CSC270 Hw 10 2016
--D. Thiebaut (talk) 12:00, 14 April 2016 (EDT)
You can work on this homework in pairs. You need to provide a text file containing the C program that solves the problem below. The deadline is 4/21/16 at 11:55 p.m.
Problem 1
Given the following skeleton program:
/* hw10.c
your name here
this program prompts the user for a string
and displays it back.
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
char s[100];
//--- get a string of chars ---
printf( "Enter a list of email addresses, separated by spaces: " );
gets( s );
//--- display it back ---
printf( "You have entered: %s\n\n", s );
return 0;
- write a program that will have the following features:
- it will read a string from the user (as shown above),
- the string will contain email addresses separated by spaces (one or more spaces between each address)
- it will print the name of each person, without the text following the @-sign, and
- it will skip the first character of each name. For example if the email is, it will print only thiebaut.
Example of User Interaction
Enter a list of email addresses: doc grumpy happy sleepy bashful sneezy dopey
- The string entered by the user will never be longer than 100 characters.
- The string entered by the user will contain at least 1 address, and potentially several.
- All email addresses contain one @-sign
Submit your program on Moodle, as a text file, in the HW 10 section.