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Revision as of 14:46, 21 February 2018

D. Thiebaut (talk) 12:30, 31 January 2018 (EST)


# wedWeek1.py
# D. Thiebaut
# Demo program week 1

# variables
age = 20
year = 2018

# compute year born
print( year - age )

# example of for loop
for name in [ "smith", 23, 3.14159, "hello" ]:
    print( name )

challenge: print the following lines

for name in [ "Mae", "Alice", "Felicia" ]:
    print( '*' * len( name ) )
    print( name )

new challenge: print the following lines

for name in [ "*", "Mae", "********", "Alice", "****", "Felicia", "**" ]:
    print( name )


Table of Fahrenheit to Celsius conversion

# 020518.py
# D. Thiebaut
# print table of temperatures
# start at 100 F down to -30 F
# in steps of 10
# using the formula: Celsius = (Farhenheit - 32 ) * 5 / 9

# print the header 
print( "Fahrenheit --> Celsius" )

# display the table of temperatures
# ranging from 100 down to -30F.
for fTemp in range( 100, -31, -10 ):
    cTemp = ( fTemp - 32 ) * 5 / 9
    print( fTemp, '-->', cTemp )

Problem: get user name and grade and display user information and grade as a bar graph.

# barGraph.py
# D. Thiebaut
# this program prompts the user for her information
# and grade and displays a bar-graph.
#First name?  Dominique
#Last name?   Thiebaut
#Id?          990123456
#Final grade? 90
#|Dominique Thiebaut                    990123456 |
#      00...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100
#grade: #############################################
#class: ########################################

# input section
fName = input( "First name?  " )
lName = input( "Last name?   " )
Id    = input( "Id?          " )
final = input( "Final grade? " )

# output section
print( fName, lName, Id )
bar = "+———————————————————————————————————-———————————-+"
barLen = len( bar )
print( "barLen =", barLen )
nameIdLen = len( fName )+1+len( lName ) + len( Id )+1
print( "nameIdLen =", nameIdLen )

print( bar )
print( "|", fName, lName, ' '*(barLen-nameIdLen), Id, '|' )
print( bar )


We didn't have time to cover this problem, because of the snow storm... But it simply displays an 8 by 8 chessboard using hash tags.

# chessBoard.py
# D. Thiebaut
# displays an 8x8 chessboard, as shown below.
###   ###   ###   ###   
###   ###   ###   ###   
###   ###   ###   ###   
   ###   ###   ###   ###
   ###   ###   ###   ###
   ###   ###   ###   ###
###   ###   ###   ###   
###   ###   ###   ###   
###   ###   ###   ###   
   ###   ###   ###   ###
   ###   ###   ###   ###
   ###   ###   ###   ###
###   ###   ###   ###   
###   ###   ###   ###   
###   ###   ###   ###   
   ###   ###   ###   ###
   ###   ###   ###   ###
   ###   ###   ###   ###
###   ###   ###   ###   
###   ###   ###   ###   
###   ###   ###   ###   
   ###   ###   ###   ###
   ###   ###   ###   ###
   ###   ###   ###   ###
numRows = eval( input( "Number of rows?    " ) )
numCols = eval( input( "Number of columns? " ) )
white="   "

bar1 = ""
bar2 = ""
for i in range( numCols//2 ):
    bar1 = bar1 + white + black
    bar2 = bar2 + black + white

for i in range( numRows//2 ):
    # display 2 lines of squares
    # alternating the colors
    # 5    ###   ###   ###   ###
    #     ###   ###   ###   ###
    #     ###   ###   ###   ###
    #  ###   ###   ###   ###   
    #  ###   ###   ###   ###   
    #  ###   ###   ###   ###   
    for n in range( 3 ):
        print( bar1 )
    for n in range( 3 ):
        print( bar2 )


# barGraph.py
# D. Thiebaut
# this program prompts the user for her information
# and grade and displays a bar-graph.
#First name?  Dominique
#Last name?   Thiebaut
#Id?          990123456
#Final grade? 90
#|Dominique Thiebaut                    990123456 |
#      00...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100
#grade: #############################################
#class: ########################################

# box geometry
bar = "+———————————————————————————————————-———————————-+"
barLen = len( bar )

# input section
fName      = input( "First name? " )
fNameLen   = len( fName )
lName      = input( "Last name?  " )
lNameLen   = len( lName )
Id         = input( "Id?         " )
IdLen      = len( Id )
numSpaces  = barLen -3 -(fNameLen+1+lNameLen+IdLen)
grade      = eval( input( "Final grade? " ) )
classGrade = 80

# output section
print( bar )
print( '|' + fName, ' ', lName, ' '*(numSpaces), Id, ' |', sep='' )
print( bar )

# print the scale
print( "      00...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100" )

# print the student grade as a bar
numHashTags = grade // 2
print( "grade:", '#' * numHashTags )

#print the class grade as a bar
numHashTags = classGrade // 2
print( "class:", '#' * numHashTags )


# teller.py
# D. Thiebaut
# simulates teller machine program
# prompts user, displays number of bills

# input amount to withdraw (use eval)
amount = eval( input( "Amount to withdraw? " ) )
amount = abs( amount )
print( "Amount:", amount )

# compute number of bills, 20, 10, 5, 1
no20s  = amount // 20
amount = amount % 20  # leftover after giving out all the 20s 

no10s  = amount // 10 
amount = amount % 10 # leftover after giving out all the 10s 

no5s   = amount // 5
amount = amount % 5 # leftover after giving out all the 5s 

no1s   = amount

# display number of bills
print( no20s, "$20-bill(s)" )
print( no10s, "$10-bill(s)" )
print( no5s, "$5-bill(s)" )
print( no1s, "$1-bill(s)" )


# generate a table of the powers of 2
    0    1
    1    2
    2    4
    3    8
    4   16
    5   32
    6   64
    7  128
    8  256
    9  512
for i in range( 10 ):
    print( "{0:5}{1:5}".format( i, 2**i ) )

# display the following table:
# 1: len(Doc    )= 3
# 2: len(Grumpy )= 6
# 3: len(Happy  )= 5
# 4: len(Sleepy )= 6
# 5: len(Dopey  )= 5
# 6: len(Bashful)= 7
# 7: len(Sneezy )= 6

count = 1
for name in ["Doc", "Grumpy", "Happy", 
                    "Sleepy", "Dopey", "Bashful",
                    "Sneezy" ]:
    print( "{0:1}: len({1:<7})= {2:1}"
            .format( count, name, len(name) ) )
    count = count + 1


# accumulate.py
# D. Thiebaut
# solution programs for 2/16/18

# --------------------------------------
# sum of all the numbers from 1 to 100
total = 0
#print( "initial total:", total )
for i in range( 0, 100+1, 5):
    #print( i, total )
    total = total + i
    #print( "after sum:", i, total )

print( total )

# --------------------------------------
# average of [100, 95,100, 90, 60, 85]
total = 0
count = 0
for i in [100, 95,100, 90, 60, 85]:
    total = total + i
    print( "i =", i )
    count = count + 1
    print( "count = ", count )
print( "total = ", total, "count = ", count )
print( "average = ", total/count )

# --------------------------------------
a = "#"
b = "+"
final = ""
# from numbers to string
print( "before loop: a=", a, "b=", b )
for i in   [1,2,1,1,3,4]:
    #print( i * a, end="", sep="" )
    print( "i=", i, "a=", a, "b=", b )
    final = final + i*a
    print( "final =", final )
    a, b = b, a

print( "final string = ", final )


Different ways to print all the strings in a list.

def main():
    farm = ["pig", "dog", "horse", "hen" ]

    print( "method 1" )
    print( """pig
hen""" )

    print( "method 2" )
    print( farm )
    print( "method 3" )
    print( "pig\ndog\nhorse\nhen" )
    print( "method 4" )
    print( list( farm ) )

    print( "method 5" )
    print( farm[0], farm[1], farm[2], farm[3] )
    print( "method 6" )
    print( farm[0], farm[1], farm[2], farm[3], sep="\n" )
    print( "method 7" )
    for n in [0,1,2,3]:
       print( farm[n] )

    print( "method 8" )
    for animal in farm:
            print( animal )

    print( "method 9" )
    for animal in farm:
        for c in range( len( animal ) ):
            print( animal[c], sep="", end="")
        print(" " )
    print( "method 10" )
    for i in range( len( farm ) ):
        print( farm[i] )

    print( "method 11" )
    for i in range( -1, -len(farm), -1 ):
            print( farm[ i ] )

    print( "method 12" )
    for i in range( -1, -len(farm)-1, -1 ):
            print( farm[ i ] )

    print( "method 13" )
    for i in range( -len(farm), 0, 1 ):
            print(farm[i] )



>>> name = "H:/Documents/solutionsHw4.doc"

>>> name
>>> drive = name[0:2]
>>> drive
>>> name
>>> ext = name[-3: ]
>>> ext
>>> newName = name[0:-3]
>>> newName
>>> newName = name[0:-3] + "txt"
>>> newName
>>> fname = "Alex"
>>> lname = "Booth"
>>> account = fname[0:1] + lname
>>> account
>>> account = fname[0] + lname
>>> account

>>> date = "02212018"
>>> wanted = "21 Feb 2018"
>>> date
>>> wanted
'21 Feb 2018'
>>> months = [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun"
	   ,"Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" ]
>>> months
['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']
>>> months[1]
>>> months[2]
>>> months = ["Dummy", 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']
>>> months[2]
>>> day = date[2:4]
>>> day
>>> month = date[0:2]
>>> month
>>> int( month )
>>> months[ int( month ) ]
>>> date
>>> year = date[4: ]
>>> year
>>> print( day, months[ int( month ) ], year )
21 Feb 2018
>>> date
>>> day
>>> month
>>> year
>>> months
['Dummy', 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']
>>> months[ int( month ) ]

>>> fname = "Maria"
>>> lname = "Luce"
>>> name = fname + lname
>>> name
>>> for i in range( len( name ) ):
	print( i )

>>> for i in range( len( name ) ):
	print( i, name[0:i] )

1 M
2 Ma
3 Mar
4 Mari
5 Maria
6 MariaL
7 MariaLu
8 MariaLuc

>>> for i in range( len(name ) ):
	print( i, name[0:i+1] )

0 M
1 Ma
2 Mar
3 Mari
4 Maria
5 MariaL
6 MariaLu
7 MariaLuc
8 MariaLuce
>>> for i in range( len( name ) ):
	print( name[0:i+1] )


>>> farm = [ "pig", "dog", "cat" ]
>>> farm
['pig', 'dog', 'cat']
>>> farm[0]
>>> farm[1]
>>> farm[-1]
>>> farm[ 0 ] = "horse"
>>> farm
['horse', 'dog', 'cat']
>>> farm[2] = "mouse"
>>> farm
['horse', 'dog', 'mouse']
>>> farm[-1] = "cat"
>>> farm
['horse', 'dog', 'cat']
>>> name = "Smith College"
>>> name[0]
>>> name[-1]
>>> name[2]
>>> name[0] = 'Z'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#94>", line 1, in <module>
    name[0] = 'Z'
TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment   <--- strings are immutable!
>>> farm2 = ( "cat", "dog", "mouse" )
>>> farm2[1]
>>> farm2[1] = "horse"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#97>", line 1, in <module>
    farm2[1] = "horse"
TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment
>>> animal = "horse"
>>> animal[0] = 'H'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#99>", line 1, in <module>
    animal[0] = 'H'
TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment
>>> animal = 'H' + animal[1: ]
>>> animal

>>> greeting = "hello there"
>>> greeting.upper()
>>> greeting
'hello there'
>>> greeting = greeting.upper()
>>> greeting
>>> lname = "Max"
>>> fname = "Joe"
>>> fname[0] + lname
>>> account = fname[0] + lname
>>> account
>>> account = account.lower()
>>> account
>>> title = "CSC111 Intro to CS"
>>> title.center( 60 )
'                     CSC111 Intro to CS                     '
>>> title
'CSC111 Intro to CS'
>>> print( title.center( 60 ) )
                     CSC111 Intro to CS                     
>>> name = "alex booth"
>>> name.capitalize()
'Alex booth'
>>> name
'alex booth'
>>> name.title()
'Alex Booth'
>>> name = "MICKEY MOUSE"
>>> name.capitalize()
'Mickey mouse'
>>> name.title()
'Mickey Mouse'
>>> name
>>> name = name.title()
>>> name
'Mickey Mouse'
>>> name.find( 'z' )
>>> name.find( 'o' )
>>> name.find( 'M' )
>>> name.find( 'c' )
>>> name.find( "ou" )
>>> name
'Mickey Mouse'
>>> name.replace( "Mickey", "Minnie" )
'Minnie Mouse'
>>> name
'Mickey Mouse'
>>> name.replace( "Mouse", "Cat" )
'Mickey Cat'
>>> name
'Mickey Mouse'
>>> name.replace( 'M', 'Z' )
'Zickey Zouse'
>>> name
'Mickey Mouse'