CSC111 2015

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--D. Thiebaut (talk) 16:19, 1 March 2015 (EST)

# D. Thiebaut
# This program tests all the functions for Homework 6.
# To use this program, simply write a program called and
# store your functions in it.  The functions are expected to be
# named function1(), function2(), etc.
# To test the the function, simply make sure that and 
# are in the same directory, and run  It will 
# automatically import and call the different functions,
# passing them parameters and checking the values returned by
# the functions.

import random      # that's the module that allows us to pick random quantities
import hw6         # that's your module.  We don't add ".py" to modules,
                   # but the file containing the program must have ".py" at the end.

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# compares 2 lists an indicate if they are identical.  Prints
# information about differences that may exist.
def compare2Lists( functionName, userList, expectedList, listType ):  
    # same type?
    if type( userList ) != type( expectedList ):
        print( functionName, "does not return a list of", listType )
        return 0

    # same length?
    if len( userList ) != len( expectedList ):
        print( functionName, "returns the wrong number of items in the list" )
        print( len( expectedList ), "items are expected, but",
               len( userList ), "are returned." )
        return 0

    # same items in the list?
    noMatching = 0
    for i in range( len( userList ) ):
        if userList[i] == expectedList[i]:
            noMatching = noMatching + 1
            print( functionName + ": mismatch at Index", i,
                   userList[i], "found instead of", expectedList[i] )

    return noMatching/len( userList )

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def testFunction1():
       score, total = testFunction1b()
       return score, total
       print( "Function1 crashed. 0 out of 4 points." )
       return 0, 4
def testFunction1b():
    celsiusTemps = [ -10, 0, 11, 40 ]
    expected     = [14.0, 32.0, 51.8, 104.0]
    numberGood   = 0
    noTests      = len( expected )
    for i in range( noTests ):
        celsius = celsiusTemps[ i ]
        fahr =  hw6.function1( celsius )
        if ( fahr == expected[ i ] ):
            numberGood = numberGood + 1

    print( "Function 1 passes", numberGood, "out of", noTests, "tests." )        
    return numberGood, noTests
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def testFunction2():
       score, total = testFunction2b()
       return score, total
       print( "Function2 crashed. 0 out of 4 points." )
       return 0, 4

def testFunction2b():
    celsiusTemps = [ -10, 0, 9, 40 ]
    expected     = [ 14, 32, 48, 104 ]
    numberGood   = 0
    noTests      = len( expected )

    for i in range( noTests ):
        celsius = celsiusTemps[ i ]
        fahr =  hw6.function2( celsius )
        #print( fahr )
        if type( fahr ) != type( 3 ):
           print( "Function 2 does not return an int" )
        elif fahr != expected[ i ]:
           print( "Function 2's output is incorrect for", celsius )
           numberGood = numberGood + 1

    print( "Function 2 passes", numberGood, "out of", noTests, "tests." )        
    return numberGood, noTests

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def testFunction3():
       score, total = testFunction3b()
       return score, total
       print( "Function3 crashed. 0 out of 3 points." )
       return 0, 3
def testFunction3b():
    phoneStrings = [ "(413) 555 1212", "(617) 111 2233",
                     "(919) 777 1234" ]
    expected     = [ "555 1212", "111 2233", "777 1234" ]
    numberGood   = 0
    noTests      = len( expected )

    for i in range( noTests ):
        longPhone = phoneStrings[ i ]
        phone     =  hw6.function3( longPhone )

        if type( phone ) != type( "111 2233" ):
           print( "Function 3 does not return a string" )
        elif phone != expected[ i ]:
           print( "Function 3's output is incorrect for", longPhone )
           numberGood = numberGood + 1

    print( "Function 3 passes", numberGood, "out of", noTests, "tests." )
    return numberGood, noTests

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def testFunction4():
       score, total = testFunction4b()
       return score, total
       print( "Function4 crashed. 0 out of 3 points." )
       return 0, 3
def testFunction4b():
    phoneStrings = [ "The phone is (413) 555 1212.", "+1 (617) 111 2233 is my phone",
                     "Dial (413) 585 2700 for Smith College" ]
    expected     = [ "The phone is (XXX) 555 1212.", "+1 (XXX) 111 2233 is my phone",
                     "Dial (XXX) 585 2700 for Smith College" ]
    numberGood   = 0
    noTests      = len( expected )

    for i in range( noTests ):
        longPhone = phoneStrings[ i ]
        phone     =  hw6.function4( longPhone )

        if type( phone ) != type( "111 2233" ):
           print( "Function 4 does not return a string" )
        elif phone != expected[ i ]:
           print( "Function 4's output is incorrect for", longPhone )
           numberGood = numberGood + 1

    print( "Function 4 passes", numberGood, "out of", noTests, "tests." )
    return numberGood, noTests

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def testFunction5():
       score, total = testFunction5b()
       return score, total
       print( "Function5 crashed. 0 out of 3 points." )
       return 0, 3
def testFunction5b():
    lines   = [ "My Id is 990111222. Yours?",
                "990999999 is the ID.",
                "The best student in the race has Id 990112233" ]

    expected= [ "My Id is 990123456. Yours?",
                "990123456 is the ID.",
                "The best student in the race has Id 990123456" ]

    numberGood   = 0
    noTests      = len( expected )

    for i in range( noTests ):
        line   = lines[ i ]
        anonym =  hw6.function5( line )

        #print( line )
        #print( anonym )

        if type( anonym ) != type( "111 2233" ):
           print( "Function 5 does not return a string" )
        elif anonym != expected[ i ]:
           print( "Function 5's output is incorrect for", line )
           numberGood = numberGood + 1

    print( "Function 5 passes", numberGood, "out of", noTests, "tests." )
    return numberGood, noTests

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def testFunction6():
       score, total = testFunction6b()
       return score, total
       print( "Function6 crashed. 0 out of 3 points." )
       return 0, 3
def testFunction6b():
    numberGood  = 0    
    noTests = 3
    for i in range( noTests ):
        expected1 = random.choice( [ "first line", "premiere ligne", "01 LINE 1" ] )
        file = open( "file1.txt", "w" )
        file.write( expected1 + "\nsecond line\nthird line." )

        line1 = hw6.function6( "file1.txt" )
        if type( line1 ) != type( "hello" ):
            print( "Function 6 does not return a string" )
        elif line1 != expected1:
            print( "Function 6 returns the wrong line: " + line1 )
            numberGood = numberGood + 1

    print( "Function 6 passes", numberGood, "out of", noTests, "tests." )
    return numberGood, noTests

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def testFunction7():
       score, total = testFunction7b()
       return score, total
       print( "Function7 crashed. 0 out of 3 points." )
       return 0, 3
def testFunction7b():
    numberGood = 0    
    noTests = 3

    # test 3 times
    for i in range( noTests ):
        # pick a random name for the file
        fileName = random.choice( [ "lines.txt", "dataFile.txt", "" ] )

        # pick a last line to put at the end of the file
        expected1 = random.choice( [ " IT IS THE LAST LINE!!", 
                                     "Last in file!", "DERNIERE LIGNE" ] )

        # write the test file
        file = open( fileName, "w" )
        file.write( "\nSecond line of file\nSecond line\n" + expected1 )

        # get the line returned by function 7 in
        line1 = hw6.function7( fileName )

        # test if correct
        if type( line1 ) != type( "hello" ):
            print( "Function 7 does not return a string" )
        elif line1 != expected1:
            print( "Function 7 returns the wrong line: " + line1 )
            numberGood = numberGood + 1

    print( "Function 7 passes", numberGood, "out of", noTests, "tests." )
    return numberGood, noTests

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def testFunction8():
       score, total = testFunction8b()
       return score, total
       print( "Function8 crashed. 0 out of 4 points." )
       return 0, 4
def testFunction8b():
    numberGood = 0    
    noTests = 3

    # pick a random name for the file
    fileName = random.choice( [ "lines.txt", "dataFile.txt", "" ] )

    text = ""
    for i in range( 4 ):
        text = text + random.choice( [ "Good job!\n", "Great game of go today!\n",
                                   "George gest going in the fog\n",
                                   "Simple line\n", "g\n" ] )

    # write the test file
    file = open( fileName, "w" )
    file.write( text )

    # get the line returned by function 7 in
    userText = hw6.function8( fileName )
    #print( "userText = ", userText )

    expected = text.replace( 'g', 'gremlin' )
    expected = expected.replace( 'G', 'Gremlin' )
    #print( "expected = ", expected )

    text = userText
    if expected.count( "\n" ) != text.count( "\n" ):
       print( "Function8 does not return the right number of lines." )
       print( "Function8 returns a string with", text.count( "\n" ), "lines, but" )
       print( "the right number should be", expected.count( "\n" ) + "." )
       return 0, 4

    if type( expected ) != type( text ):
       print( "Function8 does not return a string." )
       return 0, 4

    noExpectedGremlins = expected.lower().count( "gremlin" )
    noReturnedGremlins = text.lower().count( "gremlin" )
    if ( noExpectedGremlins != noReturnedGremlins ):
        print( "Function 8 returns", noReturnedGremlins, "while",
              noExpectedGremlins, "are expected." )
        return int( 4.0*(noExpectedGremlins - 
                    abs(noExpectedGremlins-noReturnedGremlins))/noExpectedGremlins), 4

    print( "Function 8 passes the tests.  4 out of 4." )
    return 4, 4

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def testFunction9():
       score, total = testFunction9b()
       return score, total
       print( "Function9 crashed. 0 out of 4 points." )
       return 0, 4
def testFunction9b():
    farm = [ "hen", "duck", "chicken", "mouse", "cat", "dog", "horse", "pig", "iguana",
             "dragon", "unicorn" ]
    # remove one animal at random
    index = random.randrange( 1, len( farm )-2 )
    farm  = farm[0:index] + farm[index+1: ]

    expected = [ animal for i, animal in enumerate( farm ) if i%2==0 ]
    userFarm = hw6.function9( farm )

    score = compare2Lists( "Function 9", userFarm, expected, "string" )

    if score == 1:
       print( "Function 9 passes the tests.  4 out of 4." )              
       return 4, 4
       print( "Function 9 does not return the correct result. ", int(score*4), 
              "points out of 4." )
       return int( score*4 ), 4

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def testFunction10():
       score, total = testFunction10b()
       return score, total
       print( "Function10 crashed. 0 out of 4 points." )
       return 0, 4
def testFunction10b():
    temps        = [ 31, 32, 33, 11, 40 ]
    for temp in range( 15 ):
        temps.append( random.choice( [100, 0, -5, -30, -32, 34 ] ) )

    expected = len( [ k for k in temps if k >= 32 ] )

    user = hw6.function10 ( temps )
    if user == expected:
       print( "Function 10 passes the tests. 4 out of 4." )              
       return 4, 4
       print( "Function 10 returns", user, "but", 
              expected, "temperatures above 32 are in the list.",
              " 0 points out of 4." )
       return 0, 4

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def testFunction11():
       score, total = testFunction11b()
       return score, total
       print( "Function11 crashed. 0 out of 4 points." )
       return 0, 4
def testFunction11b():
    temps        = [ 31, 32, 33, 11, 40 ]
    for temp in range( 15 ):
        temps.append( random.choice( [100, 0, -5, -30, -32, 34 ] ) )

    expected = [ k for k in temps if k >= 32 ]

    user = hw6.function11 ( temps )
    score = compare2Lists( "Function 11", user, expected, "ints" )

    if score == 1:
       print( "Function 11 passes the tests. 4 out of 4." )              
       return 4, 4
       print( "Function 11 does not return the correct result. ", int(score*4), 
              "points out of 4." )
       return int( score*4 ), 4

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def testFunction12():
       score, total = testFunction12b()
       return score, total
       print( "Function12 crashed. 0 out of 4 points." )
       return 0, 4
def testFunction12b():
    q        = [ "Problematic", "Below average", "Average", "Very good", "Excellent", "Fail" ]
    grades   = [   32,  100,   90,   74,   75,   60,   59,   61,   40,   11,   0  ]
    expected = [ q[5], q[4], q[4], q[2], q[3], q[2], q[1], q[2], q[0], q[5], q[5] ]
    noMatches = 0
    for i, grade in enumerate( grades ):
        expectedString = expected[ i ]
        userString     = hw6.function12( grade )
        if type( expectedString ) != type( userString ):
            print( "Function 12 does not return a string.  0 out of 4." )
            return 0, 4
        if expectedString != userString:
            print( "Function 12 error: returns", userString, "for", grade, "instead of", 
                   expectedString )
            noMatches = noMatches + 1
    if noMatches != len( grades ):
        print( "Function 12 passes", noMatches, "tests out of", len( grades ), end ="." )
        score = int( 4 * noMatches / len( grades ) )
        print( score, "out of 4." )               
        return score, 4

    print( "Function 12 passes the tests. 4 out of 4." )
    return 4, 4

def main():
    score  = 0
    total  = 0
    numberGood, maxGood = testFunction1()
    score = score + numberGood
    total = total + maxGood

    numberGood, maxGood = testFunction2()
    score = score + numberGood
    total = total + maxGood

    numberGood, maxGood = testFunction3()
    score = score + numberGood
    total = total + maxGood

    numberGood, maxGood = testFunction4()
    score = score + numberGood
    total = total + maxGood

    numberGood, maxGood = testFunction5()
    score = score + numberGood
    total = total + maxGood

    numberGood, maxGood = testFunction6()
    score = score + numberGood
    total = total + maxGood

    numberGood, maxGood = testFunction7()
    score = score + numberGood
    total = total + maxGood

    numberGood, maxGood = testFunction8()
    score = score + numberGood
    total = total + maxGood

    numberGood, maxGood = testFunction9()
    score = score + numberGood
    total = total + maxGood

    numberGood, maxGood = testFunction10()
    score = score + numberGood
    total = total + maxGood

    numberGood, maxGood = testFunction11()
    score = score + numberGood
    total = total + maxGood

    numberGood, maxGood = testFunction12()
    score = score + numberGood
    total = total + maxGood

    print( "\nYour functions pass {0:1} tests out of {1:1}."
           .format( score, total ) )
