CSC111 Python Programs Fall 2015
--D. Thiebaut (talk) 10:34, 18 September 2015 (EDT)
Wed., 9/16/15
# D. Thiebaut
# displays a schedule for the five days of the week
length = eval( input( "Length of bar? " ) )
print( "-" * length )
for day in [ "Mo:", "Tu:", "We:", "Th:", "Fr:" ]:
print( day )
#print( " :" * 2)
print( " :" )
print( "-" * length )
Friday, 9/18/15
# D. Thiebaut
# prompts user for information and
# grade.
# display user's grade in graph, along with
# class average (constant)
# constant information
classAvg = 80
# user input. Get info from user
fName = "Al"
lName = "K"
Id = "990123456"
final = 90
#--- Format information and display ---
# create the bar
bar = "+" + 48*"-" + "+"
lenBar = len( bar )
# compute the number of dashes
noSpaces = lenBar - len( fName ) -len(lName )-len(Id) - 6
spaces = " " * noSpaces
# create the scale
scale = " 00...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100"
# display the information
print( bar )
print( "|" + fName, lName, spaces, Id, "|" )
print( bar )
print( scale )
# the length of the bar for the bar-graph, in number of characters
# is 1/2 the actual grade. So divide the grade by half to get the
# number of chars. We use // to get the integer part of the result
print( "grade:", (final//2) * "#" )
print( "class:", (classAvg//2) * "#" )
Monday, 9/21/15
Version 1 of Teller Machine program
# D. Thiebaut
# A program that simulates a teller machine, where user enters an amount of
# dollars, and program figures out the number of bills to return.
# get the amount
amount = eval( input( "Please enter amount: " ) )
amount = int( amount )
# break down into bills
no20s = amount // 20 # how many 20s go into amount
amount = amount % 20 # what is left over after giving out 20s go back into amount
no10s = amount // 10
amount = amount % 10
no5s = amount //5
no1s = amount % 5
# display the results
print( "Amount withdrawn = ", amount )
print( "Please lift your keyboard and find: " )
print( no20s, "$20-bill(s)" )
print( no10s, "$10-bill(s)" )
print( no5s, "$5-bill(s)" )
print( no1s, "$1-bill(s)" )
Version 2, submitted by Shirui Cheng, who figured out that it was a perfect opportunity to use a loop!
# Teller machine simulator
# Shirui Cheng
# get the input
amount = eval(input ("How much money do you want to withdraw? "))
# break down in $20-, $10-, $5-, and $1-bills
# and print the result at every step
for bill in (20, 10, 5, 1):
no = amount // bill
amount = amount % bill
print (no, "$", bill, "bill(s)")
Wednesday, 9/23/15
# D. Thiebaut
# Example of how one would go about computing
# the average value of a list of numbers.
def main():
# initialize variables
sum = 0
count = 0
# loop through a list of ages and compute the total sum
# of the ages, and the number of values in the list.
for age in [20, 19, 21, 20, 21, 29, 17]:
sum = sum + age
count = count + 1
# compute the average, displays quantities of interest
print( "-" * 30 )
print( "average = ", sum/count )
Accumulating Strings
# D. Thiebaut
# print a string of 5 alternating patterns.
def main():
# define 2 different patterns
pat1 = "**"
pat2 = "++"
# create an empty string
result = ""
# loop 5 times (we want a string of 5 alternating patterns)
for i in range( 5 ):
# add a new pattern to the string
result = result + pat1
# switch the patterns around
pat1, pat2 = pat2, pat1
# done with the loop! Print string of patterns
print( result )
Friday, 9/25/15
# D. Thiebaut
# Example of how one would go about debugging a simple
# program and reveal how the loop works.
def main():
# initialize variables
sum = 0
count = 0
print( "sum = {0:1} count = {1:1}".format( sum, count ) )
# loop through a list of ages and compute the total sum
# of the ages, and the number of values in the list.
for age in [20, 19, 21, 20, 21, 29, 17]:
sum = sum + age
count = count + 1
print( "age = {0:5} sum = {1:5} count = {2:5}".format( age, sum, count ) )
# compute the average, displays quantities of interest
print( "-" * 30 )
print( "sum = ", sum )
print( "count = ", count )
print( "average = ", sum/count )
Wed., 9/30/15
# exercises 9/30/15 def main(): # Exercise #1 fName = "SOPHIA" lName = "smith" fullName = fName + " " + lName print( fullName.title().center( 60 ) ) print( "\n", "-"*60, "\n\n", sep="" ) # Exercise #2 # Define the string with multiple lines book = """Ulysses James Joyce Stately, plump Buck Mulligan came from the stairhead, bearing a bowl of lather on which a mirror and a razor lay crossed. """ # split the book into a list of lines lines = book.splitlines() # assign different lines to variables bookTitle = lines[0] author = lines[1] sentence = lines[2] + lines[3] + lines[4] # this next statement is too sophisticated for now #sentence = " ".join( lines[2: ] ) # display the result print( bookTitle.upper().center( 60 ) ) print( author.title().center( 60 ) ) print( ) print( sentence ) main()
Fri., 10/2/15
# Using split()
# -------------------------
poem = """Chocolate
Chocolate is the first luxury.
It has so many things wrapped up in it:
Deliciousness in the moment,
childhood memories,
and that grin-inducing
feeling of getting a reward for being good.
--Mariska Hargitay"""
# display each line centered in 60 spaces.
# first line all uppercase.
# last line right justified in 60 spaces.
lines = poem.split( "\n" )
#print( lines )
# (remove the triple double-quotes to energize the code section)
print( lines[0].upper().center(60) )
for line in lines[1: ]:
print( 60 ) )
lines[0] = lines[0].upper()
for line in lines[0:3]+lines[4:]:
print( )
# -------------------------
# Another Example
# -------------------------
def printBar():
print( 60 * '-' )
def sayHello():
print( )
print( "Hello, and welcome!" )
print( )
def main():
for i in range( 10 ):
# ------------------------------------------
# Sing Happy Birthday to some Minions
# ------------------------------------------
def singHappyBirthday( minion ):
print( "Happy birthday to you\n" * 2, end="" )
print( "Happy birthday, dear", minion )
print( "Happy birthday to you" )
def main():
#singHappyBirthday( "Dave" )
#singHappyBirthday( "Stuart" )
minions = "Dave, Stuart, Jerry, Jorge, Tim, Mark, Phil, Kevin, Jon"
minions = minions.split( ", " )
#print( minions )
for minion in minions:
singHappyBirthday( minion.strip() )