CSC111 Homework 11 2015b
--D. Thiebaut (talk) 08:24, 18 November 2015 (EST)
This assignment is due the week after Thanksgiving, on Thursday 12/4/15, at 11:55 p.m.
<showafterdate after="20151119 12:00" before="20151231 00:00">
Your assignment is to write a Python program that will read the contents of the shared CSV file containing all the map elements contributed by the whole CSC111 class, and create a map of Smith College where buildings are color coded by their year of construction.
Building Construction Dates
- The file containing the dates each building was erected can be found here.
- Your program should be well documented, with a header with the names of the pair partners, and a description of what the program does.
- Functions and classes should be documented as well.
- Your program should display buildings only once (no overlay allowed).
- Your program should display at least one other map element that is not a building.
- The buildings should be color-coded according to their year of construction.
- Creativity and originality will be taken into account when grading.
Moodle Submission
- Submit a copy of your program to Moodle, in the HW 11 Program section.
- Submit a screen shot of your map to Moodle, in the HW 11 Map section.