CSC231 Homework 6 2010
- Figure out how to implement the "graphic" algorithm shown above:
- The original sound is Sound 1 ("goodbye" )
- you copy it once in a new buffer, in the same relative location
- you copy it a second time, decreasing its amplitude and adding it to the new buffer, with an offset of about 1500.
- you copy it a third time, decreasing its amplitude some more, and adding it to the new buffer, with an offset of about 3000.
- you copy the new buffer back into the wav buffer, figure out its new length, and write the file back to disk under the name goodbye2.wav.
- you listen to it and observe that there is now an echo! :-)
- You should make sure that your program will work with sound files up to 100 KBytes in length.
- You can be assured that the sound files will always contain unsigned 8-bit samples.
Store your program in a file called hw6.asm and submit it as follows:
submit hw6 hw6.asm