CSC111 Homework 10 2018

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D. Thiebaut (talk) 20:49, 15 April 2018 (EDT)


<showafterdate after="20180501 12:00" before="20180601 00:00">

Solution Programs

Problem 1

# D. Thiebaut
# This program prompts the user for a file name that contains data about
# weather conditions recording a given month in a British city.   The source
# of the data is taken from
# This program outputs several quantities, including the years and months when 
# the coldest temperature was recorded, the year the warmest temperature was recorded,
# the 5 sunniest months and years.

def getData():
    #return open( "armagh.txt", "r" ).read()

    fileName = input( "> " )
    while True:
            text = open( fileName, "r" ).read()
            return text
            print( "Invalid file name.  Reenter" )
        fileName = input( "> " )

def main():
    text = getData()
    lines = text.split( "\n" )

    # create a list of just year, month, minT, maxT, rain, and sun
    list = []
    for line in lines:
        line = line.strip()
        if len( line ) == 0:

        # skip line that do not start with a year
        if not line[0] in ['1', '2']:

        # remove stars and "Provisional" and split
        fields = line.replace( '*', '' ).replace( 'Provisional', '' ).split( )

        # split line into variables
        if len( fields ) == 7:
            year, month, maxT, minT, af, rain, sun = fields

        # create tuple and record it in list
        tuple = ( year, month, maxT, minT, rain, sun )
        list.append( tuple )

    # Find coldest months and years on record
    # create a new list, putting min temperature first
    listMinTemp = []
    for year, month, maxT, minT, rain, sun in list:
        if minT=="---":
        listMinTemp.append( ( float(minT), year, month ) )

    # sort from coldest to warmest min temp

    # find coldest temperature
    coldest = listMinTemp[0][0]

    # find all months and years with that coldest temperature
    print( "1, ", coldest, end="", sep="" )
    for minT, year, month in listMinTemp:
        if minT == coldest:
            print( ", ", year, ", ",  month,  end="", sep="" )

    # Find warmest months and years on record
    # create a new list, putting min temperature first
    listMaxTemp = []
    for year, month, maxT, minT, rain, sun in list:
        if maxT=="---":
        listMaxTemp.append( ( float(maxT), year, month ) )

    # sort from coldest to warmest min temp

    # find coldest temperature
    warmest = listMaxTemp[0][0]

    # find all months and years with that coldest temperature
    print( "2, ", warmest, end="", sep="" )
    for maxT, year, month in listMaxTemp:
        if maxT == warmest:
            print( ", ", year, ", ",  month, end="", sep="" )

    # Find the 5 sunniest months, listed in order of sun exposure
    # create a new list, putting min temperature first
    sunniestMonthsYears = []
    for year, month, maxT, minT, rain, sun in list:
        if sun=="---":
        sun = float( sun )
        sunniestMonthsYears.append( (sun, year, month) )

    # sort from coldest to warmest min temp

    # find all months and years with that coldest temperature
    print( "3", end="" )
    for i in range( min( 5, len( sunniestMonthsYears) ) ):
        sun, year, month = sunniestMonthsYears[i]
        print( ", {0:1.1f}, {1:1}, {2:1}".format( sun, year, month), end="", sep="" )

if __name__=="__main__":
