CSC111 Python Programs Fall 2015

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--D. Thiebaut (talk) 10:34, 18 September 2015 (EDT)

Wed. Sept. 16, 2015

# D. Thiebaut
# displays a schedule for the five days of the week

length = eval( input( "Length of bar? " ) )

print( "-" * length )
for day in [ "Mo:", "Tu:", "We:", "Th:", "Fr:" ]:
    print( day )
    #print( "  :" * 2)
    print( "  :" )
    print( "-" * length )

Friday, 9/18/15

# D. Thiebaut
# prompts user for information and
# grade.
# display user's grade in graph, along with
# class average (constant)

# constant information
classAvg = 80

# user input.  Get info from user
fName = "Al"
lName = "K"
Id    = "990123456"
final = 90

#--- Format information and display ---
# create the bar 
bar = "+" + 48*"-" + "+"
lenBar = len( bar )

# compute the number of dashes
noSpaces = lenBar - len( fName ) -len(lName )-len(Id) - 6
spaces = " " * noSpaces

# create the scale
scale = "      00...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100"

# display the information
print( bar )
print( "|" + fName, lName, spaces, Id, "|" )
print( bar )
print( scale )
# the length of the bar for the bar-graph, in number of characters
# is 1/2 the actual grade.  So divide the grade by half to get the
# number of chars.  We use // to get the integer part of the result
print( "grade:", (final//2) * "#" )
print( "class:", (classAvg//2) * "#" )