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D. Thiebaut (talk) 10:33, 18 February 2018 (EST)

Once again, you have to work in programming pair mode for this assignment. This assignment is due on Thursday 3/1/18, at 11:55 p.m.
Make sure you use a main() function in all your programs! You may want to go through the homework preparation page (which would have been a lab, if it hadn't been Rally Day this week) first!

<showafterdate after="20180218" before="20180601">

Problem #1

Write a program named hw4_1.py that prompts the user for her first and last name, and outputs a computer account made of the first initial of her first name, plus her last name, all in lowercase, plus a number equal to the number of characters in the string just created. Make sure there's a blank line before the output of the account name. This line will be used by the grading program to spot your output.

Example 1
    First name? Allie
    Last name? BABA

    Your computer account name is: ababa5 

Example 2
    First name? kathleen 
    Last name? MCCARTNEY

    Your computer account name is: kmccartney10 
  • Submit your program to HW 4 PB 1 on Moodle.

Problem #2

Write a program called hw4_2.py that prompts the user for her first and last name, and outputs a computer account made of the first initial of her first name, plus her last name, all in lowercase. But now we want the computer account to be exactly 8 characters long. If the user names are too short, your program will pad it with the character '#'.

    First name? Allie 
    Last name? BABA
    Your computer account name is: ababa### 
    First name? Al 
    Last name? Gus 

    Your computer account name is:agus#### 
    First name? Alma 
    Last name? Verylongname 

    Your computer account name is: averylon 

  • Submit your program to HW 4 PB 2 on Moodle.

Problem #3

Write a program called hw4_3.py that prompts the user for her first and last name, and outputs a computer account made of the first initial of her first name, plus her last name, all in lowercase. We want the computer account to be exactly 8 characters long, but this time it is padded with the current year (2018 for us). We assume the user name will always have at least 3 characters.

    First name? Allie 
    Last name? BABA 

    Your computer account name is: ababa201 
    First name? Al 
    Last name? Gus 

    Your computer account name is: agus2018
    First name? Alma 
    Last name? Verylongname 

    Your computer account name is: averylon 

  • Submit your program to HW 4 PB 3 on Moodle.

Problem #4

Write a program called hw4_4.py that prompts the user for her first and last name, and outputs a triangle made with her name, padded with dots in front of it, as illustrated below. There is no limit on the length of the first and last names. Notice that there is a blank line between the input section and the output section.

First name? Maria
Last name? LUCE

  • Submit your program to HW 4 PB 4 on Moodle.

Problem #5

Write a program called hw4_5.py that prompts the user to enter a date representing the beginning and end of a semester, in the form mmdd-mmddyyyy, and displays it back as dd month yyyy to dd month yyyy, where month is the first 3 letters of the name of the month, in English.

Enter date of semester: 0129-05012018

29 Jan to 1 May 2018

Note that the day for May is 1, and not 01.

  • Submit your program to HW 4 PB 5 on Moodle.

Problem #6

Write a program called hw4_6.py that asks the user for several pieces of information about some famous person, and outputs the information as illustrated below.

Please enter first name: Sophia
Please enter last name:  SMITH
Please enter date of birth (yyyymmdd): 17960827
Please enter date of death( yyyymmdd): 18700602
Please enter accomplishment: Funded Smith College, the largest member of the seven sisters.

Sophia Smith (August 27, 1796 -- June 2, 1870)
Funded smith college, the largest member of the seven sisters.

  • Note that the name is formatted correctly, even if the user enters all uppercase or lowercase letters for the name.
  • Submit your program to HW 4 PB 6 on Moodle.


<showafterdate after="20181009 00:00">

Solution Programs

# hw4sol.py
# D. Thiebaut
# Solution program(s) for Homework 4, 2018
# The solution organizes the individual solutions
# into functions, but you didn't have to do that for
# solving the problems.
# Just comment out the appropriate line in the the main()
# function to energize the solution for a give problem..

# solution for Problem 1
def problem1():
    fName = input( "Your first name? " )
    lName = input( "Your last name? " )
    print( )
    full  = fName[0] + lName
    full = full.lower()
    print( "Your computer account: {0:1}{1:1}".format( full, len(full) ) )

# solution for Problem 2
def problem2():
    fName = input( "Your first name? " )
    lName = input( "Your last name? " )
    full  = fName[0] + lName + "zzzzzzzz"
    full = full[0:8].lower()
    print( full)

# solution for Problem 3
def problem3():
    fName = input( "Your first name? " )
    lName = input( "Your last name? " )
    full  = fName[0] + lName + "20182018"
    full = full[0:8].lower()
    print( full)

# solution for Problem 4
def problem4():
    fName = input( "Your first name? " )
    lName = input( "Your last name? " )
    name = fName + lName
    noChars = len( name )
    for i in range( 1, noChars+1 ):
        noSpaces = noChars - i
        spaces = '.' * noSpaces
        print( spaces + name[0:i] )

# solution for Problem 5
def problem5():
    # define the list of months as a list of strings
    monthNames = ["January", "February", "March", "April", 
                  "May", "June", "July", "August",
                  "September", "October", "November", "December"]
    # get the date from the user
    date = input( "Enter date: " )

    # extract the different variables from the date
    month = date[0:2]
    day   = date[2:4]
    year  = date[4: ]
    dayInt = int( day )
    monthIndex = int( month ) - 1
    monthStr   = monthNames[ monthIndex ][0:3]

    # display result
    print( dayInt, monthStr, year )

# solution for Problem 6
def problem6():
    # define the list of months as a string of 3-char names
    monthNames = "JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec"

    # get the date from the user
    date = input( "Enter date: " )

    # extract the different variables from the date
    month = date[0:2]
    day   = date[2:4]
    year  = date[4: ]
    dayInt = int( day )
    monthIndex = int( month ) - 1
    monthStr   = monthNames[ monthIndex*3 : monthIndex*3+3]

    # display result
    print( dayInt, monthStr, year )

# main program.
# Calls all the functions that solve the different problems.
# Comment out the lines you want to actually activate the
# function you are interested in.

def main():

