CSC270 Exercises on FSM

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--D. Thiebaut 15:24, 28 February 2011 (EST)

Exercise #1

  • Implement a sequencer (FSM) which activates 3 Lights: a green light, a yellow light, and a red light. The behavior of the FSM is the following:
    • the green light stays on for 30 seconds, then
    • the yellow light comes on and stays on for 30 seconds, then
    • the red light comes on and stays on for 30 seconds, then we repeat the pattern.
    • There is only one light on at a given time.
  • What is the frequency of your clock signal?

         +---------+  	      	       +--------
         |         |		       |
  G -----+         +-------------------+
                   |         |
  Y ---------------+         +-----------------
                             |         |
  R -------------------------+         +-------

Exercise #2

  • Same as Exercise 1, but this time the behavior is the following
    • the green light comes on after the red light and stays on for 30 seconds,
    • the yellow light comes on and stays on for the next for 15 seconds,
    • the red light comes on after the yellow light for 30 seconds.
  • What is the frequency of your clock signal?


Exercise #3

  • Create a "true" frequency divider that divides by 4.

Exercise #4

  • What is the state diagram of the 3-flip-flop circuit with the following equations:
     D0 = Q0'
     D1 = Q0 XOR Q1
     D2 = Q1 XOR Q2

Exercise #5

  • Same question, but solve it with Python.
