CSC111 Homework 2 Solutions 2011
--D. Thiebaut 13:36, 3 October 2011 (EDT)
Solution Programs
# 111a-bm Ashleigh King
# 111a-an Sam Scharr (working in pair programming)
# This program prompts the user for a number and displays
# a number of lines corresponding to that number.
# Example of user interaction:
# How many lines do you want printed? 3
# *
# *... **
# **...... -***
def main():
lines = input( "How many lines do you want printed? " )
lines = eval( lines )
for x in range( 0, lines ):
print( "*" * (x) + "." * (x * 3) + " " + "-" * (x-1) + "*" * (x + 1) )
or this version, also good:
# 111a-au Gemma Natori
# Edited by D. Thiebaut
# This program prompts the user for a number and displays
# a number of lines corresponding to that number.
# Example of user interaction:
# How many lines do you want printed? 3
# *
# *... **
# **...... -***
def main():
noLines = eval (input ("How many lines do you want printed? "))
for x in range ( noLines ):
stars = x
dots = x * 3
stars2 = x + 1
dashes = x - 1
print (stars * "*" + dots * "." + " " + dashes * "-" + stars2 * "*")
# 111ai JeeHee Oh
# this program prompts the user for a number and displays
# a number of lines corresponding to that number.
# Example of user interaction:
# Enter a positive number less than 20: 2
# *
# ***
# *
def main():
num = eval( input ("Enter a positive number less than 20: "))
for i in range (num):
noSpaces = num - i
noStars = 2 * i + 1
print( noSpaces * ' ' + noStars * '*' )
for a in range (num - 1, 0, -1):
noSpaces = num - a + 1
noStars = 2 * a - 1
print( noSpaces * ' ' + noStars * '*' )
This version is a bit more concise, but works well, too:
#Ariana DasGupta 111a-ay
#Emily Glickman 111a-ae
# Program asks used for a positive number
# Program the displays a diamond that has input*2-1
# ex. input = 5
#output =
# *
# ***
# *****
# *******
# *******
# *****
# ***
# *
def main ():
line = eval(input('Enter a postive number less than 20: \n'))
for i in range (line-1,0, -1):
print (" "*(i),"*"*(line-i-1),"*","*"*(line-i-1)," "*(i), sep = '' )
for i in range (line-1,-1, -1):
print (" "*(line-i-1),"*"*(i),"*","*"*(i)," "*(line-i-1), sep = '' )
main ()