CSC111 Homework 1 Solution

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Source Code

# Kristina Fedorenko 
# 111c-aq
# This program computes taxes for 2009
# based on user's salary and deductions. This information is
# entered by the user.
# To calculate the federal taxes the program 
# uses the following formula: (salary - deductions) x 28%
# The state taxes are computed using this formula:
# (salary - deductions - 1000) x 5%

def main ():
    # *^*^*^*^*^ask user to provide all the information needed*^*^*^*^*^
    print 'Welcome!'
    print 'This program will compute your taxes for 2009.'
    print 'You will be asked to enter some information. Please do NOT include'
    print '$ symbols or commas in your answers.'
    first      = raw_input('Please enter your first name: ')
    last       = raw_input('Please enter your last name: ')
    salary     = input('Please enter your salary for 2009: ')
    deductions = input('Please enter your deductions: ')

    # *^*^*^*^*^calculate federal and state taxes*^*^*^*^*^
    federal = (salary - deductions)*0.28
    state   = (salary - deductions -1000 )*0.05
    total   =  state + federal

    # *^*^*^*^*^show results to user*^*^*^*^*^
    print 'Dear', first, last+':'
    print 'Your federal taxes for 2009 are:','$', federal
    print 'Your state taxes for 2009 are: ','$', state
    print 'You will have to pay a total of', '$', total, 'in taxes.'
    print 'Thanks for using this program!'

main ()


This program will compute your taxes for 2009.
You will be asked to enter some information. Please do NOT include
$ symbols or commas in your answers.
Please enter your first name: Sophia
Please enter your last name: Smith
Please enter your salary for 2009: 100000 
Please enter your deductions: 1000
Dear Sophia Smith:
Your federal taxes for 2009 are: $ 27720.0
Your state taxes for 2009 are:  $ 4900.0
You will have to pay a total of $ 32620.0 in taxes.
Thanks for using this program!