CSC352 Project Introduction in Latex
--D. Thiebaut (talk) 11:45, 9 November 2013 (EST)
CSC352 Preparation for Final Project Paper
Instead of a newsletter, you should submit the printed version of a Latex-formated introduction to your final project. This introduction should give the reader some background information about the class project, and its context.
Below is a list of suggestions for what your introduction might touch on. Feel free to deviate from this. You do not need to have a paragraph presenting the remainder of your paper, but remember that the introduction in your final paper will!
- Wikipedia. Pages containing images. Exists in several languages. Some people have already attempted to create collages of images (research Holloway, Todd, Miran Božičević, and Katy Börner as well as Herr II, Bruce W., Todd Holloway, Elisha F. Hardy, Kevin W. Boyack, and Katy Börner)
- Some researchers have done work on the metadata of wikipedia, i.e. not just its contents, but how such contents evolves or the relations that exist between pages or authors. (research for example IBM's tracking of the evolution of the "Evolution" page in wikipedia. Their diagram of the time variation of the page has been shown in museums, such as MoMA)
- Collages and packing images have had a long tradition in the arts. Give some examples.
- Packing geometric shapes is a well known computer problem with many variants. You can use my paper for a source of references.
You will need to create a bibtex file and collect your references in it.