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The two programs below illustrate how you would put a function, ''f()'', in a separate file, and call it from a ''main()'' program kept in another file.
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The specific details that are important and that make the system work:
* there is only one '''global _start''' label, and it is in main.  The linker (ld) will complain if there are more than one _start label, as it is where Linux will start running your program.
* The label '''f''' in f.asm must be '''global''', so that example.asm can access it.
* The label '''f''' in example.asm must be '''extern''', so that nasm will not complain that it is not finding the label f used in the call instruction.
* Both example.asm and f.asm should be assembled separately, and linked together with the 231Lib library.
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Revision as of 06:39, 29 October 2014

--D. Thiebaut (talk) 07:30, 29 October 2014 (EDT)


The two programs below illustrate how you would put a function, f(), in a separate file, and call it from a main() program kept in another file.
The specific details that are important and that make the system work:

  • there is only one global _start label, and it is in main. The linker (ld) will complain if there are more than one _start label, as it is where Linux will start running your program.
  • The label f in f.asm must be global, so that example.asm can access it.
  • The label f in example.asm must be extern, so that nasm will not complain that it is not finding the label f used in the call instruction.
  • Both example.asm and f.asm should be assembled separately, and linked together with the 231Lib library.


;;; ; example.asm
;;; ; D. Thiebaut
;;; ;
;;; ; A simple program to demonstrate how to link a main
;;; ; program and an extern function.
;;; ;
;;; ; to assemble and run:
;;; ;
;;; ;     nasm -f elf -F  stabs example.asm
;;; ;     nasm -f elf -F  stabs f.asm
;;; ;     ld -melf_i3896 -o example example.o f.o 231Lib.o
;;; ;     ./example
;;; ; -------------------------------------------------------------------

;;;  ------------------------------------------------------------
;;;  data areas
;;;  ------------------------------------------------------------

                section .data
a               dd      100
b               dd      200
c               dd      300
result          dd      0

;;;  ------------------------------------------------------------
;;;  code area
;;;  ------------------------------------------------------------

                section .text
                global  _start
extern          _printDec
extern          _println
extern          f
;;; compute f( a ) = 2*a
                push    dword[a]
                call    f
                call    _printDec
                call    _println
;;; compute f( 3 ) = 2*3 = 6
                push    dword 3 
                call    f
                call    _printDec
                call    _println

;;; compute f( b + f (c) + 1 )
                push    dword[c]
                call    f
                inc     eax
                add     eax, dword[b]
                push    eax
                call    f
                call    _printDec
                call    _println
;;;  exit()

                mov     eax,1
                mov     ebx,0
                int     0x80    ; final system call


;;; ; f.asm
;;; ; D. Thiebaut
;;; ; A simple program with one global function that computes
;;; ; f(a) = 2*a
;;; ;
;;; ; -----------------------------------------------------------

                section .text
                global  f

;;; ;------------------------------------------------------------
;;; ; f(x): a function that receives a parameter through
;;; ; the stack and that computes y = 2*x
;;; ; x is at [ebp+8]
;;; ; returns the result in eax.
;;; ; does not modify any of the other registers (besides eax)
;;; ;------------------------------------------------------------
f:              push    ebp
                mov     ebp, esp
                mov     eax, dword[ebp+8]
                add     eax, eax
                pop     ebp

Assembly/Link Steps

 nasm -f elf example.asm
 nasm -f elf f.asm
 nasm -f efl 231Lib.asm
 ld -melf_i386 example.o  f.o  231Lib.o  -o example
