CSC111 Homework 4 2015
--D. Thiebaut (talk) 15:23, 15 February 2015 (EST)
Make sure you go through the Preparation Page for Homework 4 first, before attempting these programs!
Problem #1
Write a program that prompts the user for her first and last name, and outputs a computer account made of the first initial of her first name, plus her last name, all in lowercase.
- Example
First name? Allie Last name? BABA Your computer account name is: ababa
- Submit your program to HW 4 PB 1 on Moodle.
Problem #2
Write a program that prompts the user for her first and last name, and outputs a computer account made of the first initial of her first name, plus her last name, all in lowercase. But now we want the computer account to be exactly 8 characters long. If the user names are too short, your program will pad it with the character 'z'.
- Example
First name? Allie Last name? BABA Your computer account name is: ababazzz
First name? Al Last name? Gus Your computer account name is:aguszzzz
First name? Alma Last name? Verylongname Your computer account name is: averylon
- Submit your program to HW 4 PB 2 on Moodle.
Problem #3
Write a program that prompts the user for her first and last name, and outputs a computer account made of the first initial of her first name, plus her last name, all in lowercase. We want the computer account to be exactly 8 characters long, but this time it is padded with the current year (2015 for us).
- Example
First name? Allie Last name? BABA Your computer account name is: ababa201
First name? Al Last name? Gus Your computer account name is:agus2015
First name? Alma Last name? Verylongname Your computer account name is: averylon
- Submit your program to HW 4 PB 3 on Moodle.
Problem #4
Write a program that prompts the user for her first and last name, and outputs a triangle made with her name, padded with dots in front of it, as illustrated below. There is no limit on the length of the first and last names.
- Example
First name? Maria Last name? LUCE ........M .......Ma ......Mar .....Mari ....Maria ...MariaL ..MariaLU .MariaLUC MariaLUCE
- Submit your program to HW 4 PB 4 on Moodle.
Problem #5
Write a program that prompts the user to enter a date in the form mmddyyyy, and displays it back as dd month yyyy, where month is the first 3 letters of the name of the month, in English.
Your program must use the list of months defined as follows:
monthNames = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]
- Example
Enter date: 02142015 14 Feb 2015
- Submit your program to HW 4 PB 5 on Moodle.
Problem #6
Write a program that prompts the user to enter a date in the form mmddyyyy, and displays it back as dd month yyyy, where month is the first 3 letters of the name of the month, in English.
Your program must use the string defined as follows, and cannot use the list you used in Problem 5!
monthNames = "JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec"
- Example
Enter date: 02142015 2 Feb 2015
- Submit your program to HW 4 PB 6 on Moodle.
Problem #7
Write a program that asks the user for several pieces of information about some famous person, and outputs the information in a nicely formatted box, where the length of the bar before and before the information is the same as the length of the accomplishment information.
- Example
Please enter first name: Sophia Please enter last name: SMITH Please enter date of birth (yyyymmdd): 17960827 Please enter date of death( yyyymmdd): 18700612 Please enter accomplishment: Funded Smith College, the largest member of the seven sisters. -------------------------------------------------------------- Sophia Smith (August 27, 1796 -- June 12, 1870) Funded smith college, the largest member of the seven sisters. --------------------------------------------------------------
- Note that the name is formatted correctly, even if the user enters all uppercase or lowercase letters for the name.
- Submit your program to HW 4 PB 7 on Moodle.