CSC111 Lab 10 Addendum 2014

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--D. Thiebaut (talk) 09:29, 8 April 2014 (EDT)

This code is part of the CSC111 Lab 10 pages.

# D. Thiebaut
# This program contains a class PlanetList that holds a collection of planets along
# with their sizes.
# To create an object of this type, simply use the default constructor, as follows:
#        planets = PlanetList()
# The methods supported are:
# toString(): returns a string containing all the planets
# addNewPlanetFromInput(): no arguments needed.  The method prompts the user for
#                 a planet name and diameter (in km).
# getNoOfPlanets(): returns the number of planets
# isEmpty(): returns True if the list is empty, False otherwise
# getSmallest(): returns the name of the planet with the smallest diameter
# getLargest(): returns the  name of the planet with the largest diameter
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

class PlanetList:
    def __init__( self ):
        self._list = [("Earth", 12756 ),
                      ("Venus", 12104 ),
                      ("Mercury", 4880 ),
                      ("Moon", 3476 ) ]
    def toString( self ):
        justNames = [ name for name,diameter in self._list ]
        return ", ".join( justNames )

    def addNewPlanetFromInput( self ):
        name = input( "What is the name of the new planet? " )
        name = name.strip().capitalize()
        justNames = [ name for name,diameter in self._list ]
        if name in justNames:
            print( "This planet is alread in the list!" )
        diameter = int( input( "What is the diameter of this planet? " ) )
        self._list.append( (name, diameter) )

    def getNoOfPlanets( self ):
        return len( self._list )

    def isEmpty( self ):
        return len( self._list )==0
    def getSmallest( self ):
        if self.getNoOfPlanets() == 0:
            return None
        listOrderedBySize = [ (diam, name) for name, diam in self._list ]
        # return the name (2nd argument) of the first in list
        return listOrderedBySize[0][1]

    def getLargest( self ):
        if self.getNoOfPlanets() == 0:
            return None
        listOrderedBySize = [ (diam, name) for name, diam in self._list ]
        # return the name (2nd argument) of the first in list
        return listOrderedBySize[0][1]