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(Challenge #4: Reading the Cat information from a CSV file)
(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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[[User:Thiebaut|D. Thiebaut]] ([[User talk:Thiebaut|talk]]) 09:54, 1 April 2018 (EDT)
[[User:Thiebaut|D. Thiebaut]] ([[User talk:Thiebaut|talk]]) 09:54, 1 April 2018 (EDT)
This lab deals with exceptions and creating classes.   
This lab deals with exceptions and creating classes.   
The deadline for this lab is Friday 04/6/18 at 11:55 p.m.
The deadline for this lab is <strike>Friday 04/6/18</strike> Sunday 4/8/18, at 11:55 p.m.
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=Solution Programs=
=Solution Programs=
==Part 1 ==
==Part 1 ==

Latest revision as of 12:59, 1 June 2018

D. Thiebaut (talk) 09:54, 1 April 2018 (EDT)


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Solution Programs

Part 1

# lab9 programs
# D. Thiebaut

# getInput: returns an integer larger
# than 0.  Expected to be robust
def getInput():
   while  True:
      x = int( input( "Enter an integer greater than 0: " ) )
      if x <= 0:
         print( "Invalid entry.  Try again!" )
         return x

# betterGetInput: returns an integer larger
# than 0.  Expected to be robust
def betterGetInput():
   # repeat forever...
   while  True:

      # try to get an int
          x = int( input( "Enter an integer greater than 0: " ) )
      except ValueError:
          # the user must have entered something other than an int
          print( "Invalid entry.  Not an integer.  Try again!" )

      # There was no errors.  See if the number is negative
      if x <= 0:
         print( "You entered a negative number.  Try again!" )
         return x

def main1():
   num = betterGetInput()
   print( "You have entered", num )

# =======================================================================

def example1():
    print( "You will need to enter 3 pairs of ints..." )
    while True:
            x = int( input( "enter a number: " ) )
            y = int( input( "enter another number: " ) )
            print( x, '/', y, '=', x/y )
       except ZeroDivisionError:
            print( "Can't divide by 0!" )
       except ValueError:
            print( "That doesn't look like a number!" )
            print( "something unexpected happend!" )

def example2( L ):
    print( "\n\nExample 2" )
    sum = 0
    for i in range( len( L ) ):
            sum +=  L[i]
        except TypeError:

    print( "sum of items in ", L, "=", sum )

def printUpperFile( fileName ):
       file = open( fileName, "r" )
    except FileNotFoundError:
       print( "***Error*** File", fileName, "not found!" )

    # if we're here, the file is found and open
    for line in file:
       print( line.upper() )

def createTextFile( fileName ):
   file = open( fileName, "w" )
   file.write( "Welcome\nto\nCSC111\nIntroduction\nto\nComp.\nSci.\n" )

def main2():
    createTextFile( "csc111.txt" )


    L = [ 10, 3, 5, 6, 9, 3 ]
    example2( L )
    #example2( [ 10, 3, 5, 6, "NA", 3 ] )

    printUpperFile( "csc111.txt" )
    #printUpperFile( "csc1111.txt" )


Part 2

# cats1.py
# D. Thiebaut
# Program for Week #9
# Define a Cat class, and
# use it to create a collection of
# cats.

class Cat:
    """a class that implements a cat and its
    information.  Name, breed, vaccinated,
    tattooed, and age."""

    def __init__( self, na, brd, vacc, ag, tat ):
        """constructor.  Builds a cat with all its information"""
        self.name       = na
        self.breed      = brd
        self.vaccinated = vacc
        self.age        = ag
        self.tattooed   = tat

    def isTattooed( self ):
        """returns True if cat is tattooed, False otherwise"""
        return self.tattooed

    def isVaccinated( self ):
        """returns True if cat is vaccinated, False otherwise"""
        return self.vaccinated

    def getAge( self ):
        """returns cat's age"""
        return self.age

    def getName( self ):
        """returns name of cat"""
        return self.name

    def getBreed( self ):
        return self.breed
    def __str__( self ):
        """default string representation of cat"""
        vacc = "vaccinated"
        if not self.vaccinated:
            vacc = "not vaccinated"

        tatt = "tattooed"
        if not self.tattooed:
            tatt = "not tattooed"
        return "{0:20}:==> {1:1}, {2:1}, {3:1}, {4:1} yrs old".format(
            self.name, self.breed, vacc, tatt, self.age )

def readCatCSV( fileName ):
    """ reads the CSV file and puts all the cats
    in a list of Cat objects"""

    # get the lines from the CSV file
    file = open( fileName, "r" )
    lines = file.readlines()

    # create an empty list of cats
    cats = []
    # get one line at a time
    for line in lines:
        # split a line in words
        fields = line.split( ", " )

        # skip lines that do not have 5 fields
        if len( fields ) != 5:

        # get 5 fields into 5 different variables
        name, age, vac, tat, breed = fields
        breed = breed.strip()
        # transform "vaccinated" or "not vaccinated" in True or False
        if vac.lower().find( "not " )==-1:
            vac = True
            vac = False
        # transform "tattooed" or "not tattooed" in True or False
        if tat.lower().find( "not " )==-1:
            tat = True
            tat = False

        # add a new cat to the list
        cats.append( Cat( name, breed, vac, int(age), tat ) )

    # done with the lines.  Return the cat list
    return cats

def main():
    """ main program.  Creates a list of cats and displays
    groups sharing the same property.
        Minou, 3, vac, stray, tat
        Max, 1, not-vac, Burmese, tat
        Gizmo, 2, vac, Bengal, tat
        Garfield, 4, not-vac, Orange Tabby
    cats = readCatCSV( input( "File name? " ) )
    cat = Cat( "Minou", "stray", True, 3, True)
    cats.append( cat )
    cats.append( Cat( "Max", "Burmese", False, 1, True ) )
    cats.append( Cat( "Gizmo", "Bengal", True, 2, True ) )
    cats.append( Cat( "Garfield", "Orange Tabby", False, 4, False ) )
    # print the list of all the cats
    print( "\nComplete List:" )
    for cat in cats:
        print( cat )

    print( "\nNon-vaccinated cats:" )
    for cat in cats:
        if cat.isVaccinated()==False:
            print( cat )

    print( "\nStray cats:" )
    for cat in cats:
        if cat.getBreed().lower() == "stray":
            print( cat )

    print( "\nNon-vaccinated cats 2 or older:" )
    for cat in cats:
        if cat.isVaccinated()==False and cat.getAge() >= 2:
            print( cat )

    print( "\nNon-tattooed cats:" )
    for cat in cats:
        if cat.isTattooed()==False:
            print( cat )
    print( "\nVaccinated and tattooed cats:" )
    for cat in cats:
        if cat.isVaccinated() and cat.isTattooed():
            print( cat )

def lab9Solution():
    """prompts user for file name, and outputs
    cats that are not vaccinated, and 2 years or older"""
    cats = readCatCSV( input( "File name? " ) )

    for cat in cats:
        if cat.isVaccinated()==False and cat.getAge() >= 2:
            print( cat )
