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(Creating a program from scratch)
(Creating a program from scratch)
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* Add some code to output the string in the ''text (code) section''
* Add some code to output the string in the ''text (code) section'', right below the '''_start:''' label

Revision as of 08:36, 10 September 2012

<meta name="keywords" content="computer science, assembly language, pentium, exercise, machine language, intel" /> <meta name="description" content="Dominique Thiebaut's Web Page" /> <meta name="title" content="Dominique Thiebaut -- Computer Science" /> <meta name="abstract" content="Dominique Thiebaut's Computer Science Web pages" /> <meta name="author" content="thiebaut at cs.smith.edu" /> <meta name="distribution" content="Global" /> <meta name="revisit-after" content="10 days" /> <meta name="copyright" content="(c) D. Thiebaut 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007,2008" /> <meta name="robots" content="FOLLOW,INDEX" /> --D. Thiebaut 19:55, 7 September 2010 (UTC)

This lab is the first lab of this course and its purpose is to bring everybody up to speed with the assembly process, and have a tiny bit of fun at the same time. It will not be graded. It is self-paced, but you should work with somebody else in pair programming mode.

Creating a program from scratch

  • Find the skeleton program on the class Web page (or open it here)
  • Login to beowulf with your new 231a-xx account (see the Troubleshooting section at bottom of this page in case of trouble)
  • Create a file called skel.asm in your account, and save the skeleton program in it. At the Linux prompt, type:
  emacs skel.asm
Use the Emacs Quick-Reference page for the most often used commands.
  • Save it by typing Control-X followed by Control-C in emacs. You should be back at the Linux prompt.
  • Make a copy of skel.asm and call it lab1.asm
  cp skel.asm lab1.asm
  • Edit lab1.asm
  emacs lab1.asm
  • Add a string variable in your data section:
             msg     db     "Welcome to csc231", 10
             MSGLEN  equ    $-msg

  • Add some code to output the string in the text (code) section, right below the _start: label

             mov    eax, 4
             mov    ebx, 1
             mov    ecx, msg      ; use the same name as the string in the data section
             mov    edx, MSGLEN   ; # of chars in string
             int    0x80

  • Save your file by typing Control-X, Control-C while in emacs.

Assembly and Linking steps

  • You should be back at the Linux prompt. Assemble your program
    nasm -f elf -F stabs lab1.asm
  • Fix any errors you may get by starting emacs again and figuring out where the error is.
  • Link your program
    ld -melf_i386  -o lab1 lab1.o
You shouldn't get any errors at this stage.


  • Run your program:
It should run and display the string.

Playing around with the program

  • Modify the msg string to make it look like this:
             msg     db     10, 10, "Welcome", 10, "to", 10, "csc231", 10, 10
             MSGLEN  equ    $-msg
  • Reassemble, link and run the new version of your program.
  • Something different. Modify your program once more, as shown below:
             msg     db     10, 10
                     db     "Welcome", 10
                     db     "to", 10, "csc231"
                     db     10
                     db     10
             MSGLEN  equ    $-msg

  • Reassemble, link and run the new version of your program.

Mini Challenge of the Day


  • Modify your program so that its output looks like this:
                    * Welcome to CSC231             *
                    * Home of the Assembly Language *

The lines of stars contain 33 *-characters. Each line is thus 34-character long (to account for the line-feed character). Can you find a solution where the number of characters in your data section is not 4 x 34 = 136 characters, but 3 x 34 = 102, instead?

Test it out!

Submit your Solution (optional)

Enter your name or names in the header of the program, and at the Linux prompt, type:

   rsubmit lab1 lab1.asm


It is possible that if you are using ssh to connect to Beowulf the first time, and if you are using a Mac, you get a message of this form:

ssh 231a-xx@beowulf.csc.smith.edu
Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!
It is also possible that the RSA host key has just been changed.
The fingerprint for the RSA key sent by the remote host is
Please contact your system administrator.
Add correct host key in /Users/alex/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this message. 
Offending key in /Users/xxxxx/.ssh/known_hosts:1
RSA host key for beowulf.csc.smith.edu has changed and you have requested strict checking. 
Host key verification failed.

In this case, use the editor of your choice and edit the file ~/.ssh/known_hosts and remove the lines that contains the word beowulf. Be careful, the lines are very long and wrap around to form blocks of 4 or 5 lines on your screen, so deleting one line will require a big block to disappear. Bold text