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See last version of car.py for full documentation.
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Revision as of 10:28, 5 April 2010

--D. Thiebaut 12:51, 5 April 2010 (UTC)


# wheel1.py
# first program using a class to define
# a new graphic object.

from graphics import *
W = 400
H = 400

class Wheel:
    """A class with two concentric circles"""

    def __init__( self, center, r1, r2 ):
        self.circ1 = Circle( center, r1 )
        self.circ2 = Circle( center, r2 )
        r1, r2 = min( r1, r2 ), max( r1, r2 )
        self.radius1 = r1
        self.radius2 = r2
    def draw( self, win ):
        self.circ2.draw( win )
        self.circ1.draw( win )

    def getRadius1( self ):
        return self.radius1

    def getRadius2( self ):
        return self.radius2

def waitForClick( win, message ):
    """ waitForClick: stops the GUI and displays a message.  
    Returns when the user clicks the window. The message is erased."""

    # wait for user to click mouse to start
    startMsg = Text( Point( win.getWidth()/2, win.getHeight()/2 ), message )
    startMsg.draw( win )    # display message
    win.getMouse()          # wait
    startMsg.undraw()       # erase

def main():
    global W, H
    win = GraphWin( "wheel demo", W, H )

    waitForClick( win, "click to start" )
    w = Wheel( Point( W/2, H/2 ), 20, 40 )
    w.draw( win )

    waitForClick( win, "click to end" )



# wheel2.py
# Same program as wheel1.py, but this time we add
# a method to define the color of the wheel.

from graphics import *
W = 400
H = 400

class Wheel:
    """A class with two concentric circles"""

    def __init__( self, center, r1, r2 ):
        self.circ1 = Circle( center, r1 )
        self.circ2 = Circle( center, r2 )
        r1, r2 = min( r1, r2 ), max( r1, r2 )
        self.radius1 = r1
        self.radius2 = r2
    def draw( self, win ):
        self.circ2.draw( win )
        self.circ1.draw( win )

    def setFill( self, color1, color2 ):
        self.circ1.setFill( color1 )
        self.circ2.setFill( color2 )

    def getRadius1( self ):
        return self.radius1

    def getRadius2( self ):
        return self.radius2

def waitForClick( win, message ):
    """ waitForClick: stops the GUI and displays a message.  
    Returns when the user clicks the window. The message is erased."""

    # wait for user to click mouse to start
    startMsg = Text( Point( win.getWidth()/2, win.getHeight()/2 ), message )
    startMsg.draw( win )    # display message
    win.getMouse()          # wait
    startMsg.undraw()       # erase

def main():
    global W, H
    win = GraphWin( "wheel demo", W, H )

    waitForClick( win, "click to start" )
    w = Wheel( Point( W/2, H/2 ), 20, 40 )
    w.draw( win )
    w.setFill( "yellow", "black" )
    waitForClick( win, "click to end" )



# wheel3.py
# A new method is added to wheel2.py so that the
# wheel can now move with a dx, dy speed and
# direction.

from graphics import *
W = 400
H = 400

class Wheel:
    """A class with two concentric circles"""

    def __init__( self, center, r1, r2 ):
        self.circ1 = Circle( center, r1 )
        self.circ2 = Circle( center, r2 )
        r1, r2 = min( r1, r2 ), max( r1, r2 )
        self.radius1 = r1
        self.radius2 = r2
    def draw( self, win ):
        self.circ2.draw( win )
        self.circ1.draw( win )

    def setFill( self, color1, color2 ):
        self.circ1.setFill( color1 )
        self.circ2.setFill( color2 )

    def move( self, dx, dy ):
        self.circ1.move( dx, dy )
        self.circ2.move( dx, dy )

    def getRadius1( self ):
        return self.radius1

    def getRadius2( self ):
        return self.radius2

def waitForClick( win, message ):
    """ waitForClick: stops the GUI and displays a message.  
    Returns when the user clicks the window. The message is erased."""

    # wait for user to click mouse to start
    startMsg = Text( Point( win.getWidth()/2, win.getHeight()/2 ), message )
    startMsg.draw( win )    # display message
    win.getMouse()          # wait
    startMsg.undraw()       # erase

def main():
    global W, H
    win = GraphWin( "wheel demo", W, H )

    waitForClick( win, "click to start" )
    w = Wheel( Point( W/2, H/2 ), 20, 40 )
    w.draw( win )
    w.setFill( "yellow", "black" )
    waitForClick( win, "click to move" )
    for i in range( 300 ):
        w.move( 5, 3 )

    waitForClick( win, "click to end" )



See last version of car.py for full documentation.

# car1.py
# We add a rectangle and two wheels to create a new class for a 
# car!

from graphics import *
W = 400
H = 400

class Wheel:
    """A class with two concentric circles"""

    def __init__( self, center, r1, r2 ):
        self.circ1 = Circle( center, r1 )
        self.circ2 = Circle( center, r2 )
        r1, r2 = min( r1, r2 ), max( r1, r2 )
        self.radius1 = r1
        self.radius2 = r2
    def draw( self, win ):
        self.circ2.draw( win )
        self.circ1.draw( win )

    def setFill( self, color1, color2 ):
        self.circ1.setFill( color1 )
        self.circ2.setFill( color2 )

    def getRadius1( self ):
        return self.radius1

    def getRadius2( self ):
        return self.radius2

class Car:
    def __init__( self, P1, P2 ):
        self.P1 = P1
        self.P2 = P2
        self.width = abs( P1.getX()-P2.getX() )
        self.height= abs( P1.getY()-P2.getY() )
        self.rect    = Rectangle( P1, P2 )
        center1      = Point( P1.getX()+self.width/8, P2.getY() )
        center2      = Point( P1.getX()+self.width*7/8, P2.getY() )
        radius2      = self.height/3
        radius1      = radius2/2
        self.wheel1  = Wheel( center1, radius1, radius2 )
        self.wheel2  = Wheel( center2, radius1, radius2 )

    def draw( self, win ):
        self.rect.draw( win )
        self.wheel1.draw( win )
        self.wheel2.draw( win )

def waitForClick( win, message ):
    """ waitForClick: stops the GUI and displays a message.  
    Returns when the user clicks the window. The message is erased."""

    # wait for user to click mouse to start
    startMsg = Text( Point( win.getWidth()/2, win.getHeight()/2 ), message )
    startMsg.draw( win )    # display message
    win.getMouse()          # wait
    startMsg.undraw()       # erase

def main():
    global W, H
    win = GraphWin( "wheel demo", W, H )

    waitForClick( win, "click to start" )
    car = Car( Point( 100,100 ), Point( 250, 170 ) )

    car.draw( win )
    waitForClick( win, "click to end" )



# car2.py
# Same as car1, but we add a method to define the color of
# the car, including the wheels

from graphics import *
W = 400
H = 400

class Wheel:
    """A class with two concentric circles"""

    def __init__( self, center, r1, r2 ):
        self.circ1 = Circle( center, r1 )
        self.circ2 = Circle( center, r2 )
        r1, r2 = min( r1, r2 ), max( r1, r2 )
        self.radius1 = r1
        self.radius2 = r2
    def draw( self, win ):
        self.circ2.draw( win )
        self.circ1.draw( win )

    def setFill( self, color1, color2 ):
        self.circ1.setFill( color1 )
        self.circ2.setFill( color2 )

    def getRadius1( self ):
        return self.radius1

    def getRadius2( self ):
        return self.radius2

class Car:
    def __init__( self, P1, P2 ):
        self.P1 = P1
        self.P2 = P2
        self.width = abs( P1.getX()-P2.getX() )
        self.height= abs( P1.getY()-P2.getY() )
        self.rect    = Rectangle( P1, P2 )
        center1      = Point( P1.getX()+self.width/8, P2.getY() )
        center2      = Point( P1.getX()+self.width*7/8, P2.getY() )
        radius2      = self.height/3
        radius1      = radius2/2
        self.wheel1  = Wheel( center1, radius1, radius2 )
        self.wheel2  = Wheel( center2, radius1, radius2 )

    def draw( self, win ):
        self.rect.draw( win )
        self.wheel1.draw( win )
        self.wheel2.draw( win )

    def setFill( self, color1, color2, color3 ):
        self.rect.setFill( color1 )
        self.wheel1.setFill( color2, color3 )
        self.wheel2.setFill( color2, color3 )

def waitForClick( win, message ):
    """ waitForClick: stops the GUI and displays a message.  
    Returns when the user clicks the window. The message is erased."""

    # wait for user to click mouse to start
    startMsg = Text( Point( win.getWidth()/2, win.getHeight()/2 ), message )
    startMsg.draw( win )    # display message
    win.getMouse()          # wait
    startMsg.undraw()       # erase

def main():
    global W, H
    win = GraphWin( "wheel demo", W, H )

    waitForClick( win, "click to start" )
    car = Car( Point( 100,100 ), Point( 250, 170 ) )

    car.draw( win )
    car.setFill( "red", "yellow", "black" )
    waitForClick( win, "click to end" )



# car3.py
# Now the car can move!

from graphics import *
W = 400
H = 400

class Wheel:
    """A class with two concentric circles"""

    def __init__( self, center, r1, r2 ):
        self.circ1 = Circle( center, r1 )
        self.circ2 = Circle( center, r2 )
        r1, r2 = min( r1, r2 ), max( r1, r2 )
        self.radius1 = r1
        self.radius2 = r2
    def draw( self, win ):
        self.circ2.draw( win )
        self.circ1.draw( win )

    def setFill( self, color1, color2 ):
        self.circ1.setFill( color1 )
        self.circ2.setFill( color2 )

    def getRadius1( self ):
        return self.radius1

    def getRadius2( self ):
        return self.radius2

    def move( self, dx, dy ):
        self.circ1.move( dx, dy )
        self.circ2.move( dx, dy )

class Car:
    """a class containing a rectangle and 2 wheels"""

    def __init__( self, P1, P2 ):
        """constructs the car.  The top-left and bottom-right points
        defining the body of the car are given."""
        self.P1 = P1
        self.P2 = P2
        self.width = abs( P1.getX()-P2.getX() )
        self.height= abs( P1.getY()-P2.getY() )
        #--- define rectangle---
        self.rect    = Rectangle( P1, P2 )

        #--- and the two wheels ---
        center1      = Point( P1.getX()+self.width/8, P2.getY() )
        center2      = Point( P1.getX()+self.width*7/8, P2.getY() )
        radius2      = self.height/3
        radius1      = radius2/2
        self.wheel1  = Wheel( center1, radius1, radius2 )
        self.wheel2  = Wheel( center2, radius1, radius2 )

    def draw( self, win ):
        """draw rectangle and 2 wheels on window"""
        self.rect.draw( win )
        self.wheel1.draw( win )
        self.wheel2.draw( win )

    def setFill( self, color1, color2, color3 ):
        """defines the color of the car.  First is body, then inside wheel, then tire color"""
        self.rect.setFill( color1 )
        self.wheel1.setFill( color2, color3 )
        self.wheel2.setFill( color2, color3 )

    def move( self, dx, dy ):
        """defines direction of movement for all 3 elements of car"""
        self.rect.move( dx, dy )
        self.wheel1.move( dx, dy )
        self.wheel2.move( dx, dy )

def waitForClick( win, message ):
    """ waitForClick: stops the GUI and displays a message.  
    Returns when the user clicks the window. The message is erased."""

    # wait for user to click mouse to start
    startMsg = Text( Point( win.getWidth()/2, win.getHeight()/2 ), message )
    startMsg.draw( win )    # display message
    win.getMouse()          # wait
    startMsg.undraw()       # erase

def main():
    global W, H
    win = GraphWin( "wheel demo", W, H )

    waitForClick( win, "click to start" )
    car = Car( Point( 100,100 ), Point( 250, 170 ) )

    car.draw( win )
    car.setFill( "red", "yellow", "black" )

    for i in range( 100 ):
        car.move( 2, 0 )

    waitForClick( win, "click to end" )
