CSC231 Exercises with the MOV instruction
--D. Thiebaut (talk) 12:58, 28 September 2015 (EDT)
Problem #1
Translate this program in a language close to Java and C/C++, into assembly
int Table1[5] = { 1, 10, 20, 30, 40};
int Table2[5];
String msg1 = "Hello world!";
String msg2 = " ";
// some assignments
Table1[0] = Table2[0]
Table2[0] = 3;
Table2[1] = 4;
Table2[2] = 5;
Table2[3] = 6;
Table2[4] = 10;
Table1[0] = Table2[0]
Table1[1] = Table2[4]
msg2[0] = msg1[0];
msg1[11] = '\n';
Problem 2
- Draw the RAM, store the variables that are declared in the program below, and show how the RAM and the registers get modified by each instruction.
x dd 0x11223344
y dw 0x1234, 0xffff, 0, 1
z db "hello", 10, 10
mov eax, dword[x]
mov al, 0
mov dword[x], eax
mov ax, word[y]
mov dword[x], eax
mov bx, word[y+2]
mov word[y], bx
mov al, 'X'
mov byte[z], al
mov byte[z+1], al
mov byte[z+2], al
Problem #2
How long does it take a 1GHz Pentium to execute the section labeled "some assignments"?