CSC103 Homework 3 2013
--D. Thiebaut (talk) 08:34, 24 September 2013 (EDT)
Problem 1
The program above is very cryptic. Your assignment is to add comments to the program and give names to the
different variables to make it more easily understandable. A comment is just some documentation following a semi-colon.
Use the program below as an example of what you should emulate. Do not put my name on your listing, but yours instead.
; sum of 2 integers
; D. Thiebaut CSC103
; The program takes 2 variables stored in memory at
; Address 10 (and up) computes their sum and stores
; it in a 3rd variable.
@0 ;code section starts at address 0
start: lod var1 ;AC <- 3
add var2 ;AC <- 3+5 = 8
sto sum ;sum <- 8
@10 ;data section starts at Address 1
var1: 3
var2: 5
sum: 0
Make sure that you add comments to the right of each instruction indicating what the instructions do. Make sure you
indicate as well what the final result of the computation is.