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:* You may or may not have a vertical black line in the middle of your image.  Either one is fine.
:* You may or may not have a vertical black line in the middle of your image.  Either one is fine.
:* Your program should display your name or names instead of the "Mickey Mouse" message.
:* Your program should display your name or names instead of the "Mickey Mouse" message.
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Here's an example of how this looks when the program is processing the image:
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Submit your documented program in the HW 9 PB 3 section of Moodle, along with a screen shot of your output file.
Submit your documented program in the HW 9 PB 3 section of Moodle, along with a screen shot of your output file.
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Latest revision as of 12:45, 1 June 2018

D. Thiebaut (talk) 17:12, 8 April 2018 (EDT)


<showafterdate after="20180420 12:00" before="20180630 00:00">

Solution Programs

Part 1

# wheel1.py
# D. Thiebaut
# a skeleton program to get started with the graphics
from graphics import *
import random
import tkcolors

# define geometry (constants)
WIDTH  = 700
HEIGHT = 600

class Wheel:
    """a Wheel is 2 concentric circles, the larger one black,
    the smaller one grey."""
    def __init__(self, centr, rad1, rad2 ):
        # make circ1 the smaller of the 2 circles
        self.circ1   = Circle( centr, min( rad1, rad2 ) )
        self.circ2   = Circle( centr, max( rad1, rad2 ) )
        self.circ1.setFill( "grey" )
        self.circ2.setFill( "black" )
    def draw( self, win ):
        self.circ2.draw( win )
        self.circ1.draw( win )

    def move( self, dx, dy ):
        self.circ1.move( dx, dy )
        self.circ2.move( dx, dy )
class Car:
    """a class containing a rectangle and 2 wheels, forming
    a simple car"""

    def __init__( self, refPoint ):
        # create rectangle
        self.width  = 60
        self.height = 20
        self.radius = 10
        P1  = refPoint
        xP1 = P1.getX()
        yP1 = P1.getY()
        xP2 = xP1 + self.width
        yP2 = yP1 + self.height
        P2  = Point( xP2, yP2 )
        self.body = Rectangle( P1, P2 )
        self.body.setFill( random.choice( tkcolors.colors ) )

        P3  = Point( xP1+self.width//4, yP1 )
        P4  = Point( xP1+self.width*3//4, yP1-self.height//2 )
        self.top = Rectangle( P3, P4 )
        self.top.setFill( random.choice( tkcolors.colors ) )
        # create the Wheels
        self.w1 = Wheel( Point( xP1+self.width//4, yP1+self.height ), self.radius//2, self.radius )
        self.w2 = Wheel( Point( xP1++self.width*3//4, yP1+self.height ), self.radius//2, self.radius )

        # set the initial speed
        self.dx = 1
        self.dy = 0

    def setSpeed( self, deltaX, deltaY ):
        self.dx = deltaX
        self.dy = deltaY
    def draw( self, win ):
        self.w1.draw( win )
        self.body.draw( win )
        self.w2.draw( win )
        self.top.draw( win )

    def autoMove( self ):
        self.w1.move( self.dx, self.dy )
        self.w2.move( self.dx, self.dy )
        self.body.move( self.dx, self.dy )

    def reverseDirection( self ):
        self.dx = -self.dx

    def getX( self ):
        return self.body.getP1().getX()
def waitForClick( win, message ):
    """ waitForClick: stops the GUI and displays a message.  
    Returns when the user clicks the window. The message is erased."""

    # wait for user to click mouse to start
    startMsg = Text( Point( win.getWidth()/2, win.getHeight()/2 ), message )
    startMsg.draw( win )    # display message
    win.getMouse()          # wait
    startMsg.undraw()       # erase

def main():
    global W, H
    win = GraphWin( "Wrapping Paper", WIDTH, HEIGHT )
    win.setBackground( "lightblue" )
    #waitForClick( win, "click to start" )

    cars = []
    for x in range( 10, WIDTH, 78 ):
        for y in range( 20, HEIGHT, 50 ):
            car1 = Car( Point( x, y ) )
            car1.draw( win )
            cars.append( car1 )        

    Banner = Rectangle( Point( WIDTH//2-200, HEIGHT//2-40 ),
                        Point( WIDTH//2+200, HEIGHT//2+40 ) )
    Banner.setFill( "white" )
    Banner.draw( win )

    BannerText = Text( Point( WIDTH//2, HEIGHT//2 ),
                        "CSC111 HOMEWORK 10" )
    BannerText.setSize( 30 )
    BannerText.draw( win )
    waitForClick( win, "" )

Part 2

# homework 10
# D. Thiebaut
from graphics import GraphicsWindow
from random import seed
from random import randrange


class Circle2:
    def __init__( self, x, y, diameter, color ):
        self._x       = x 
        self._y       = y 
        self._diameter= diameter
        self._color  = color   # list of 3 ints between 0 and 255

    def draw( self, canvas ):
        xAnchor = self._x-self._diameter//2
        yAnchor = self._y-self._diameter//2
        canvas.setFill( self._color[0], self._color[1], self._color[2] )            
        canvas.drawOval( xAnchor,
                         self._diameter )

class Wheel:
    def __init__( self, x, y, diameter ):
        self._c1 = Circle2( x, y, diameter, ( 0,0,0 ) )
        self._c2 = Circle2( x, y, diameter/2, ( 200, 200, 200 ) )

    def draw( self, canvas ):
        self._c1.draw( canvas )
        self._c2.draw( canvas )

class Rectangle:
    def __init__( self, x, y, width, height, color ):
        self._x      = x
        self._y      = y
        self._width  = width
        self._height = height
        self._color  = color   # list of 3 ints between 0 and 255

    def setRandomColor( self ):
        r = randrange( 256 )
        g = randrange( 256 )
        b = randrange( 256 )
        self._color = (r, g, b )

    def draw( self, canvas ):
        canvas.setFill( self._color[0], self._color[1], self._color[2] )            
        canvas.drawRect( self._x, self._y, self._width, self._height )
class Car:
    def __init__( self, x, y, width, height, color ):
        self._x       = x 
        self._y       = y 
        self._width   = width
        self._height  = height
        self._color   = color   # list of 3 ints between 0 and 255

        # build the body
        self._top  = Rectangle( x+width//4, y-height//2,
                                width//2, height//2,
                                color )
        self._body = Rectangle( x, y, width, height, color )
        # build the wheels
        self._w1 = Wheel( x + width//4, y + height, width//5 )
        self._w2 = Wheel( x + 3*width//4, y + height, width//5 )

    def setRandomColor( self ):
    def getTotalHeight( self ):
        return self._height*2 +  self._width//10

    def getTotalWidth( self ):
        return self._width
    def draw( self, canvas ):
        self._body.draw( canvas )
        self._top.draw( canvas )
        self._w1.draw( canvas )
        self._w2.draw( canvas )

class Truck:
    def __init__( self,  x, y, width, color ):
        self._x       = x 
        self._y       = y 
        self._width   = width
        height        = 5 * width//14
        self._height  = height
        self._color   = color   # list of 3 ints between 0 and 255

        # build the body
        self._top  = Rectangle( x+ 9* width//14, y-height,
                                width*5//14, height,
                                color )
        self._window = Rectangle( x+ 10* width//14, y-4*height//5,
                                width*4//14, 4*height//5,
                                (0, 0, 0 ) )
        self._body = Rectangle( x, y, width, height, color )
        # build the wheels
        self._w1 = Wheel( x + 2*width//14, y + 13*height//10, 3*height//5 )
        self._w2 = Wheel( x + 11*width//14, y + height, width//2 )

    def getTotalHeight( self ):
        return self._height*2 +  self._width//2

    def getTotalWidth( self ):
        return self._width

    def setRandomColor( self ):
    def draw( self, canvas ):
        self._body.draw( canvas )
        self._top.draw( canvas )
        self._window.draw( canvas )
        self._w1.draw( canvas )
        self._w2.draw( canvas )
def main():
    win = GraphicsWindow(MAXWIDTH, MAXHEIGHT)
    canvas = win.canvas()
    canvas.setBackground( 0, 250, 250 )
    carWidth = 90
    carHeight = 25
    oddEven = True
    for y in range( 0, MAXHEIGHT, carHeight*2 ):#+20 ):
        for x in range( 0, MAXWIDTH, carWidth+10 ):
            if oddEven:
                c = Car( x, y, carWidth, carHeight, ( 0, 0, 0 ) )
                c = Truck( x, y, carWidth, (0, 0, 0 ) )
            c.draw( canvas )
        #oddEven = not oddEven

    banner = Rectangle( MAXWIDTH//3, 2*MAXHEIGHT//5,
                        MAXWIDTH//3, MAXHEIGHT//5, (255, 255, 255 ) )
    banner.draw( canvas )
    canvas.setTextFont( 'arial', 40, 'bold' )
    canvas.drawText( MAXWIDTH//3+10, 2*MAXHEIGHT//5+30,
                     "Happy Easter" )

Problem 3

# hw9_3.py
# D. Thiebaut
# Takes an image that is 480x240, with the left half
# containing the photo of a person, and replicates it
# on the right half (where a smiley appears), flips it
# horizontally, and make it black and white.

from graphics import *
from random import *

WIDTH  = 480   # width and height for pres.gif
HEIGHT = 240

def copyAndFlip( img, win, srcX, srcY, destX, destY, w, h ):
    '''copy the left half over the right half, and flips it at the
    same time'''

    x2 = destX+w
    for x in range( srcX, srcX+w ):
        y2 = destY 
        for y in range( srcY, srcY+h ):
            r,g,b = img.getPixel( x, y )
            img.setPixel( x2, y2, color_rgb( r, g, b ) )
            y2 += 1
        x2 -= 1

def makeBW( img, win, srcX, srcY, w, h ):
    '''change the right side of the image to b&w '''
    for x in range( srcX, srcX+w ):
        for y in range( srcY, srcY+h ):
            r,g,b = img.getPixel( x, y )
            bw = int(0.3 * r + 0.6 * g + 0.11 * b)
            img.setPixel( x, y, color_rgb( bw, bw, bw ) )

def main():
    # open the window
    win = GraphWin( "CSC111 Image Viewer", WIDTH, HEIGHT )

    # get the file name from the user
    fileName = "pres.gif"
    # open the cat image
    pres = Image( Point(WIDTH//2, HEIGHT//2), fileName )
    pres.draw( win )

    # change the pixels to max red
    copyAndFlip( pres, win, 0, 0, 240, 0, 240, 240)
    # show image after change

    # show image after change
    makeBW( pres, win, 240, 0, 240, 240 )

    # add label
    label = Text( Point( WIDTH//2, HEIGHT-30 ),
                  "Mickey Mouse" )
    label.setFill( "white" )
    label.draw( win )
    # wait for user to click the mouse...

    # and close the window

