CSC111 Homework 8 2011
--D. Thiebaut 20:23, 8 November 2011 (EST)
This assignment is due on 11/15/11 evening, at midnight. It will be easiest for you to work on this assignment on beowulf, and not on your laptop/desktop.
Problem: Working with Files
- Check this page out:
- (If this page is not available, you can see a cached copy of it on beowulf: )
- It contains, according to the New York Times, the 1000 best movies ever made.
- The whole Web page is available for you to download to your 111a-xx account. All you need to do is login to your 111a-xx account, and type the following command at the prompt:
getcopy 1000best.html
- Check the contents of your directory with ls: you should see the new file. It is fairly large, and contains roughly 320,000 characters.
Your assignment
- Write a program called that will
- ask the user for the year she was born in (or some other year),
- open the html file, read it, and output all the movies that came out in that year, sorted in alphabetical order.
- store this list to a text file, called movies_nnnn.txt, where nnnn will be the year selected by the user.
- The user input is underlined:
python3.2 Selecting movies for which year? 1933 Movies that came out in 1933:
Cavalcade Dinner at Eight Duck Soup King Kong Little Women State Fair The Private Life of Henry VIII Zero for Conduct Saving movies to file movies_1933.txt
- At the end of the program a new file will be in the current directory, and its name will be movies_1933.txt