CSC111 Exercise with Class Inheritance
--D. Thiebaut (talk) 10:43, 18 April 2014 (EDT)
- Transform the program below so that we can keep track of 2 kinds of people, person objects with just a name, age, gpa and major, and person objects with a name, an age, a gpa, a major and a country of origin.
# D. Thiebaut
# Collection of People (mirror of Program
# A preparation program for Object Oriented programming.
# This program USES OBJECTS. It creates a list
# of people composed of a name, an age, a gpa, and a major.
# It displays the partial list of the people, add a new person,
# modifies one record, and displays the new partial list.
import sys
text = """
Alex, 20, 3.6, ART
Lulu, 21, 3.5, BIO
Alka, 19, 3.0, ENG
Le, 21, 3.2, EGR
# ================================================================
# ____
#| _ \ ___ _ __ ___ ___ _ __
#| |_) / _ \ '__/ __|/ _ \| '_ \
#| __/ __/ | \__ \ (_) | | | |
#|_| \___|_| |___/\___/|_| |_|
class Person:
# a class containing 4 fields:
# - name of the person (string)
# - age (integer)
# - gpa (float)
# - major (string, uppercase)
# constructor: intializes a person with all fields
def __init__(self, n, a, g, m):
self._name = n
self._age = a
self._gpa = g
self._major= m
# returns a string with the name and age.
def __str__( self ):
return "%10s %d (%1.2f)--%s" % (
self._name, self._age, self._gpa, self._major )
# returns the name
def getName( self ):
return self._name
# set the age to a new value x
def setAge( self, x ):
self._age = x
# returns the age of the person
def getAge( self ):
return self._age
# gets the GPA
def getGPA( self ):
return self._gpa
# sets the GPA
def setGPA( self, g ):
self._gpa = g
... some code here...
def main():
p = Person( "Alex", 30, 3.99, "ARS" )
print( p )
p2 = PersonWorld( "Alka", 35, 3.75, "CSC", "India" )
print( p2 )
print( p2.getName(),"had a gpa of", p2.getGPA() )