CSC111 Homework 10 2014
--D. Thiebaut (talk) 10:30, 8 April 2014 (EDT)
Problem #1
The program below is missing its class. It used to have a class defined, with methods and member variables, but unfortunately it got erased.
We do have the output of a run of the program, though, when it still had its class definition. Both the incomplete code and the output are shown below.
def getNewCat():
print( "Please enter the information for the new cat:")
name = input( "Cat name? " )
age = int( input( "Age, in years? " ) )
vac = input( "Vaccinated (Y/N)? " ).strip().lower()
vac = vac in ['y', 'yes']
neut = input( "Neutered (Y/N)? " ).strip().lower()
neut = neut in ['y', 'yes' ]
breed= input( "Breed? " ).strip()
return Cat( name, age, vac, neut, breed )
def main():
text="""Minou, 3, Yes, Yes, stray
Max, 1, Yes, No, Burmese
Gizmo, 2, No, No, Bengal
Garfield, 4, Yes, Yes, Orange Tabby"""
for line in text.split( "\n" ):
words = line.strip().split( "," )
if len( words ) != 5:
name, age, vaccinated, neutered, breed = words
age = int( age.strip() )
if vaccinated.strip().lower() == "yes":
vaccinated = True
vaccinated = False
if neutered.strip().lower() == "yes":
neutered = True
neutered = False
cat = Cat( name.strip(), age, vaccinated, neutered, breed.strip() )
cats.append( cat )
except NameError:
cats = []
cats.append( cat )
display( cats, "List of cats:" )
cats.append( getNewCat() )
display( cats, "List of cats with new addition:" )
vaccinatedNeuteredCats = []
for cat in cats:
if cat.isVaccinated() and cat.isNeutered():
vaccinatedNeuteredCats.append( cat )
display( vaccinatedNeuteredCats, "Vaccinated and neutered cats" )
List of cats:
Cat: Minou, age: 3, vaccinated, neutered (stray)
Cat: Max, age: 1, vaccinated, not neutered (Burmese)
Cat: Gizmo, age: 2, not vaccinated, not neutered (Bengal)
Cat: Garfield, age: 4, vaccinated, neutered (Orange Tabby)
Please enter the information for the new cat:
Cat name? Ralph
Age, in years? 4
Vaccinated (Y/N)? y
Neutered (Y/N)? y
Breed? Angora
List of cats with new addition:
Cat: Minou, age: 3, vaccinated, neutered (stray)
Cat: Max, age: 1, vaccinated, not neutered (Burmese)
Cat: Gizmo, age: 2, not vaccinated, not neutered (Bengal)
Cat: Garfield, age: 4, vaccinated, neutered (Orange Tabby)
Cat: Ralph, age: 4, vaccinated, neutered (Angora)
Vaccinated and neutered cats
Cat: Minou, age: 3, vaccinated, neutered (stray)
Cat: Garfield, age: 4, vaccinated, neutered (Orange Tabby)
Cat: Ralph, age: 4, vaccinated, neutered (Angora)
- Question 1