Sequence logo.pde

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// DNA_logo
// D. Thiebaut
// This program creates a DNA-sequence logo
// It uses 4 images for the 4 symbols A, C, G, and T, a.png, c.png, g.png
// and t.png.  The images have black background and are captured from the
// display generated by the function generateACGTbitmaps()
// The program reads several sequences of identical length that reprensent
// potential binding regions between two strands, and calculates
// the frequency of each symbol appearing in each position of the consensus
// sequence, along with the information present in each symbol of the consensus
// string.  The maximum value is 2 bits.
// This program assumes that each symbol is equally likely to appear in each
// position of the sequence.
// The symbols are shown with their height proportional to their frequency and
// the amount of information in each position.

int WIDTH        = 800;              // width of the window in pixels
int MIDWIDTH     = WIDTH/2;          // half that
int HEIGHT       = 600;              // height, in pixels.
int BORDER       = 40;               // border around the window where nothing
                                     // is displayed
int TITLELINE    = 20;               // y position of title line from top
int ALINE        = HEIGHT/2;         // y position of line where logo appears
PFont font;                          // the font used to display the symbols

int NOSEQS = 8;                      // number of sequences

float Afreq[];                       // frequency of A symbols in sequences
float Cfreq[];                       //              C
float Gfreq[];                       //              G
float Tfreq[];                       //              T

float information[];                 // amount of information at each location
                                     // of the consensus sequence

String seq[] = new String[NOSEQS];   // array of sequences

// INITWINDOW: Draw the fixed text in the window
void initWindow( String title ) {
  font = loadFont( "GillSans-60.vlw" ); // 60 points... very large!
  textFont( font );
  color myColor = color( 99, 66, 204 ); // font color
  fill( myColor );                      
  textSize( 24 );                       // shrink for title
  text( title, BORDER, TITLELINE );     // show title

// SETUP: called once when app starts.  
void setup() {
  size( WIDTH, HEIGHT );
  background( 0, 0, 0 );                // black background
  initWindow( "Sequence Logo" );
  //---  initialize all 8 sequences ---
  seq[0] = "CCCATTGTTCTC";
  seq[1] = "TTTCTGGTTCTC";
  seq[2] = "TCAATTGTTTAG";
  seq[3] = "CTCATTGTTGTC";
  seq[4] = "TCCATTGTTCTC";
  seq[5] = "CCTATTGTTCTC";
  seq[6] = "TCCATTGTTCGT";
  seq[7] = "CCAATTGTTTTG";

  //--- generate arrays of frequencies and information ---
  int noSymbols = seq[0].length( );
  Afreq  = new float[ noSymbols ];
  Cfreq  = new float[ noSymbols ];
  Gfreq  = new float[ noSymbols ];
  Tfreq  = new float[ noSymbols ];
  information = new float[ noSymbols ];  
  //--- compute information at each position of sequence ---
  //--- display the logo ---

// GENERATEACGTBITMAPS: use only when new png files needed
void generateACGTbitmaps() {
  textSize( 60 );
  fill( 255, 204, 0 );
  text( "ACGT", BORDER, BORDER+60 );
  fill( 132, 99, 0 );
  text( "ACGT", BORDER, BORDER+60*2 );
  fill( 99, 132, 204 );
  text( "ACGT", BORDER, BORDER+60*3 );
  fill( 99, 204,  33 );
  text( "ACGT", BORDER, BORDER+60*4 );

// xlog2x: returns x * log( x )/log( 2 ) which would return NaN if 
//         not testing for 0 condition...
float xlog2x( float x ) {
  if ( x==0 ) return 0;       // because 0 * log( 0 ) is 0
  return x * log(x)/log(2);

// fubdFreqsAndInformation: given the sequences, computes the frequency
// with which each symbol appears in each position, along with the
// information present in each symbol being the right one for that
// position.
void findFreqsAndInformation() {
  //--- count how many times each  ---
  int noSymbols = seq[0].length( );
  int Acount[] = new int[noSymbols ];
  int Ccount[] = new int[noSymbols ];
  int Gcount[] = new int[noSymbols ];
  int Tcount[] = new int[noSymbols ];
  //--- compute counts of A, C, G, and T in sequences ---
  for ( int i=0; i<seq[0].length(); i++ ) {
     Acount[i] = 0;
     Ccount[i] = 0;
     Gcount[i] = 0;
     Tcount[i] = 0;
     for ( int j=0; j<NOSEQS; j++ ) {
        if ( seq[j].charAt(i)=='A' ) Acount[i] += 1;
        if ( seq[j].charAt(i)=='C' ) Ccount[i] += 1;
        if ( seq[j].charAt(i)=='G' ) Gcount[i] += 1;
        if ( seq[j].charAt(i)=='T' ) Tcount[i] += 1;
  //--- compute information in each place ---
  for ( int i=0; i<seq[0].length(); i++ ) {
     Afreq[i] = Acount[i]*1.0/ NOSEQS;
     Cfreq[i] = Ccount[i]*1.0/ NOSEQS;
     Gfreq[i] = Gcount[i]*1.0/ NOSEQS;
     Tfreq[i] = Tcount[i]*1.0/ NOSEQS;
     information[i] = 2.0 + xlog2x(Afreq[i])
               +xlog2x( Cfreq[i] ) + xlog2x( Gfreq[i] )
               + xlog2x( Tfreq[i] );
     //println( "information["+i+"] = "+information[i] );

// displayLogo: displays the logo in the window, at y = ALINE.
//              Goes through all the possible symbol location and
//              stack up the 4 images for the A, C, G, and T symbols
//              where the height of the image is scaled by the information
//              present in the consensus sequence, and by the frequency
//              of each symbol.  Maximum height is 2 bits.
void displayLogo() {
  PImage a, c, g, t;            // the 4 images of the 4 symbols
  a = loadImage( "a.png" );     // load them from file into variables
  c = loadImage( "c.png" );
  g = loadImage( "g.png" );
  t = loadImage( "t.png" );
  //--- compute geometrical information ---
  int noSymbols = seq[0].length();
  float charWidth = (WIDTH-BORDER*2)/noSymbols;
  char symbols[] = { 'A', 'C', 'G', 'T' };
  //--- for each symbol position...
  for ( int i=0; i< noSymbols; i++ ) {
    float charBase = ALINE;
    //--- for each possible symbol ...
    for ( int j=0; j<4; j++ ) {
        char sym = symbols[j];
        PImage img;
        float freq;
        img = a; freq = Afreq[i];
        if ( sym=='G' ) { img = g; freq = Gfreq[i]; }
        if ( sym=='C' ) { img = c; freq = Cfreq[i]; }
        if ( sym=='T' ) { img = t; freq = Tfreq[i]; }
        float charHeight = 50 * information[i] * freq;   
        image( img, BORDER + i*charWidth, charBase-charHeight, charWidth, charHeight );
        //--- change the y location for the base of the next image for stacking effect==>
        charBase = charBase - charHeight;