.org/index.html
Interactive visualizations based on the Eigenfactor™ Metrics and hierarchical clustering to explore emerging patterns in citation networks.  A cooperation between the Eigenfactor Project (data analysis) and Moritz Stefaner (visualization).
Visualization is dynamic, and generated with '''Flare''' (prefuse's successor).
==Visual Thesaurus==
==Visual Thesaurus==

Revision as of 10:52, 7 October 2009


This page is an ad-hoc collection of interesting (for me) examples of visualization of data. They are taken from the Web, from the scientific literature, and from newspapers (The New York Times in particular).

The collection of posts is organized from the most recent (at the top) to the oldest (at the bottom).
Additions are continuously made, documenting interesting discoveries regarding visual displays of information.
While this page is not available for anonymous edits, feel free to send comments, suggestions and/or discoveries to thiebaut@cs.smith.edu.
