CSC111 Homework 12 Solutions
Problem #1
Solution provided by Andrea.
# Andrea Spain 111c-aw
# This program gets the html from the Smith College dining website
# for today. It asks the user to input what they want to eat.
# It then splits the html into house menu sections to be searched
# for these items. The search returns the full name of the wanted
# food and outputs it next to the house that is offering it.
import urllib2
import sys
import time
import datetime
#--- constants used by program ---#
baseurl = ""
#--- returns the date from the computer, formatting it ---#
def getDate():
#--- creates dictionary to pair number returned with month name ---#
months = { "01":"January", "02":"February", "03":"March", "04":"April",
"05":"May", "06":"June", "07":"July", "08":"August",
"09":"September", "10":"October", "11":"November",
"12":"December" }
#--- finds today's date ---#
today =
today = str(today)
#--- splits the date from the form "####-##-##" ---#
splitToday = today.split("-")
#--- gets year, month, and day ---#
year = splitToday[0]
monthNum = splitToday[1]
#--- uses the dictionary to turn month number into name ---#
month = months[ monthNum ]
day = splitToday[2]
return month, day, year
#--- returns the html source of the dining web page for that day ---#
def getPageInfo(month, day, year):
#--- creates url out of base and date info ---#
url = baseurl + year[2:] + month.lower()[:3] + day + ".php"
f = urllib2.urlopen( url )
#--- gets html text ---#
htmlText =
return htmlText
#--- breaks the html text into sections corresponding to the houses ---#
def breakIntoHouses(html):
#--- splits into houses, but with irrelevant text at index 0 ---#
almostHouses = html.split('bgcolor="#FFCC66" class="TemplaceCDEBodyCopy"><strong>')
#--- gets rid of extra text ---#
houses = almostHouses[1:]
houseAndName = []
#--- splits the text again to get the house name ---#
for house in houses:
togetName = house.split("</strong>")
name = togetName[0]
#--- special case for Kosher because returns large white space ---#
if name.find("Kosher") != -1:
#--- remove white space and adds back spaces around "-" ---#
czkosher = name.split()
name = czkosher[0] + " " + czkosher[1] + " " + czkosher[2]
#--- appends the name and menu info to a list as a pair ---#
houseAndName.append( [name, house] )
return houseAndName
#--- searches the menus for the user's input ---#
def searchMenus(dishes, houses):
foundDishes = []
#--- splits user's input into a list of dishes ---#
dishList = dishes.split()
#--- try to find every dish ---#
for dish in dishList:
for name, menu in houses:
menu = menu.lower() # make lower-case
#--- finds the dish in the menu ---#
position = menu.find(dish)
#--- if dish found append to list of found dishes ---#
if position != -1:
#--- gets the full name of the dish from the menu ---#
#--- slices menu starting 50 before position of dish ---#
lookForStart = menu[position-50:]
#--- specifies start as last > before dish ---#
start = lookForStart.find(">") + 1
#--- slices menu further, starting at start of dish name ---#
lookForEnd = lookForStart[start:]
#--- specifies end as the <br> after dish name ---#
end = lookForEnd.find("<br>") + start
#--- takes slice to get the full dish name ---#
fullDish = lookForStart[start:end]
fullDishName = fullDish.strip() # strips of space at end
#--- if the dish ends in a comma, remove it! ---#
if fullDishName[-1] == ",":
fullDishName2 = fullDishName[:-1]
#--- else keep name the same ---#
fullDishName2 = fullDishName
except IndexError:
fullDishName2 = fullDishName
#--- keeps house name with the dish ---#
foundDishes.append([name, fullDishName2])
return foundDishes
#--- prints the output (houses: dish1, dish2, etc.) ---#
def main():
#--- welcomes user, calling function to get date ---#
print "Welcome to the Smith Menu Selection program."
month, day, year = getDate()
print "Today is", month, day + ",", year
#--- asks for dishes to search for ---#
dishes = raw_input("What are your favorite dishes? ")
#--- ask for no commas in input ---#
while dishes.find(",") != -1:
dishes = raw_input("Please input without commas. ")
dishes = dishes.lower() # lower-case the input
#--- gets html text from dining website ---#
html = getPageInfo(month, day, year)
#--- breaks html into house sections ---#
houses = breakIntoHouses(html)
#--- searches the menus for the dishes ---#
foundDishes = searchMenus(dishes, houses)
#--- sorts so that same house is next to itself ---#
sortedDishes = foundDishes[:]
#--- OUTPUT ---#
print "Your favorite dishes are offered today in:"
#--- if no matches, tell user ---#
if sortedDishes == []:
print "Sorry, nowhere!"
keptDishes = []
for i in range(len(sortedDishes)):
house, dish = sortedDishes[i]
#--- so that doesn't check for a dish that isn't there ---#
if i + 1 < len(sortedDishes):
#--- if next house is the same as this house ---#
if house == sortedDishes[i+1][0]:
#--- append to list of dishes for that house ---#
#--- if there is more than one dish for this house... ---#
if keptDishes != []:
print house + ":", dish + ",",
#--- print kept dishes as well ---#
for i in range(len(keptDishes)):
if i != len(keptDishes) -1:
print keptDishes[i] + ",",
print keptDishes[i]
#--- else just print the one dish with its house ---#
print house + ":", dish
keptDishes = [] # re-empty list
Problem #2
Solution provided by Weici
#Weici Hu
#This program generates random poem,
#under two themes,city and sea.
#Themes will be selected random by
#the program.
#Total ten lines will be generated.
#Lists of words and pattern are copied
#from website given below:
#A few assumptions are made:
#--1. only 9 word lists for each theme
#--2. an alphabet + punctuaion mark will
#-- not exist in pattern (that'll be
#-- grammatically wrong in English)
#--3. 's' is the only letter that can be
#-- together with a number.
#-- No past tense will be considered.
from random import *
#---create lists for SEA, CITY, Pattern
SEA = [#List1--Concrete nouns
'MOON', 'SUN'],
#List2--Abstract Nouns
#List3--Transitive verbs
#List4--Intrasitive verbs
['O', 'OH', 'OOH', 'AH','LORD','GOD','WOW','GOLLY GOSH']]
CITY = [
#List1--Concrete nouns
#List2--Abstract Nouns
#List3--Transitive verbs
#List4--Intrasitive verbs
Pattern = ['THE 5 1 6 3S THE 1.',\
'5, 5 1S 6 3 A 5, 5 1.',\
'2 IS A 5 1.',\
'9, 2!',\
'1S 4!',\
'THE 1 4S LIKE A 5 1.',\
'1S 4 LIKE 5 1S.',\
'WHY DOES THE 1 4?',\
'6 LIKE A 5 1.',\
'2, 2, AND 2.',\
'WHERE IS THE 5 1?',\
'ALL 1S 3 5, 5 1S.',\
'NEVER 3 A 1.']
#---create dictionary for word lists
#---so each list of word corresponds to
#---a number.
def createDict(List):
Dict = {}
listCounter = 1
for List in List:
Dict[listCounter] = List
listCounter += 1
return Dict
#---create poem based on the theme and
#---pattern given.
def createPoem(dic,pattern):
#pick a pattern ramdonly and get its component
compo = pattern[randrange(len(pattern))].split()
numList = ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9']
punList = [',', '.', '?', '!']
poem = []
for item in compo:
if item in numList:
# item is a number
n = int(item)
elif item[-1] in punList:
if len(item)==2:
# item is a number + punctuation mark
n = int(item[0])
word = dic[n][randrange(len(dic[n]))]
pun = item[-1]
elif item[0] in numList:
# item is a number + "s" + punc
n = int(item[0])
word = dic[n][randrange(len(dic[n]))]
pun = item[-1]
# item is a word + punc
pun = item[-1]
poem.append(item[ :-1]+pun)
elif item[0] in numList:
# item is a number + 's'
n = int(item[0])
word = dic[n][randrange(len(dic[n]))]
# item is a given word
#---print out the line
print " ".join(poem)
def main():
global SEA, CITY, Pattern
#---generate dictionary for SEA
seaDict = createDict(SEA)
#---generate dictionary for CITY
cityDict = createDict(CITY)
#---combine 2 into 1 dictionary
bigDict = [seaDict, cityDict]
#---generate 10 lines of poem
for i in range(10):
# generate a theme randomly
dic = bigDict[randrange(2)]
createPoem(dic, Pattern)