CSC111 Programs for Week 9 2015

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--D. Thiebaut (talk) 09:03, 30 March 2015 (EDT)


# D. Thiebaut
# Program for Week 9
# an example program that defines a Die class, and
# demonstrates how to create 2 objects from this class.

import random

class Die:
    """a class implementing a Die, with a given number
    of sides, and a value (the number of the top face)"""
    def __init__( self, n ):
        """initializes the die with n faces, and a value 1,
        by default"""
        self.noSides = n
        self.value   = 1

    def roll( self ):
        """roll the die and pick a new random value for it"""
        self.value = random.randrange( 1, self.noSides+1 )

    def getValue( self ):
        """return the current value, i.e. the number on the top
        return self.value

def main():
    # Create 2 dice, one with 6 sides, one with 8
    d1 = Die( 6 )
    d2 = Die( 8 )

    while True:
        # Roll both dice
        d1.roll( )
        d2.roll( )

        # display their value
        print( "Die 1: ",  d1.getValue() )
        print( "Die 2: ",  d2.getValue() )

        ans = input( "Press enter to continue.  Any other key to quit: " )
        if len( ans.strip() )!= 0:

if __name__=="__main__":


# D. Thiebaut
# program developed in class on 4/1/15
class Cat:
    """Cat class.  contains information about a cat: name,
    whether vaccinated, breed, and age"""
    def __init__( self, na, vacc, bree, ag ):       = na
        self.vaccinated = vacc
        self.breed      = bree
        self.age        = ag

    def __str__( self ):
        """default string representation for a cat.  Will be use by print() if
        we ask it to print a cat object."""
        if self.vaccinated:
            vac = "vaccinated"
            vac = "not vaccinated"
        # create the string representation of the object
        s = "{0:10} ==> ({1:1}), {2:1}, {3:1}".format(
  , self.breed, self.age, vac )

        # return the string representation
        return s
    def getName( self ):
        """returns the name of the cat"""

    def isVaccinated( self ):
        """returns True if the cat is vaccinated, False otherwise."""
        #if self.vaccinated:
        #    return True
        #    return False
        return self.vaccinated

# -------------------------------------------------------------
#                          MAIN
# -------------------------------------------------------------

def main():
    # create an empty list of cats
    catList = []

    # Create 3 cat objects and add them to the list
    # Minou, 3, vaccinated, stray
    #catList.append( Cat( "Minou", True, "stray", 3 ) )
    #catList.append( Cat( "Ralph", False, "Burmese", 1 ) )
    #catList.append( Cat( "Garfield", True, "Orange Tabby", 10 ) )

    # open csv file containing cats.  Example of line in file shown below.
    # Winston, 1, not vaccinated,  stray
    file = open( "cats.csv", "r" )
    lines = file.readlines()

    # the contents of the file is now in a list of strings.  The list is called lines.

    # for each line in the list of lines...
    for line in lines:
        #print( line )

        # split the line into 4 fields
        fields = line.split( ',' )

        # if the line doesn't contain 4 fields, it must be invalid.  Skip it!
        if len( fields ) != 4:

        # assign each one of the 4 items in the list fields to 4 different variables
        name, age, vacc, breed = fields

        # transform vacc from "vaccinated" or "not vaccinated" to True or False
        if vacc.lower().strip() == "vaccinated":
            vacc = True
            vacc = False

        # add a new cat with this information to the list of cats
        cat = Cat( name.strip(), vacc, breed.strip(), int(age.strip()) ) 
        catList.append( cat )   
    # list all the cats in the list
    for cat in catList:
        print( cat )
