CSC111 Crowd-Sourced Map Elements 2015b
--D. Thiebaut (talk) 11:47, 22 November 2015 (EST)
# CSC111 Fall 2015
# This CSV file contains elements of the Smith College campus
# digitized by the CSC111 students, during Fall 2015
# The format of the CSV File is the following:
# categories:
# - building, tree, house, river, road, parking, field,
# name
# - name of map item (e.g. Ford Hall)
# programmers
# - name of the pair programmers
# quadrant
# - 1, 2, 3, 4
# color
# - string s.a. “orange”, “black”, “pink”, etc...
# coordinates
# list of integers separated by commas. even number of numbers.
# category, name, color, programmers, quadrant, coordinates
# example line
# building, Ford Hall, orange, Dominique Thiebaut, 3, 100, 200, 150, 210, 160, 250, 180, 300
River, Paradise Road, light blue, Tasbiha Chowdhury, 2, 747, 101, 646, 233, 528, 108, 625, 16, 621, 11, 526, 102, 477, 55, 531, 4, 525, 4, 476, 46, 438, 13, 426, 20, 641, 244, 584, 356, 516, 328, 360, 356, 359, 362, 426, 347, 430, 349, 454, 345, 455, 342, 509, 335, 579, 362, 569, 395, 550, 464, 565, 469, 572, 415, 654, 254
House, Comstock/Wilder, light blue, Tasbiha Chowdhury, 2, 507, 32, 547, 72, 581, 39, 548, 5, 537, 5
House, Cushing/Emmerson/Jordan, light blue, Tasbiha Chowdhury, 2, 555, 105, 578, 84, 569, 75, 539, 104, 600, 170, 632, 142, 625, 134, 600, 154
House, Murrow/Wilson/Gardiner, light blue, Tasbiha Chowdhury, 2, 589, 74, 610, 52, 618, 62, 629, 50, 641, 63, 638, 68, 647, 78, 651, 74, 663, 87, 658, 90, 656, 88, 648, 94, 656, 103, 634, 125, 642, 133, 672, 105, 666, 96, 669, 92, 670, 94, 678, 86, 628, 34, 619, 40, 624, 45, 621, 48, 609, 36, 581, 65
House, Scales/King, light blue, Tasbiha Chowdhury, 2, 637, 173, 639, 168, 630, 161, 616, 172, 626, 182, 628, 180, 649, 193, 668, 185, 671, 186, 685, 174, 682, 171, 690, 155, 682, 133, 683, 130, 675, 120, 662, 132, 670, 141, 673, 140, 679, 154, 676, 162, 673, 161, 660, 173, 662, 177, 646, 178
Building, Crew House, light blue, Tasbiha Chowdhury, 2, 369, 324, 374, 334, 387, 332, 384, 321
Building, Boat House, light blue, Tasbiha Chowdhury, 2, 393, 313, 395, 320, 412, 313, 408, 301
Street, Round Hd Road, light blue, Tasbiha Chowdhury, 2,611, 341, 614, 333, 730, 354, 731, 360
House, Haven, light blue, Tasbiha Chowdhury, 2, 505, 420, 502, 419, 502, 414, 507, 414, 507, 412, 520, 415, 520, 412, 525, 412, 525, 416, 538, 417, 538, 428, 504, 423
House, Wesley, light blue, Tasbiha Chowdhury, 2, 499, 406, 500, 401, 497, 401, 497, 394, 500, 394, 500, 391, 510, 391, 510, 406, 500, 406
Field, Field, cyan, Joan Kahindi and Sara Callahan, 1, 65, 250, 166, 248, 162, 192, 65, 193
road, bridge, cyan, Joan Kahindi and Sara Callahan, 1, 135, 269, 143, 272, 138, 303, 132, 303
Field, Softball field, cyan, Joan Kahindi and Sara Callahan, 1, 276, 250, 275, 193, 333, 192, 330, 225, 314, 244, 295, 251, 277, 251
building, Field House, cyan, Joan Kahindi and Sara Callahan, 1, 42, 232, 55, 232, 55, 248, 42, 248
building, conference center, cyan, Joan Kahindi and Sara Callahan, 1, 234, 342, 234, 334, 245, 335, 245, 332, 258, 331, 277, 341, 276, 345, 278, 347, 270, 354, 253, 346
building, Tyler Annex, cyan, Joan Kahindi and Sara Callahan, 1, 230, 363, 234, 371, 248, 366, 245, 358
field, outdoor track, cyan, Joan Kahindi and Sara Callahan, 1, 92, 162, 79, 139, 83, 109, 103, 94, 149, 90, 209, 89, 227, 111, 213, 155, 188, 162, 146, 165, 115, 167
parking, parking lot, cyan, Joan Kahindi and Sara Callahan, 1, 18, 341, 25, 335, 48, 337, 81, 342, 87, 342, 87, 346, 90, 347, 96, 347, 97, 343, 115, 344, 120, 349, 120, 359, 110, 361, 109, 356, 92, 355, 93, 362, 83, 362, 82, 352, 56, 351, 56, 356, 30, 351, 28, 347, 22, 341
building, sage hall, cyan, Joan Kahindi and Sara Callahan, 1, 111, 378, 123, 374, 124, 380, 148, 373, 150, 384, 151, 388, 145, 390, 145, 388, 116, 394, 112, 378
parking, parking lot, cyan, Joan Kahindi and Sara Callahan, 1, 20, 357, 25, 355, 37, 394, 23, 397, 11, 362, 18, 357
building, sweeney concert hall, cyan, Joan Kahindi and Sara Callahan, 1, 148, 372, 155, 365, 165, 366, 173, 365, 178, 376, 172, 379, 165, 384, 158, 386, 151, 384, 148, 374
building, Ainsworth Gym, cyan, Joan Kahindi and Sara Callahan, 1, 31, 365, 44, 402, 59, 400, 88, 389, 88, 381, 75, 374, 71, 362, 48, 367, 37, 362, 31, 362
parking, parking lot, cyan, Joan Kahindi and Sara Callahan, 1, 3, 182, 25, 190, 28, 194, 15, 205, 4, 196, 4, 182
field, The pitch, cyan, Joan Kahindi and Sara Callahan, 1, 173, 249, 173, 192, 271, 192, 273, 249, 174, 251
Field, The Pitch, light green, Jocelyn Kofke and Ariana Meredith, 1, 173, 193, 269, 193, 271, 246, 172, 249, 173, 193
House, Tyler, orange, Jocelyn Kofke and Ariana Meredith, 1, 233, 408, 229, 394, 232, 394, 232, 390, 236, 388, 235, 381, 252, 376, 256, 383, 257, 383, 260, 394, 246, 399, 247, 407, 236, 411, 236, 408, 233, 408, 230, 394
Building, McConnell Hall, red, Jocelyn Kofke and Ariana Meredith, 1, 271, 394, 288, 389, 293, 397, 296, 398, 297, 416, 279, 422, 270, 393
River, Paradise Pond, blue, Jocelyn Kofke and Ariana Meredith, 1, 4, 280, 135, 275, 141, 277, 291, 292, 307, 285, 324, 271, 331, 262, 333, 252, 345, 164, 339, 142, 327, 134, 298, 122, 271, 115, 249, 103, 235, 90, 228, 45, 254, 5, 322, 4, 273, 42, 260, 82, 265, 90, 282, 101, 304, 105, 343, 112, 371, 125, 404, 149, 428, 169, 437, 179, 456, 190, 484, 228, 501, 248, 501, 271, 492, 284, 464, 291, 437, 300, 406, 297, 397, 299, 387, 316, 377, 321, 362, 326, 340, 336, 322, 344, 299, 344, 277, 337, 262, 329, 240, 327, 221, 331, 200, 330, 187, 327, 179, 319, 174, 311, 165, 305, 145, 302, 122, 301, 110, 296, 53, 301, 5, 299, 4, 282
Parking Lot, Ainsworth Lot, dark grey, Jocelyn Kofke and Ariana Meredith, 1, 12, 363, 24, 358, 37, 396, 22, 400, 11, 364
Road, College Lane, light grey, Jocelyn Kofke and Ariana Meredith, 1, 3, 326, 35, 326, 82, 331, 131, 338, 182, 342, 219, 344, 254, 351, 284, 361, 305, 370, 319, 368, 341, 361, 390, 347, 423, 340, 460, 331, 436, 336, 481, 326, 532, 333, 561, 349, 581, 354, 579, 365, 551, 352, 520, 336, 499, 331, 475, 334, 461, 338, 432, 347, 401, 351, 387, 354, 368, 361, 347, 367, 327, 374, 310, 376, 293, 371, 274, 363, 251, 357, 214, 353, 160, 349, 3, 333, 4, 327
River, Paradise Pond, cyan, MANDIRA MARAMBE & SERENA HANSRAJ, 1, 5, 301, 85, 297, 113, 297, 131, 303, 139, 304, 159, 303, 173, 311, 185, 327, 211, 331, 238, 328, 259, 327, 286, 341, 319, 345, 362, 329, 375, 323, 374, 129, 353, 115, 335, 108, 299, 106, 271, 95, 261, 85, 258, 70, 266, 52, 278, 38, 300, 20, 325, 3, 255, 4, 237, 25, 229, 43, 227, 62, 232, 83, 243, 98, 260, 110, 289, 121, 295, 121, 333, 136, 342, 151, 346, 195, 338, 232, 338, 240, 332, 260, 320, 277, 304, 290, 291, 292, 280, 290, 263, 285, 245, 283, 220, 282, 212, 278, 143, 278, 106, 274, 82, 275, 56, 275, 38, 278, 16, 281, 1, 278,
Field, The Pitch, cyan, MANDIRA MARAMBE & SERENA HANSRAJ, 1, 174, 193, 174, 250, 273, 249, 271, 192,
Field, Courts, cyan, MANDIRA MARAMBE & SERENA HANSRAJ, 1, 19, 103, 43, 191, 72, 182, 49, 96,
Field, Outdoor Track, cyan, MANDIRA MARAMBE & SERENA HANSRAJ, 1, 86, 105, 79, 117, 79, 139, 81, 150, 88, 158, 97, 163, 103, 166, 109, 166, 122, 167, 136, 167, 152, 165, 176, 164, 201, 161, 214, 155, 221, 151, 225, 146, 229, 135, 229, 125, 227, 111, 222, 99, 212, 90, 198, 87, 161, 91, 126, 92, 100, 97,
Field, Tennis, cyan, MANDIRA MARAMBE & SERENA HANSRAJ, 1, 5, 171, 32, 162, 12, 92, 3, 94,
Field, Field, cyan, MANDIRA MARAMBE & SERENA HANSRAJ, 1, 66, 193, 66, 251, 165, 249, 164, 193,
Field, Softball Field, cyan, MANDIRA MARAMBE & SERENA HANSRAJ, 1, 275, 193, 277, 249, 289, 251, 303, 249, 315, 242, 324, 235, 329, 230, 334, 218, 334, 208, 333, 191,
Building, Field House, cyan, MANDIRA MARAMBE & SERENA HANSRAJ, 1, 43, 232, 56, 231, 55, 252, 44, 252,
parking, lot, cyan, MANDIRA MARAMBE & SERENA HANSRAJ, 1, 2, 197, 15, 208, 23, 203, 19, 190, 3, 183,
House, Tyler, cyan, MANDIRA MARAMBE & SERENA HANSRAJ, 1, 247, 408, 246, 398, 259, 395, 258, 382, 256, 383, 254, 376, 235, 380, 237, 386, 230, 388, 230, 393, 230, 393, 231, 407, 235, 407, 237, 409, 246, 407,
Building, McConnell Hall, cyan, MANDIRA MARAMBE & SERENA HANSRAJ, 1, 271, 393, 290, 388, 298, 417, 279, 422,
Building, Sabin-Reed Hall, cyan, MANDIRA MARAMBE & SERENA HANSRAJ, 1, 304, 382, 374, 361, 377, 361, 384, 378, 351, 390, 317, 397, 310, 399,
Building, Burton Hall, cyan, MANDIRA MARAMBE & SERENA HANSRAJ, 1, 318, 400, 317, 402, 321, 415, 358, 406, 354, 391,
Building, Outdoor Track, Purple, Anna BD & Bailey Bogan, 108, 151, 103, 98, 202, 92, 209, 102, 214, 132, 206, 144
Building, The Pitch, Purple, Anna BD & Bailey Bogan, 172, 249, 173, 193, 266, 190, 270, 244
Building, Field, Purple, Anna BD & Bailey Bogan, 64, 244, 66, 195, 161, 197, 161, 246
Building, Softball Field, Purple, Anna BD & Bailey Bogan, 278, 248, 273, 192, 328, 192, 328, 204, 328, 218, 326, 230, 308, 236, 290, 243
Building, Courts, Purple, Anna BD & Bailey Bogan, 17, 102, 45, 93, 69, 179, 40, 188
Building, Ainsworth Gym, Purple, Anna BD & Bailey Bogan, 42, 400, 30, 363, 36, 360, 43, 366, 67, 361, 86, 384, 77, 389, 48, 398
Building, Sage Hall, Purple, Anna BD & Bailey Bogan, 115, 390, 111, 378, 122, 371, 123, 376, 152, 367, 154, 378, 119, 389
Building, Outdoor Tracks, Green, Shirui Cheng & Xiruo Zheng, 1, 104, 97, 111, 156, 200, 150, 214, 136, 214, 102, 202, 87
Building, Courts, Red, Shirui Cheng & Xiruo Zheng, 1, 17, 102, 41, 185, 71, 178, 45, 91
field, Outdoor Track, red, Anisha Tyagi and Sara Kacmoli, 1, 91, 98, 115, 91, 143, 87, 164, 86, 204, 87, 223, 108, 225, 135, 214, 153, 193, 159, 153, 162, 119, 165, 93, 158, 79, 133
field, Softball Field, red, Anisha Tyagi and Sara Kacmoli, 1, 276, 191, 292, 191, 308, 190, 333, 191, 334, 206, 327, 225, 314, 239, 291, 248, 280, 248, 276, 226, 275, 208, 276, 193
field, The Pitch, red, Anisha Tyagi and Sara Kacmoli, 1, 175, 193, 271, 191, 272, 242, 174, 248
field, courts, red, Anisha Tyagi and Sara Kacmoli, 1, 19, 103, 47, 93, 56, 121, 63, 150, 72, 179, 44, 190, 37, 170, 28, 139, 19, 104
building, Field House , red, Anisha Tyagi and Sara Kacmoli, 1, 44, 233, 56, 231, 57, 250, 44, 251
building, Sage Hall, red, Anisha Tyagi and Sara Kacmoli, 1, 112, 379, 121, 374, 123, 378, 132, 375, 142, 372, 147, 372, 151, 380, 150, 384, 150, 388, 147, 389, 146, 387, 135, 388, 125, 389, 116, 390, 113, 378
building, Conference Center, red, Anisha Tyagi and Sara Kacmoli, 1, 235, 343, 234, 333, 242, 333, 248, 329, 257, 329, 266, 334, 273, 338, 276, 344, 272, 350, 259, 347, 248, 343, 240, 343, 236, 343
parking, P, red, Anisha Tyagi and Sara Kacmoli, 1, 37, 394, 23, 399, 19, 388, 16, 378, 13, 368, 12, 362, 16, 358, 22, 358, 28, 359, 30, 369, 34, 381, 36, 391, 37, 396, 24, 400
building, Sweeney Concert Hall, red, Anisha Tyagi and Sara Kacmoli, 1, 149, 372, 152, 368, 158, 365, 165, 365, 170, 366, 173, 373, 170, 378, 166, 382, 161, 385, 154, 384, 153, 382
building , Tyler Annex, red, Anisha Tyagi and Sara Kacmoli, 1, 231, 363, 245, 357, 249, 365, 235, 373
Field, Tennis Court, Prayasha and Megan, Green,3, 105, 11, 102, 31, 172, 4, 181
Field, Tennis Court, Prayasha and Megan, Green, 18, 113, 48, 104, 72, 192, 42, 201
Field, Outdoor Track, Prayasha and Megan, Green, 80, 124, 83, 118, 87, 113, 95, 108, 103, 106, 111, 104, 203, 98, 215, 102, 223, 111, 227, 122, 227, 132, 228, 141, 227, 150, 223, 158, 216, 165, 205, 170, 189, 172, 174, 173, 113, 176, 100, 174, 90, 170, 83, 163, 81, 158, 78, 149, 79, 141, 77, 131
Parking Lot, Field House Parking Lot, Prayasha and Megan, Green, 4, 207, 4, 193, 25, 200, 29, 208, 25, 212, 16, 217
Field, Field, Prayasha and Megan, Green, 67, 204, 163, 203, 165, 258, 65, 259
Field, Pitch, Prayasha and Megan, Green, 174, 204, 270, 204, 271, 258, 173, 260
Field, Softball Field, Prayasha and Megan, Green, 275, 202, 332, 201, 333, 219, 332, 231, 329, 239, 325, 244, 319, 250, 311, 255, 298, 259, 287, 259, 278, 259
Building, Field House, Prayasha and Megan, Grey, 44, 242, 56, 241, 57, 261, 42, 261
River, Paradise Pond extended, Prayasha and Megan, Blue, 4, 290, 13, 291, 22, 292, 32, 289, 42, 287, 50, 285, 58, 285, 67, 286, 79, 286, 89, 285, 99, 286, 106, 285, 117, 285, 124, 286, 130, 286, 134, 287, 132, 314, 124, 312, 116, 309, 108, 307, 96, 306, 87, 307, 81, 309, 75, 309, 64, 310, 53, 311, 42, 311, 29, 312, 22, 311, 8, 310, 6, 310
River, Paradise Pond, Prayasha and Megan, Blue, 142, 288, 149, 288, 158, 288, 166, 288, 176, 288, 184, 288, 193, 288, 199, 288, 210, 288, 219, 290, 231, 292, 240, 292, 252, 292, 257, 293, 270, 295, 283, 300, 294, 300, 305, 295, 317, 287, 327, 279, 331, 268, 334, 260, 337, 250, 339, 237, 343, 224, 345, 213, 346, 196, 343, 169, 339, 156, 335, 146, 317, 139, 305, 134, 289, 131, 269, 126, 257, 119, 245, 111, 234, 101, 230, 87, 229, 75, 230, 61, 235, 48, 241, 36, 250, 25, 258, 15, 261, 12, 328, 11, 315, 20, 304, 28, 290, 39, 278, 46, 271, 56, 264, 66, 259, 76, 258, 88, 264, 99, 273, 106, 281, 109, 289, 113, 303, 116, 316, 118, 324, 118, 340, 121, 352, 125, 362, 130, 373, 137, 373, 333, 360, 337, 348, 342, 338, 347, 327, 352, 316, 352, 304, 353, 289, 353, 282, 349, 274, 343, 264, 338, 252, 336, 237, 337, 226, 341, 214, 340, 200, 340, 189, 337, 182, 330, 177, 325, 173, 319, 165, 315, 158, 313, 150, 312, 140, 314
Parking Lot, Ainsworth Parking Lot, Prayasha and Megan, Black, 12, 372, 15, 372, 22, 370, 26, 369, 29, 380, 33, 393, 36, 404, 23, 410
Parking Lot, Indoor Track Parking Lot, Prayasha and Megan, Black, 25, 348, 27, 356, 28, 357, 30, 364, 56, 366, 57, 363, 83, 365, 87, 355, 28, 348
Building, Ainsworth/Scott Gym, Prayasha and Megan, Grey, 32, 376, 38, 374, 46, 377, 70, 371, 74, 383, 85, 388, 88, 397, 77, 404, 77, 405, 80, 412, 93, 409, 95, 413, 97, 413, 99, 421, 97, 428, 94, 429, 93, 431, 57, 442, 52, 422, 56, 419, 53, 411, 43, 414
Building, Conference Center, Prayasha and Megan,Grey, 235, 353, 235, 344, 241, 344, 244, 341, 257, 340, 276, 350, 275, 352, 277, 355, 270, 363, 253, 355, 235, 353
field,Outdoor Track,cyan,Leigh and Natalia,1,90,98,111,93,200,85,212,89,222,100,228,121,227,138,222,148,214,155,203,159,182,163,117,165,102,164,86,157,79,146,78,119,85,103
field,Courts,cyan,Leigh and Natalia,1,18,102,47,93,71,179,43,189,19,102
field,Field,cyan,Leigh and Natalia,1,67,194,66,249,163,248,162,193
field,The Pitch,cyan,Leigh and Natalia,1,174,193,268,191,270,247,175,248
field,Softball Field,cyan,Leigh and Natalia,1,276,192,276,248,297,249,311,241,324,231,331,220,332,205,332,191
field,Tennis,cyan,Leigh and Natalia,1,4,94,10,92,30,158,5,168
building,Field House,cyan,Leigh and Natalia,1,43,232,55,231,56,249,43,249
building,Conference Center,cyan,Leigh and Natalia,1,234,341,235,335,244,335,244,332,256,332,276,340,276,344,277,345,271,352,249,342,236,342
building,Ainsworth Gym,cyan,Leigh and Natalia,1,32,366,37,363,45,366,72,360,75,375,78,375,85,378,88,387,77,392,54,400,45,402
building,Olin Fitness Center,cyan,Leigh and Natalia,1,53,400,57,408,78,402,75,394
building,Scott Gym,cyan,Leigh and Natalia,1,52,410,92,400,94,403,96,403,99,412,97,414,97,416,92,417,94,420,57,428
building,Health Services,cyan,Leigh and Natalia,1,90,432,109,422,117,432,95,442
building,Sage Hall,cyan,Leigh and Natalia,1,113,378,122,375,123,379,145,371,151,383,149,384,149,386,145,387,145,386,117,391
building,Sweeney Concert Hall,cyan,Leigh and Natalia,1,146,372,149,368,162,365,164,365,174,365,176,376,171,377,168,382,160,385,152,385
building,Mendenhall,cyan,Leigh and Natalia,1,166,407,162,408,162,404,167,402,168,404,185,401,193,422,189,427,193,436,174,442,169,434,173,432
building,Josten Library,cyan,Leigh and Natalia,1,124,417,136,413,144,443,130,449,125,437,131,433,130,429,125,429
building,Tyler Annex,cyan,Leigh and Natalia,1,233,363,247,360,249,365,234,371
building,McConnell Hall,cyan,Leigh and Natalia,1,272,393,290,387,299,412,280,419,272,394
building,Sabin-Reed Hall,cyan,Leigh and Natalia,1,306,382,377,361,384,376,352,388,317,397,312,397
building,Burton Hall,cyan,Leigh and Natalia,1,320,398,317,401,321,415,358,405,355,392
house,Tyler House,cyan,Leigh and Natalia,1,235,381,253,376,256,382,259,393,246,397,247,405,238,408,237,406,233,406,232,396,234,393,232,389,235,387
house,Morris House,cyan,Leigh and Natalia,1,222,431,227,428,231,428,241,427,241,425,248,423,252,438,246,438,233,441,228,444
parking lot,P1,cyan,Leigh and Natalia,1,24,201,17,206,6,198,4,183,22,188
parking lot,P2,cyan,Leigh and Natalia,1,13,361,26,357,37,394,23,397
parking lot,P3,cyan,Leigh and Natalia,1,29,351,24,341,85,344,98,349,99,347,118,347,116,359,108,359,107,357,91,356,91,359,84,360,83,353,59,353,54,356,31,352
river,Paradise Pond,cyan,Leigh and Natalia,1,3,279,18,280,49,275,70,275,97,275,106,274,153,277,212,276,225,281,251,281,285,289,298,289,325,269,333,251,338,229,346,198,341,146,334,136,292,119,288,120,263,112,244,101,232,86,228,72,227,51,234,33,249,13,256,5,318,5,296,21,282,33,280,37,268,49,262,58,259,71,267,91,281,98,294,102,326,106,347,114,371,126,374,321,358,326,326,341,309,345,288,341,270,331,252,325,235,329,223,330,189,326,177,317,173,309,156,302,143,302,129,303,109,295,85,296,60,300,32,300,4,299
road,College Lane,cyan,Leigh and Natalia,1,4,326,17,324,131,337,222,344,254,349,285,361,309,367,371,351,374,357,312,374,262,358,233,353,203,350,160,346,136,344,95,339,54,333,20,331,5,331
road,Green Street,cyan,Leigh and Natalia,1,214,353,172,362,179,384,189,391,201,435,211,435,195,392,206,366,230,357
building, Ford Hall, cyan, Saikun Shi and Mengqi Chen, 3, 116, 518, 124, 516, 125, 513, 192, 493, 197, 508, 172, 516, 175, 525, 166, 530, 166, 524, 130, 534, 130, 533, 121, 536, 120, 531, 115, 531, 113, 527, 118, 526, 116, 517, 126, 514,
parking, Ford parking, cyan, Saikun Shi and Mengqi Chen, 3, 153, 536, 179, 525, 187, 550, 168, 558, 161, 559,
house, 44 Green St, cyan, Saikun Shi and Mengqi Chen, 3, 209, 563, 219, 560, 222, 571, 212, 575,
parking, Parking Garage, cyan, Saikun Shi and Mengqi Chen, 3, 110, 636, 136, 628, 140, 623, 146, 626, 143, 636, 159, 676, 128, 688,
parking, Parking, cyan, Saikun Shi and Mengqi Chen, 3, 229, 508, 241, 504, 250, 538, 254, 536, 260, 541, 262, 548, 277, 544, 280, 561, 248, 570, 242, 565, 237, 565, 222, 516, 229, 515,
building, Gym, cyan, Saikun Shi and Mengqi Chen, 3, 254, 498, 283, 489, 286, 497, 292, 496, 297, 513, 284, 515, 284, 511, 272, 515, 272, 519, 261, 522, 259, 516, 255, 516, 253, 506, 257, 505,
house, Washburn, cyan, Saikun Shi and Mengqi Chen, 3, 286, 548, 292, 546, 290, 543, 301, 540, 301, 544, 306, 543, 311, 550, 309, 553, 309, 558, 306, 559, 305, 562, 297, 565, 297, 563, 290, 565,
building, Seelye, cyan, Saikun Shi and Mengqi Chen, 3, 302, 581, 322, 575, 325, 583, 322, 585, 324, 594, 327, 592, 329, 600, 325, 600, 330, 605, 333, 616, 314, 620, 312, 613, 315, 609, 307, 607, 306, 599, 308, 592, 304, 590,
building, Neilson, cyan, Saikun Shi and Mengqi Chen, 3, 302, 503, 320, 498, 320, 503, 326, 503, 324, 495, 373, 485, 378, 494, 394, 491, 397, 505, 383, 510, 383, 516, 366, 520, 367, 527, 355, 530, 355, 534, 347, 536, 345, 534, 336, 537, 333, 528, 329, 529, 326, 525, 319, 527, 317, 521, 309, 523,
house, Lawrence, cyan, Saikun Shi and Mengqi Chen, 3, 221, 480, 227, 479, 228, 482, 243, 477, 243, 475, 249, 474, 253, 489, 248, 492, 245, 488, 233, 491, 233, 493, 225, 495,
house, Lawrence, cyan, Saikun Shi and Mengqi Chen, 3, 221, 480, 227, 479, 228, 482, 243, 477, 243, 475, 249, 474, 253, 489, 248, 492, 245, 488, 233, 491, 233, 493, 225, 495,
building, Green Box, cyan, Saikun Shi and Mengqi Chen, 3, 261, 470, 272, 466, 276, 484, 265, 487,
building, Young Science, cyan, Saikun Shi and Mengqi Chen, 3, 250, 446, 264, 442, 270, 466, 258, 471, 259, 465, 254, 468, 254, 464, 250, 464, 247, 447, 251, 447,
building, Theater, cyan, Saikun Shi and Mengqi Chen, 3, 113, 463, 161, 449, 157, 441, 162, 441, 152, 418, 150, 414, 156, 413, 156, 415, 177, 410, 183, 434, 180, 436, 184, 447, 180, 448, 186, 467, 194, 465, 196, 474, 164, 484, 164, 481, 143, 487, 144, 491, 133, 494, 132, 491, 128, 494, 126, 487, 130, 486, 127, 479, 118, 478,
Road, Greent St, cyan, Saikun Shi and Mengqi Chen, 3, 178, 403, 236, 618, 245, 617, 188, 401,
building, Bass, cyan, Saikun Shi and Mengqi Chen, 3, 268, 441, 283, 438, 295, 478, 279, 482, 272, 457, 269, 457, 267, 449, 269, 448,
building, Josten, cyan, Saikun Shi and Mengqi Chen, 3, 111, 423, 124, 422, 135, 454, 118, 462, 113, 446, 121, 445, 121, 439, 115, 440,
house, Hubbard, cyan, Saikun Shi and Mengqi Chen, 3, 256, 581, 261, 579, 263, 581, 269, 580, 269, 577, 275, 577, 279, 590, 275, 592, 266, 592, 266, 596, 259, 599,
building, Lilly, cyan, Saikun Shi and Mengqi Chen, 3, 257, 621, 272, 611, 285, 629, 276, 636, 269, 627, 262, 630,
building, Pierrce, cyan, Saikun Shi and Mengqi Chen, 3, 275, 645, 284, 636, 285, 638, 294, 632, 304, 644, 297, 653, 295, 651, 287, 657,
building, College Hall, cyan, Saikun Shi and Mengqi Chen, 3, 318, 643, 334, 641, 334, 651, 329, 651, 331, 663, 345, 662, 347, 678, 325, 680, 325, 676, 317, 677, 316, 654, 312, 654, 312, 646, 318, 645,
Building, Lily Hall, cyan, Mengqi Chen, Saikun Shi, 3, 291, 645, 307, 636, 320, 655, 310, 662, 304, 653, 299, 655, 291, 647,
Building, Pierce Hall, cyan, Mengqi Chen, Saikun Shi, 3, 311, 671, 321, 661, 323, 664, 329, 658, 341, 669, 335, 676, 333, 676, 323, 684, 312, 670,
Building, College Hall, cyan, Mengqi Chen, Saikun Shi, 3, 351, 669, 368, 665, 371, 677, 365, 677, 366, 687, 369, 686, 370, 689, 381, 687, 382, 704, 351, 703, 351, 696, 350, 696, 350, 691, 352, 692, 350, 680, 347, 680, 347, 673,
House, Hubbard , cyan, Mengqi Chen, Saikun Shi, 3, 292, 608, 296, 608, 297, 609, 305, 608, 305, 604, 310, 602, 313, 608, 314, 609, 314, 617, 309, 619, 309, 617, 302, 619, 302, 621, 295, 623, 293, 619, 292, 617, 292, 613, 291, 610,
Parking, Parking, cyan, Mengqi Chen, Saikun Shi, 3, 275, 613, 284, 609, 292, 629, 282, 633, 277, 613,
Road, West St., cyan, Mengqi Chen, Saikun Shi, 3, 24, 563, 67, 582, 95, 595, 122, 610, 161, 623, 193, 632, 231, 643, 257, 646, 271, 644, 279, 661, 249, 654, 219, 648, 203, 646, 191, 644, 167, 637, 138, 628, 114, 617, 92, 606, 72, 595, 49, 583, 27, 573,
Road, Queen St., cyan, Mengqi Chen, Saikun Shi, 3, 215, 427, 222, 425, 240, 489, 257, 552, 273, 611, 280, 641, 286, 651, 316, 687, 329, 702, 318, 703, 298, 680, 281, 663, 272, 647, 272, 640, 216, 428,
Road, Belmont Ave., cyan, Mengqi Chen, Saikun Shi, 3, 25, 522, 76, 476, 82, 483, 24, 532,
Road, Ahwaga Ave., cyan, Mengqi Chen, Saikun Shi, 3, 35, 568, 91, 507, 99, 513, 45, 571,
Road, Arnold Ave., cyan, Mengqi Chen, Saikun Shi, 3, 202, 583, 206, 610, 203, 633, 198, 659, 203, 667, 203, 674, 200, 680, 194, 682, 189, 678, 189, 671, 191, 663, 193, 656, 195, 644, 199, 631, 201, 618, 201, 606, 201, 599, 197, 586, 202, 583,
Building, Field House, Cyan, Renee Picard and Sherry Cai, 1, 44, 218, 44, 216, 56, 217, 56, 238, 44, 236
Field, Courts, Cyan, Renee Picard and Sherry Cai, 1, 18, 87, 47, 78, 71, 165, 42, 174
Parking, Parking near tennis courts, Cyan, Renee Picard and Sherry Cai, 1, 4, 169, 21, 174, 25, 185, 16, 192, 4, 182
Road, College Ln., Cyan, Renee Picard and Sherry Cai, 1, 2, 310, 133, 322, 216, 328, 259, 338, 289, 348, 307, 354, 325, 351, 363, 339, 418, 325, 462, 315, 489, 311, 507, 310, 521, 314, 541, 323, 582, 341, 579, 348, 543, 332, 516, 320, 500, 317, 479, 319, 454, 324, 379, 342, 320, 361, 306, 360, 264, 346, 197, 335, 137, 331, 78, 323, 27, 318, 4, 318
Building, Conference Center, Cyan, Renee Picard and Sherry Cai, 1, 235, 318, 241, 318, 243, 316, 256, 317, 277, 326, 275, 329, 277, 332, 270, 338, 251, 329, 235, 328
parking lot, Parking, Cyan, Sherri Lin, 107, 537, 98, 559, 109, 564, 116, 542
parking lot, Parking, Cyan, Sherri Lin, 165, 524, 171, 549, 197, 540, 190, 514
hubbard, House, Cyan, Sherri Lin, 265, 573, 268, 586, 288, 582, 285, 567
washburn, House, Cyan, Sherri Lin, 293, 538, 300, 553, 321, 551, 314, 532
ford hall, Building, Cyan, Sherri Lin, 125, 509, 128, 523, 202, 503, 202, 481
theatre 14, Building, Cyan, Sherri Lin, 124, 452, 140, 485, 199, 466, 190, 435
health services, Building, Cyan, Sherri Lin, 87, 428, 91, 443, 120, 434, 114, 420
alumnae gym, Building, Cyan, Sherri Lin, 259, 487, 266, 512, 302, 504, 297, 479
ford hall, Building, Cyan, Sylvie Fried, 170, 481, 175, 495, 237, 473, 233, 464
seelye hall, Building, Cyan, Sylvie Fried, 321, 535, 331, 566, 346, 562, 339, 533
mendenhall, Building, Cyan, Sylvie Fried, 171, 439, 181, 462, 234, 447, 223, 423
bass hall, Building, Cyan, Sylvie Fried, 297, 419, 303, 451, 314, 450, 307, 418
classroom annex, Building, Cyan, Sylvie Fried, 277, 425, 282, 440, 293, 436, 290, 421
alumnae gym, Building, Cyan, Sylvie Fried, 282, 466, 287, 483, 316, 473, 308, 458
parking garage, Parking, Cyan, Sylvie Fried, 164, 580, 180, 619, 203, 613, 190, 572
P, Parking, Cyan, Sylvie Fried, 202, 495, 207, 516, 224, 508, 221, 491
P2, Parking, Cyan, Sylvie Fried 228, 623, 241, 611, 273, 637, 261, 652
House, Wilder, Sasha McCann and Zara Jamshed, 2, hotpink, 588, 90, 605, 75, 568, 34, 553, 48, 561, 58, 567, 54, 584, 71, 579, 78
House, Morrow, Sasha McCann and Zara Jamshed, 2, hotpink, 605, 100, 611, 108, 642, 79, 635, 71
House, Comstock, Sasha McCann and Zara Jamshed, 2, hotpink, 560, 59, 551, 49, 533, 65, 571, 106, 587, 90, 577, 80, 569, 85, 552, 70
House, Cushing, Sasha McCann and Zara Jamshed, 2, hotpink, 593, 110, 601, 117, 571, 146, 563, 138
House, Gardner, Sasha McCann and Zara Jamshed, 2, hotpink, 666, 167, 697, 138, 689, 131, 658, 159
House, Emerson, Sasha McCann and Zara Jamshed, 2, hotpink, 578, 141, 625, 188, 618, 194, 573, 147
House, Jordan, Sasha McCann and Zara Jamshed, 2, hotpink, 617, 195, 649, 168, 656, 176, 626, 205
House, Scales, Sasha McCann and Zara Jamshed, 2, hotpink, 653, 215, 651, 216, 642, 207, 655, 195, 663, 204, 661, 207, 666, 210, 671, 211, 678, 211, 685, 209, 685, 207, 689, 201, 701, 214, 697, 218, 695, 217, 685, 223, 678, 224, 667, 225, 659, 220
House, King, Sasha McCann and Zara Jamshed, 2, hotpink, 691, 200, 697, 195, 699, 197, 701, 193, 701, 189, 702, 183, 701, 177, 702, 175, 695, 175, 687, 166, 701, 154, 709, 163, 705, 166, 710, 170, 714, 178, 714, 188, 714, 197, 707, 203, 707, 207, 703, 212
House, Wilson, Sasha McCann and Zara Jamshed, 2, hotpink, 635, 88, 641, 95, 653, 85, 664, 97, 661, 100, 672, 111, 675, 109, 687, 121, 684, 123, 681, 123, 676, 127, 681, 135, 690, 127, 693, 128, 701, 121, 652, 68, 644, 73
Building, Boathouse, Sasha McCann and Zara Jamshed, 2, hotpink, 418, 338, 429, 334, 436, 349, 421, 355, 416, 343
Building, Botanical Gardens, Sasha McCann and Zara Jamshed, 2, hotpink, 458, 385, 480, 379, 483, 386, 491, 383, 494, 393, 490, 396, 494, 412, 489, 415, 489, 418, 463, 425, 462, 419, 466, 417
Building, Helen Hills Chapel, Sasha McCann and Zara Jamshed, 2, hotpink, 653, 393, 677, 398, 679, 402, 681, 405, 676, 412, 673, 412, 673, 412, 652, 408, 648, 403
Building, Admissions Office, Sasha McCann and Zara Jamshed, 2, hotpink, 554, 359, 554, 355, 561, 349, 570, 357, 565, 367
Parking, Admissions Parking Lot, Sasha McCann and Zara Jamshed, 2, hotpink, 508, 405, 513, 405, 517, 393, 536, 393, 539, 378, 522, 374, 516, 382, 509, 382, 509, 402
Parking, Friedman Parking, Sasha McCann and Zara Jamshed, 2, hotpink, 642, 456, 665, 464, 664, 473, 659, 473, 656, 480, 638, 476
Parking, Chapel Parking, Sasha McCann and Zara Jamshed, 2, hotpink, 643, 396, 650, 397, 648, 405, 653, 410, 677, 414, 682, 408, 687, 409, 683, 422, 643, 415, 642, 409
House, Haven, Sasha McCann and Zara Jamshed, 2, hotpink, 527, 450, 530, 450, 530, 447, 563, 452, 563, 462, 530, 456
House, Hopkins, Sasha McCann and Zara Jamshed, 2, hotpink, 543, 425, 550, 427, 551, 430, 558, 431, 558, 428, 567, 428, 567, 419, 544, 415
House, Park Annex, Sasha McCann and Zara Jamshed, 2, hotpink, 556, 407, 572, 409, 575, 401, 570, 399, 570, 398, 562, 397, 558, 396, 555, 407
House, Wesley, Sasha McCann and Zara Jamshed, 2, hotpink, 526, 426, 533, 426, 534, 441, 523, 441, 523, 435, 521, 435, 522, 427
House, Chapin, Sasha McCann and Zara Jamshed, 2, hotpink, 467, 442, 467, 440, 479, 436, 479, 438, 485, 437, 492, 455, 464, 463, 460, 445
House, Sessions, Sasha McCann and Zara Jamshed, 2, hotpink, 611, 447, 632, 452, 637, 442, 625, 438, 625, 441, 615, 438
House, Sessions Annex, Sasha McCann and Zara Jamshed, 2, hotpink, 616, 457, 614, 465, 630, 469, 630, 466, 635, 465, 635, 460, 615, 454
River, Paradise Pond, Sasha McCann and Zara Jamshed, 2, hotpink, 401, 162, 413, 168, 416, 173, 423, 177, 429, 181, 432, 184, 436, 188, 441, 192, 442, 193, 449, 196, 452, 200, 459, 205, 465, 208, 465, 215, 472, 218, 481, 221, 484, 225, 488, 228, 490, 232, 496, 238, 499, 242, 501, 246, 501, 247, 507, 256, 511, 265, 517, 271, 522, 278, 525, 283, 527, 292, 528, 301, 526, 312, 515, 321, 510, 322, 508, 322, 501, 326, 493, 327, 477, 331, 467, 335, 458, 335, 446, 335, 436, 331, 430, 332, 422, 337, 416, 340, 410, 351, 402, 356, 402, 165
Road, College Ln, Sasha McCann and Zara Jamshed, 2, hotpink, 401, 385, 401, 393, 491, 372, 500, 368, 510, 367, 517, 367, 524, 367, 534, 366, 541, 370, 547, 372, 551, 373, 564, 379, 603, 399, 610, 393, 571, 377, 565, 372, 557, 367, 544, 360, 534, 359, 527, 360, 511, 362, 502, 363, 489, 365, 480, 367, 470, 367, 401, 384
building, boat house, cyan, Sarah Thalheimer and Sunny Jiang, 2, 391, 304, 395, 319, 411, 314, 405, 301, 392, 305
house, park house, cyan, Sarah Thalheimer and Sunny Jiang, 2, 573, 293, 564, 308, 570, 313, 574, 310, 581, 312, 583, 309, 589, 309, 592, 304, 573, 295
house, tenney house, cyan, Sarah Thalheimer and Sunny Jiang, 2, 619, 226, 613, 236, 623, 242, 631, 236, 619, 229
house, chapin house, cyan, Sarah Thalheimer and Sunny Jiang, 2, 434, 409, 438, 426, 466, 420, 461, 402, 454, 405, 453, 402, 443, 405, 443, 408, 436, 411
parking, parking area, cyan, Sarah Thalheimer and Sunny Jiang, 2, 482, 347, 481, 365, 485, 368, 491, 355, 511, 356, 512, 343, 497, 341, 491, 346, 483, 346
house, Comstock-Wilder, cyan, Sarah Thalheimer and Sunny Jiang, 2, 540, 4, 508, 31, 546, 69, 579, 39, 548, 6
road, Paradise Road, cyan, Sarah Thalheimer and Sunny Jiang, 2, 438, 13, 648, 236, 644, 247, 429, 24
road, Elm Street(Quadrant2), cyan, Sarah Thalheimer and Sunny Jiang, 2, 750, 96, 648, 235, 611, 303, 583, 359, 569, 401, 558, 437, 572, 437, 579, 415, 599, 362, 641, 281, 710, 186, 751, 131
house, Park Annex, cyan, Sarah Thalheimer and Sunny Jiang, 2, 533, 364, 533, 373, 547, 374, 549, 366, 546, 367, 546, 364, 540, 364, 540, 365
building, Admissions, cyan, Sarah Thalheimer and Sunny Jiang, 2, 536, 315, 529, 324, 538, 331, 543, 324
building, President's House, cyan, Sarah Thalheimer and Sunny Jiang, 2, 565, 222, 576, 225, 564, 248, 553, 244
river, Paradise Pond(Quadrant2), cyan, Sarah Thalheimer and Sunny Jiang, 2, 376, 128, 376, 324, 386, 319, 393, 306, 408, 298, 434, 302, 496, 285, 504, 272, 502, 251, 488, 236, 476, 208, 459, 193, 439, 184, 437, 175, 419, 165, 405, 148
building, Botanic Gardens, cyan, Sarah Thalheimer and Sunny Jiang, 2, 455, 345, 435, 350, 442, 380, 436, 383, 439, 391, 462, 384, 461, 380, 469, 378, 464, 361, 470, 359, 465, 349, 458, 351, 455, 345
house, Wilson, cyan, Sarah Thalheimer and Sunny Jiang, 2, 628, 33, 619, 41, 642, 65, 640, 68, 648, 76, 650, 74, 663, 87, 661, 90, 658, 88, 666, 95, 669, 94, 670, 94, 678, 86
house, Gardiner, cyan, Sarah Thalheimer and Sunny Jiang, 2, 657, 86, 650, 95, 658, 104, 635, 124, 641, 133, 673, 102
house, Emerson-Jordan-Cushing, cyan, Sarah Thalheimer and Sunny Jiang, 2, 624, 135, 631, 142, 603, 171, 539, 105, 570, 77, 577, 85, 556, 105, 603, 154, 626, 135
house, King-Scales, cyan, Sarah Thalheimer and Sunny Jiang, 2, 675, 121, 662, 132, 669, 141, 673, 140, 676, 149, 676, 162, 661, 174, 662, 178, 651, 180, 636, 175, 640, 172, 631, 164, 618, 174, 626, 183, 626, 181, 641, 190, 658, 191, 670, 185, 671, 186, 683, 174, 682, 171, 689, 162, 690, 150, 687, 139, 683, 134, 685, 131, 675, 123
building, Helen Hills Hills Chapel, cyan, Sarah Thalheimer and Sunny Jiang, 2, 630, 358, 652, 363, 657, 370, 650, 375, 630, 373, 623, 366
parking, Helen Hills Hills Parking, cyan, Sarah Thalheimer and Sunny Jiang, 2, 623, 366, 616, 371, 618, 379, 656, 388, 659, 384, 658, 379
road, Round Hill Road, cyan, Sarah Thalheimer and Sunny Jiang, 2, 617, 333, 732, 357, 732, 360, 616, 340
house, Parsons, cyan, Sarah Thalheimer and Sunny Jiang, 2, 703, 403, 698, 403, 698, 416, 683, 416, 685, 428, 706, 428, 707, 414, 705, 414, 705, 406
house, Sessions, cyan, Sarah Thalheimer and Sunny Jiang, 2, 610, 406, 600, 405, 598, 406, 589, 406, 590, 412, 609, 414
house, Sessions Annex, cyan, Sarah Thalheimer and Sunny Jiang, 2, 611, 425, 611, 430, 605, 429, 605, 432, 593, 431, 589, 422
house, Haven, cyan, Sarah Thalheimer and Sunny Jiang, 2, 540, 417, 539, 426, 505, 423, 505, 422, 503, 421, 503, 418, 507, 417, 507, 414, 520, 414, 521, 412, 524, 412, 525, 417
building, 150 Elm, cyan, Sarah Thalheimer and Sunny Jiang, 2, 612, 243, 623, 249, 620, 259, 605, 250
building, 146 Elm, cyan, Sarah Thalheimer and Sunny Jiang, 2, 600, 258, 615, 267, 608, 275, 595, 268
building, 138 Elm, cyan, Sarah Thalheimer and Sunny Jiang, 2, 593, 276, 604, 281, 599, 290, 585, 282
building, Crew House, cyan, Sarah Thalheimer and Sunny Jiang, 2, 389, 329, 373, 334, 372, 325, 384, 321
river, Botanic Garden Pond, cyan, Sarah Thalheimer and Sunny Jiang, 2, 423, 353, 429, 353, 433, 365, 433, 371, 426, 368, 420, 361
house, Wesley, cyan, Sarah Thalheimer and Sunny Jiang, 2, 502, 394, 509, 394, 509, 406, 502, 406
house, Friedman, cyan, Sarah Thalheimer and Sunny Jiang, 2, 648, 395, 655, 396, 653, 413, 655, 414, 652, 421, 647, 419, 647, 415, 644, 413
building, Gables, cyan, Sarah Thalheimer and Sunny Jiang, 2, 704, 368, 702, 385, 710, 386, 713, 372
Building, Ford Hall, Jiaqi Mei and Chantelle Leswell 3, blue, 151 443, 159 441, 165 436, 177 434, 199 428, 220 420, 229 417, 230 428, 206 440, 210 451, 201 454, 198 449, 169, 459, 159 459, 153 456, 150 454, 152 450
Building, Green Box, Jiaqi Mei and Chantelle Leswell 3, blue, 200, 25, 189 456, 216 449, 221 475, 196 482, 52 179, 142 27, 248 317
Parking, Arnold Ave. Parking, Jiaqi Mei and Chantelle Leswell 3, blue, 200, 25, 189 456, 216 449, 221 475, 196 482, 52 179, 142 27, 248 317
House, Lawrence, Jiaqi Mei and Chantelle Leswell 3, blue, 297 395, 305 393, 310 407, 303 410, 295 396
Parking, Green Street Parking, Jiaqi Mei and Chantelle Leswell 3, blue, 260 456, 261 451, 260 440, 263 435, 277 431, 284 457, 284 460, 289 460, 295 463, 299 472, 313 472, 315 487, 281 495, 278 489, 272 489, 267 480, 265 467, 263 460, 260 449, 258 441, 262 441
building, Bass Hall, lightpink, Xueying Wang and Sifan Jiang, 2, 254, 415, 268, 412, 279, 451, 265, 455, 258, 431, 255, 432, 252, 423, 255, 423,
house, Chapin, lightpink, Xueying Wang and Sifan Jiang, 2, 410, 394, 416, 392, 415, 389, 427, 386, 427, 387, 436, 386, 441, 405, 414, 412,
house, Morris, lightpink, Xueying Wang and Sifan Jiang, 2, 196, 415, 202, 413, 202, 414, 217, 410, 217, 409, 222, 408, 226, 421, 222, 423, 222, 422, 205, 427, 205, 428, 200, 428,
building, Ford Hall, lightpink, Xueying Wang and Sifan Jiang, 2, 110, 489, 110, 487, 178, 467, 183, 481, 155, 491, 158, 501, 151, 502, 148, 499, 116, 507, 115, 506, 105, 510, 103, 505, 100, 504, 98, 500, 101, 498, 99, 492, 110, 489,
house, Tyler, lightpink, Xueying Wang and Sifan Jiang, 2, 211, 372, 208, 364, 226, 360, 229, 365, 232, 367, 234, 376, 220, 383, 221, 392, 211, 392, 211, 392, 206, 391, 203, 377, 206, 377, 205, 373, 212, 370,
Tree, big tree, lime green, Anna Rogers and Claire Tepesch, 2, 503, 143, 497, 161, 485, 174, 497, 180, 481, 191, 509, 192, 511, 207, 529, 208, 529, 193, 553, 189, 535, 176, 554, 173, 533, 157, 550, 157, 513, 133
Building, Botanic Garden, lime green, Anna Rogers and Claire Tepesch, 2, 434, 351, 440, 378, 435, 383, 438, 389, 463, 383, 461, 379, 467, 377, 465, 363, 468, 355, 465, 348, 456, 348, 454, 342, 434, 351
Building, Gardiner House, lime green, Anna Rogers and Claire Tepesch, 2, 635, 123, 643, 132, 671, 103, 656, 88, 649, 94, 656, 103, 194, 11
Building, King House, lime green, Anna Rogers and Claire Tepesch, 2, 676, 122, 664, 131, 672, 141, 679, 150, 676, 161, 684, 170, 688, 163, 692, 152, 689, 140, 684, 132, 676, 123
Building, President's House, lime green, Anna Rogers and Claire Tepesch, 2, 555, 242, 564, 220, 572, 225, 564, 247
Road, Elm Street, lime green, Anna Rogers and Claire Tepesch, 2, 747, 97, 685, 176, 642, 242, 598, 323, 611, 337, 638, 282, 673, 230, 717, 171, 750, 133, 751, 93
Road, Paradise Road, lime green, Anna Rogers and Claire Tepesch, 2, 646, 228, 461, 39, 451, 45, 638, 238
Tree, other tree, lime green, Anna Rogers and Claire Tepesch, 2, 466, 94, 453, 154, 509, 154, 455, 76
Building, Wilson House, lime green, Anna Rogers and Claire Tepesch, 2, 619, 38, 670, 92, 676, 88, 627, 32
House, Wilder/Comstock, light green, Ojaswi Acharya and Disha Rajdev, 509, 32, 540, 4, 547, 4, 583, 39, 545, 74, 510, 33, 528, 34, 547, 53, 560, 38, 544, 19, 527, 34
House, Cushing/Emerson, light green, Ojaswi Acharya and Disha Rajdev, 577, 83, 569, 77, 541, 105, 601, 168, 601, 154, 555, 104, 577, 83
House, Morrow/Wilson, light green, Ojaswi Acharya and Disha Rajdev, 581, 66, 612, 37, 619, 46, 620, 41, 626, 34, 678, 86, 669, 94, 664, 96, 659, 90, 662, 84, 652, 75, 644, 78, 636, 69, 641, 62, 631, 53, 618, 62, 610, 55, 586, 72, 581, 68
House, Jordan, light green, Ojaswi Acharya and Disha Rajdev, 603, 154, 622, 134, 632, 144, 603, 170, 601, 156
House, Gardiner, light green, Ojaswi Acharya and Disha Rajdev, 641, 133, 635, 124, 643, 115, 657, 104, 649, 97, 657, 88, 665, 95, 675, 104, 662, 113, 655, 119, 645, 131
House, King/scales, light green, Ojaswi Acharya and Disha Rajdev, 619, 173, 631, 162, 637, 169, 643, 175, 657, 174, 661, 173, 668, 168, 673, 163, 677, 156, 677, 150, 673, 139, 673, 141, 664, 134, 668, 126, 673, 122, 678, 126, 684, 129, 689, 162, 685, 166, 673, 182, 660, 190, 633, 185, 629, 181, 621, 174, 622, 172, 624, 166
Building, President's house, light green, Ojaswi Acharya and Disha Rajdev, 553, 243, 566, 219, 577, 225, 563, 248
House, 150 Elm, light green, Ojaswi Acharya and Disha Rajdev, 604, 250, 611, 241, 626, 251, 618, 259
House, Park, light green, Ojaswi Acharya and Disha Rajdev, 564, 310, 574, 294, 591, 304, 588, 310, 584, 310, 581, 314, 574, 310, 569, 316, 562, 310
House, Tenney, light green, Ojaswi Acharya and Disha Rajdev, 611, 236, 619, 226, 631, 237, 626, 245
Building, Admissions Office, light green, Ojaswi Acharya and Disha Rajdev, 529, 320, 535, 316, 546, 324, 538, 331, 529, 324
House, 146 Elm, light green, Ojaswi Acharya and Disha Rajdev, 596, 267, 599, 260, 614, 268, 607, 274, 595, 267
Building, 138 Elm, light green, Ojaswi Acharya and Disha Rajdev, 586, 284, 591, 276, 604, 283, 598, 289
Building, Helen Hills Chapel, light green, Ojaswi Acharya and Disha Rajdev, 628, 361, 628, 357, 653, 364, 656, 369, 654, 375, 650, 377, 625, 374, 625, 370, 622, 367, 625, 361, 627, 359, 627, 357
House, Jordan, cyan, Katrina Kuo & Mariah Ollive, 2, 624, 134, 596, 158, 605, 167, 630, 142
House, Chapin, cyan, Katrina Kuo & Mariah Ollive, 2, 460, 402, 434, 410, 443, 429, 466, 420
Parking, Admissions, cyan, Katrina Kuo & Mariah Ollive, 2, 500, 341, 484, 349, 486, 366, 492, 357, 509, 357, 513, 345
Pond, Paradise, cyan, Katrina Kuo & Mariah Ollive, 2, 377, 131, 394, 304, 434, 300, 488, 285, 500, 256, 475, 213, 426, 172, 376, 131
Road, Paradise, cyan, Katrina Kuo & Mariah Ollive, 2, 438, 16, 428, 22, 656, 254, 660, 241, 442, 18
House, Chapin House, cyan, Emily Ohrtman and Susanna Luciano, 430, 412, 430, 419, 467, 419, 463, 405, 437, 405
Building, Botanic Gardens, orange, Emily Ohrtman and Susanna Luciano, 431, 351, 431, 384, 462, 384, 467, 355, 446, 346, 436, 347
River, Paradise Pond, alice blue, Emily Ohrtman and Susanna Luciano, 333, 126, 344, 183, 333, 266, 307, 286, 317, 349, 379, 320, 406, 280, 434, 196, 432, 159, 363, 126, 345, 134
Road, Paradise Road, grey, Emily Ohrtman and Susanna Luciano, 717, 134, 616, 284, 623, 305, 742, 138, 737, 112
Parking, Parking, gray, Emily Ohrtman and Susanna Luciano, 34, 261, 497, 336, 481, 348, 481, 368, 489, 368, 490, 356, 504, 356, 507, 341, 494, 341
Building, Chapin, Brown, Kalynn Kosyka and Jiyoung Yun, 3, 409, 395, 415, 411, 442, 404, 437, 390, 430, 390, 429, 388, 416, 388, 416, 392, 410, 395
Building, Cushing, Brown, Kalynn Kosyka and Jiyoung Yun, 3, 542, 60, 514, 88, 530, 92, 552, 68, 545, 63
Building, Emerson, Brown, Kalynn Kosyka and Jiyoung Yun, 3, 576, 139, 575, 155, 516, 89, 532, 93, 577, 139
Building, Jordan, Brown, Kalynn Kosyka and Jiyoung Yun, 3, 576, 140, 576, 153, 603, 129, 598, 119
Building, Gardiner, Brown, Kalynn Kosyka and Jiyoung Yun, 3, 608, 107, 615, 114, 645, 88, 631, 72, 623, 81, 631, 88
Building, Wilson, Brown, Kalynn Kosyka and Jiyoung Yun, 3, 595, 24, 615, 47, 611, 50, 623, 63, 627, 59, 636, 70, 632, 76, 638, 81, 644, 78, 652, 71, 601, 17, 593, 24
Building, Morrow, Brown, Kalynn Kosyka and Jiyoung Yun, 3, 555, 51, 586, 24, 596, 33, 598, 29, 603, 33, 594, 43, 586, 37, 562, 59, 555, 52
Building, Comstock, Brown, Kalynn Kosyka and Jiyoung Yun, 3, 483, 17, 520, 57, 537, 41, 529, 31, 521, 37, 503, 20, 511, 12, 496, 6, 485, 17
Building, Wilder, Brown, Kalynn Kosyka and Jiyoung Yun, 3, 529, 31, 536, 23, 517, 5, 511, 11, 494, 4, 536, 3, 555, 23, 538, 42
Building, King, Brown, Kalynn Kosyka and Jiyoung Yun, 3, 646, 126, 636, 116, 649, 106, 657, 115, 657, 119, 666, 129, 665, 139, 662, 145, 658, 156, 658, 158, 654, 163, 642, 151, 648, 144, 650, 147, 652, 142, 652, 138, 652, 132, 648, 123, 646, 127
Building, Scales, Brown, Kalynn Kosyka and Jiyoung Yun, 3, 643, 152, 633, 158, 636, 163, 631, 163, 628, 163, 621, 163, 616, 162, 613, 159, 615, 154, 606, 146, 592, 157, 601, 165, 603, 165, 607, 168, 611, 172, 618, 175, 625, 177, 631, 177, 637, 176, 644, 169, 645, 170, 654, 163
Building, Boat House, Brown, Kalynn Kosyka and Jiyoung Yun, 3, 368, 290, 381, 285, 387, 299, 370, 304
Building, Lyman Conservatory, Brown, Kalynn Kosyka and Jiyoung Yun, 3, 416, 366, 408, 335, 429, 327, 432, 334, 441, 334, 444, 341, 438, 343, 441, 362, 437, 362, 439, 368, 415, 376
Building, Park, Brown, Kalynn Kosyka and Jiyoung Yun, 3, 537, 295, 547, 278, 569, 289, 565, 296, 559, 295, 555, 300, 548, 295, 546, 300, 538, 295
Building, President’s House, Brown, Kalynn Kosyka and Jiyoung Yun, 3, 526, 227, 539, 233, 551, 210, 538, 205
Building, Admission, Brown, Kalynn Kosyka and Jiyoung Yun, 3, 504, 309, 515, 318, 522, 304, 511, 298
Building, 138 Elm, Brown, Kalynn Kosyka and Jiyoung Yun, 3, 559, 267, 563, 259, 577, 266, 574, 276
Building, 150 Elm, Brown, Kalynn Kosyka and Jiyoung Yun, 3, 576, 237, 592, 243, 598, 236, 585, 227
Building, Tenney, Brown, Kalynn Kosyka and Jiyoung Yun, 3, 586, 221, 600, 228, 608, 220, 593, 211
Building, Park Annex, Brown, Kalynn Kosyka and Jiyoung Yun, 3, 507, 346, 507, 357, 521, 359, 524, 351, 521, 350, 521, 348, 515, 347, 515, 349, 509, 348
Building, Hopkins, Brown, Kalynn Kosyka and Jiyoung Yun, 3, 494, 365, 494, 375, 500, 375, 500, 379, 508, 381, 508, 379, 513, 379, 513, 378, 516, 378, 516, 372, 515, 372, 515, 367, 494, 366
Building, Wesley, Brown, Kalynn Kosyka and Jiyoung Yun, 3, 484, 374, 483, 392, 473, 390, 473, 385, 473, 385, 473, 380, 474, 380, 474, 376, 484, 376
Building, Haven, Brown, Kalynn Kosyka and Jiyoung Yun, 3, 480, 396, 480, 398, 475, 398, 475, 402, 478, 403, 478, 408, 512, 414, 515, 402, 500, 401, 500, 398, 496, 396, 496, 399, 481, 397
Building, Sessions, Brown, Kalynn Kosyka and Jiyoung Yun, 3, 573, 389, 564, 388, 563, 398, 583, 402, 586, 390, 575, 387
Building, Sessions Annex, Brown, Kalynn Kosyka and Jiyoung Yun, 3, 563, 403, 586, 408, 585, 411, 580, 411, 580, 416, 564, 416
Building, Parsons, Brown, Kalynn Kosyka and Jiyoung Yun, 3, 658, 401, 658, 411, 681, 414, 681, 411, 682, 411, 682, 399, 684, 399, 684, 395, 680, 394, 680, 387, 671, 388, 671, 400
Building, Helen Hills Hills Chapel, Brown, Kalynn Kosyka and Jiyoung Yun, 3, 603, 342, 598, 343, 599, 353, 634, 364, 635, 352, 627, 348
Building, Friedman, Brown, Kalynn Kosyka and Jiyoung Yun, 3, 623, 377, 618, 396, 620, 397, 620, 403, 626, 403, 630, 400, 626, 398, 631, 378, 623, 377
Parking, Parking, Blue, Kalynn Kosyka and Jiyoung Yun, 3, 463, 355, 455, 355, 457, 330, 463, 330, 471, 323, 489, 327, 489, 333, 484, 344, 465, 341, 463, 354
Parking, Parking, Blue, Kalynn Kosyka and Jiyoung Yun, 3, 591, 350, 635, 362, 632, 375, 592, 366, 592, 360
Parking, Parking, Blue, Kalynn Kosyka and Jiyoung Yun, 3, 613, 423, 618, 414, 591, 407, 584, 426, 600, 432, 605, 432, 609, 422
Parking, Parking, Blue, Kalynn Kosyka and Jiyoung Yun, 3, 650, 388, 670, 385, 669, 400, 655, 400, 658, 410, 668, 414, 668, 416, 655, 416, 650, 408, 650, 390, 650, 384, 670, 385
Parking, Parking, Blue, Kalynn Kosyka and Jiyoung Yun, 3, 676, 371, 676, 377, 687, 379, 687, 372
Parking, Parking, Blue, Kalynn Kosyka and Jiyoung Yun, 3, 527, 326, 521, 323, 537, 297, 539, 302
Parking, Parking, Blue, Kalynn Kosyka and Jiyoung Yun, 3, 560, 266, 571, 274, 578, 267, 565, 260
Road, Paradise Road, Light Grey, Kalynn Kosyka and Jiyoung Yun, 3, 402, 4, 420, 3, 623, 221, 618, 232, 498, 108, 494, 102
Road, Dryads Green, Light Grey, Kalynn Kosyka and Jiyoung Yun, 3, 453, 39, 450, 35, 482, 3, 489, 2
Road, Mandelle Road, Light Grey, Kalynn Kosyka and Jiyoung Yun, 3, 499, 87, 505, 93, 597, 4, 587, 4
Road, Elm Street, Light Grey, Kalynn Kosyka and Jiyoung Yun, 3, 532, 418, 538, 397, 547, 366, 560, 339, 578, 300, 592, 271, 616, 235, 643, 194, 671, 158, 693, 130, 703, 119, 703, 139, 695, 150, 676, 176, 659, 198, 648, 214, 626, 246, 608, 275, 593, 299, 580, 327, 563, 365, 552, 399, 547, 417
Road, College Lane, Light Grey, Kalynn Kosyka and Jiyoung Yun, 3, 349, 336, 379, 327, 433, 314, 463, 311, 486, 309, 512, 319, 530, 330, 560, 343, 557, 350, 530, 337, 505, 326, 485, 317, 469, 317, 450, 319, 374, 336, 352, 343, 350, 344
Road, Round Hill Road, Light Grey, Kalynn Kosyka and Jiyoung Yun, 3, 587, 316, 585, 322, 627, 331, 680, 342, 702, 345, 702, 338, 637, 328, 586, 316
Building, Crew House, Brown, Kalynn Kosyka and Jiyoung Yun, 3, 345, 309, 348, 322, 362, 314, 359, 304
Building, Admissions, Purple, Heather and Jiamin, 2, 539, 331, 545, 322, 533, 315, 526, 323, 539, 332
House, Park House, Purple, Heather and Jiamin, 2, 569, 313, 561, 310, 572, 294, 591, 304, 587, 310, 584, 307, 580, 311, 574, 308, 569, 312, 563, 309
House, Sessions House, Purple, Heather and Jiamin, 2, 607, 417, 610, 404, 600, 403, 600, 404, 589, 404, 588, 412, 606, 416
Road, Paradise Rd., Purple, Heather and Jiamin, 2, 429, 18, 434, 16, 645, 238, 644, 243, 429, 18
Road, Round Hill Rd., Purple, Heather and Jiamin, 2, 607, 337, 732, 360, 730, 355, 609, 332, 606, 337
Building, Ford Hall, purple, Michelle&Deepal, 126, 508, 130, 524, 174, 514, 179, 520, 184, 518, 182, 506, 207, 499, 202, 483
Building, Seelye Hall, purple, Michelle&Deepal, 313, 574, 323, 612, 343, 608, 333, 568
Building, Lily Hall, purple, Michelle&Deepal, 264, 610, 272, 621, 277, 618, 284, 627, 296, 619, 280, 601
Building, Pierce Hall, purple, Michelle&Deepal, 288, 635, 298, 647, 313, 635, 305, 625
Building, College Hall, purple, Michelle&Deepal, 327, 634, 327, 667, 356, 668, 356, 654, 340, 652, 340, 643, 345, 642, 345, 633
Building, Garrison Hall, purple, Michelle&Deepal, 183, 635, 184, 655, 195, 655, 197, 637
Building, Parking Garage, purple, Michelle&Deepal, 122, 627, 140, 677, 167, 669, 156, 624, 156, 616, 150, 614, 147, 620
House, Hubbard, purple, Michelle&Deepal, 265, 573, 271, 588, 288, 581, 285, 569
House, Washburn, purple, Michelle&Deepal, 295, 539, 299, 552, 319, 548, 317, 536
House, Lawrence, purple, Michelle&Deepal, 233, 470, 235, 483, 263, 477, 259, 465
House, Chapin, red, Pia Furkan & Luya Gao, 2, 434, 411, 442, 409, 441, 406, 453, 402, 455, 406, 463, 403, 467, 423, 441, 430
House, Park, red, Pia Furkan & Luya Gao, 2, 562, 311, 569, 316, 574, 311, 580, 314, 584, 310, 588, 312, 592, 305, 574, 295
House, Park Annex, red, Pia Furkan & Luya Gao, 2, 532, 373, 546, 376, 550, 366, 546, 366, 546, 362, 540, 362, 540, 364, 533, 363
Building, Admissions, red, Pia Furkan & Luya Gao, 2, 539, 332, 546, 323, 537, 317, 530, 320, 531, 326
Road, Paradise Road, red, Pia Furkan & Luya Gao, 2, 428, 22, 439, 14, 473, 51, 509, 87, 522, 100, 548, 129, 563, 148, 584, 167, 593, 178, 617, 203, 632, 219, 645, 232, 649, 236, 642, 244, 634, 234, 628, 228, 620, 221, 608, 209, 592, 194, 580, 183, 572, 173, 564, 164, 552, 152, 543, 141, 534, 131, 520, 118, 504, 102, 490, 89, 476, 71, 465, 60, 445, 40, 433, 27, 428, 22
House, Comstock, red, Pia Furkan & Luya Gao, 2, 527, 17, 536, 27, 529, 34, 546, 51, 553, 45, 564, 57, 546, 74, 507, 32, 526, 17
House, Wilder, red, Pia Furkan & Luya Gao, 2, 527, 17, 536, 28, 544, 20, 561, 37, 555, 43, 564, 56, 581, 42, 549, 6, 538, 6
Road, Round Hill Rd., red, Pia Furkan & Luya Gao, 2, 613, 334, 621, 334, 638, 335, 650, 338, 662, 339, 675, 343, 697, 348, 711, 350, 725, 352, 732, 354, 733, 360, 719, 358, 710, 358, 703, 355, 691, 354, 679, 351, 672, 351, 663, 347, 650, 346, 639, 343, 629, 341, 619, 340, 612, 339
Building, Helen Hills Hills Chapel, red, Pia Furkan & Luya Gao, 2, 629, 358, 652, 362, 653, 367, 655, 370, 656, 373, 655, 375, 653, 376, 652, 376, 651, 378, 629, 374, 628, 372, 626, 370, 623, 368, 625, 365, 627, 363, 629, 361, 629, 359
House, Parsons, red, Pia Furkan & Luya Gao, 2, 682, 415, 697, 415, 697, 405, 704, 405, 705, 412, 707, 411, 705, 428, 682, 427
House, President's House, red, Pia Furkan & Luya Gao, 2, 553, 243, 565, 221, 576, 226, 563, 249
House, Sessions, red, Pia Furkan & Luya Gao, 2, 587, 413, 589, 404, 598, 405, 599, 404, 611, 406, 608, 418
Building, Lyman Conservatory (Botanic Gardens), red, Pia Furkan & Luya Gao, 2, 434, 351, 456, 344, 459, 350, 467, 348, 469, 359, 465, 360, 468, 377, 463, 379, 464, 386, 439, 392, 437, 385, 442, 382
House, Wilson, red, Pia Furkan & Luya Gao, 2, 620, 41, 628, 34, 678, 87, 670, 94, 668, 93, 666, 95, 660, 89, 662, 87, 651, 76, 648, 78, 637, 67, 640, 64, 629, 52, 621, 48, 623, 46, 620, 43, 628, 35
House, Jordan, red, Pia Furkan & Luya Gao, 2, 625, 135, 632, 143, 603, 172, 594, 163
Parking, Parking lot, red, Pia Furkan & Luya Gao, 2, 497, 341, 516, 346, 515, 351, 511, 360, 492, 357, 490, 370, 482, 370, 482, 348, 489, 348, 498, 339, 510, 343
House, Tenney, red, Pia Furkan & Luya Gao, 2, 618, 226, 611, 237, 626, 246, 634, 237
House, 150 Elm, red, Pia Furkan & Luya Gao, 2, 611, 240, 603, 251, 618, 261, 625, 251
House, Haven, red, Pia Furkan & Luya Gao, 2, 507, 412, 508, 415, 502, 415, 500, 418, 505, 420, 505, 424, 539, 428, 540, 418, 527, 417, 526, 413, 522, 413, 521, 415, 507, 414, 507, 415, 502, 416
Building, Ford Hall, Red, Khadidja Fares & Anna Zhou & Zoe Riell, 3, 137, 505, 163, 496, 202, 482, 208, 496, 181, 505, 184, 516, 178, 516, 175, 518, 171, 516, 144, 525, 139, 522, 130, 522, 126, 520, 124, 520, 124, 515, 129, 513, 126, 508, 137, 503
House, Lawrence, Red, Khadidja Fares & Anna Zhou & Zoe Riell, 3, 232, 472, 235, 469, 239, 469, 250, 468, 256, 464, 261, 470, 261, 479, 255, 479, 240, 483, 237, 484, 235, 478, 234, 473
Parking, Green Street Parking, Red, Khadidja Fares & Anna Zhou & Zoe Riell, 3, 238, 503, 240, 499, 249, 497, 251, 497, 256, 517, 260, 528, 264, 526, 266, 528, 269, 532, 273, 538, 281, 538, 282, 538, 286, 548, 270, 559, 256, 559, 252, 556, 246, 556, 245, 545, 238, 526, 233, 526, 236, 520, 232, 508, 232, 504, 238, 503
House, Hubbard, Red, Khadidja Fares & Anna Zhou & Zoe Riell, 3, 272, 573, 275, 572, 278, 570, 282, 568, 285, 568, 288, 575, 288, 581, 282, 586, 276, 586, 272, 586, 268, 586, 268, 581, 268, 574, 266, 573
House, Washburn, Red, Khadidja Fares & Anna Zhou & Zoe Riell, 3, 302, 536, 306, 534, 310, 533, 314, 533, 320, 536, 321, 543, 320, 548, 316, 548, 310, 553, 305, 553, 301, 555, 298, 553, 298, 543, 295, 537, 298, 537
Parking Parking Garage honeydew Katherine and Olivia 146 613 173 605 175 599 183 603 180 613 195 655 164 665
Parking Northampton Public Library Parking honeydew Katherine and Olivia 237 652 223 669 262 702 282 680 284 680 293 668 290 666 284 670 287 668 284 670 282 671 279 673 278 674 274 674 272 675 267 675 265 675 265 675 262 675 258 675 258 674 256 673 253 672 251 669 249 667 247 665 246 664 244 661 243 657 243 655 243 654 243 654 243 654 243 653 240 653 237 653
Parking Seelye Parking Lot honeydew Katherine and Olivia 257 491 264 488 264 486 277 481 285 511 288 511 290 513 295 516 298 523 312 520 311 526 313 530 313 536 282 545 281 543 279 541 276 539 271 539 262 511 260 504 257 493 Parking West Street Parking Lot honeydew Katherine and Olivia 132 524 143 527 135 551 132 552 131 552 126 551 124 546 133 523 Parking Ford Parking Lot honeydew Katherine and Olivia 190 511 214 503 222 526 197 536 Parking Health Services Parking honeydew Katherine and Olivia 120 430 142 420 148 440 127 446 Parking Green Street Parking Lot- Large honeydew Katherine and Olivia 275 563 285 559 292 578 280 581 Parking Green Street Parking Garage honeydew Katherine and Olivia 258 492 265 490 264 484 277 481 286 512 289 512 290 513 291 514 292 514 293 515 295 515 295 516 297 516 296 518 297 520 297 522 298 523 300 523 302 522 303 522 305 522 310 520 313 537 283 545 281 543 281 542 280 541 279 540 277 540 272 541 258 492
House, Northrop, red, Erin Voss and Elizabeth Freeman, 555, 572, 563, 563, 546, 548, 529, 567, 536, 573, 547, 565
House, Gillett, red, Erin Voss and Elizabeth Freeman, 526, 592, 533, 598, 527, 607, 510, 592, 524, 573, 531, 580, 526, 588, 524, 588, 520, 591, 524, 595, 526, 593
House, Cutter - Ziskind, red, Erin Voss and Elizabeth Freeman, 584, 478, 586, 466, 627, 474, 617, 524, 574, 515, 577, 500, 600, 506, 604, 484
Building, Davis Ballroom, green, Erin Voss and Elizabeth Freeman, 643, 514, 675, 520, 671, 537, 664, 538, 664, 541, 644, 537, 645, 534, 637, 530
Building, John M. Greene, green, Erin Voss and Elizabeth Freeman, 477, 510, 475, 500, 484, 489, 494, 487, 521, 508, 522, 517, 515, 526, 505, 529
Road, Elm St, gray, Erin Voss and Elizabeth Freeman, 360, 703, 377, 706, 417, 679, 435, 666, 461, 637, 489, 603, 512, 571, 536, 539, 544, 522, 558, 493, 567, 468, 574, 437, 580, 414, 590, 386, 597, 363, 611, 336, 624, 313, 637, 288, 649, 266, 665, 241, 692, 208, 725, 166, 750, 131, 751, 97, 728, 126, 700, 166, 675, 197, 658, 224, 639, 249, 612, 302, 590, 348, 568, 401, 556, 446, 545, 493, 526, 527, 504, 554, 483, 582, 460, 615, 442, 640, 404, 675, 381, 687, 359, 706
Road, Bedford Ter., gray, Erin Voss and Elizabeth Freeman, 448, 655, 482, 680, 504, 696, 512, 705, 525, 705, 511, 691, 494, 675, 477, 660, 457, 647
House, Talbot, red, Erin Voss and Elizabeth Freeman, 603, 656, 608, 649, 607, 647, 617, 635, 619, 636, 626, 629, 635, 638, 630, 645, 628, 645, 619, 656, 621, 659, 614, 666
Building,Ford Hall, cyan, Erika Chao & Wen Yu, 3, 124, 507, 125, 513, 123, 514, 125, 521, 129, 519, 128, 523, 139, 522, 140, 524, 173, 515, 176, 518, 185, 516, 181, 506, 206, 498, 203, 482, 135, 502, 124, 507
House,Washburn, cyan, Erika Chao & Wen Yu, 3, 296, 538, 300, 553, 304, 553, 305, 554, 316, 553, 317, 550, 319, 550, 321, 544, 321, 540, 318, 538, 317, 533, 313, 533, 312, 533, 302, 534, 297, 538
House,Hubbard, cyan, Erika Chao & Wen Yu, 3, 266, 570, 267, 578, 270, 586, 277, 586, 278, 583, 283, 583, 288, 582, 285, 569, 279, 569, 278, 571, 271, 571
Building,Seelye Hall, cyan, Erika Chao & Wen Yu, 3, 312, 572, 313, 578, 317, 579, 318, 582, 314, 587, 317, 596, 324, 598, 320, 601, 323, 610, 342, 605, 341, 595, 338, 595, 337, 590, 340, 587, 337, 581, 333, 581, 333, 576, 335, 575, 333, 567, 313, 571
Building,Lily Hall, cyan, Erika Chao & Wen Yu, 3, 266, 612, 272, 620, 281, 618, 285, 626, 294, 621, 281, 600, 267, 610
Building,Pierce Hall, cyan, Erika Chao & Wen Yu, 3, 296, 627, 288, 632, 298, 645, 308, 639, 315, 632, 305, 622, 297, 627
Road,West St., cyan, Erika Chao & Wen Yu, 3, 2, 527, 74, 563, 247, 610, 252, 626, 138, 599, 4, 538
House,Lawrence, cyan, Erika Chao & Wen Yu, 3, 232, 470, 237, 469, 237, 470, 253, 467, 253, 463, 259, 463, 264, 478, 257, 478, 256, 478, 242, 478, 242, 483, 236, 483
Building,Alumne Gym, cyan, Erika Chao & Wen Yu, 3, 262, 487, 264, 494, 262, 495, 267, 506, 269, 506, 269, 511, 284, 511, 280, 507, 294, 504, 296, 506, 308, 505, 303, 488, 296, 487, 293, 480, 262, 487
Building,College Hall, cyan, Erika Chao & Wen Yu, 3, 320, 637, 321, 645, 327, 643, 328, 656, 323, 656, 327, 661, 327, 667, 336, 667, 336, 669, 356, 667, 356, 667, 356, 654, 342, 650, 341, 650, 340, 644, 346, 642, 344, 634, 326, 634
House,Tyler, cyan, Erika Chao & Wen Yu, 3, 235, 379, 237, 385, 232, 388, 232, 392, 229, 392, 234, 406, 236, 405, 236, 408, 247, 407, 245, 398, 259, 395, 252, 376, 234, 378
Road,Green St., cyan, Erika Chao & Wen Yu, 3, 195, 390, 260, 619, 295, 657, 328, 713, 328, 727, 318, 730, 296, 671, 252, 626, 190, 394
Road,Belmont Ave., cyan, Erika Chao & Wen Yu, 3, 2, 486, 4, 494, 57, 449, 49, 443
House,Morris, cyan, Erika Chao & Wen Yu, 3, 219, 431, 223, 443, 231, 443, 246, 437, 250, 437, 247, 421, 243, 421, 244, 427, 229, 429, 222, 429
Building,Theatre 14, cyan, Erika Chao & Wen Yu, 3, 125, 451, 128, 468, 140, 466, 140, 474, 134, 474, 137, 480, 143, 479, 142, 483, 154, 480, 154, 476, 172, 471, 174, 473, 205, 464, 202, 457, 196, 455, 189, 439, 124, 449
Building,Bass Hall, cyan, Erika Chao & Wen Yu, 3, 278, 430, 288, 471, 302, 468, 293, 428
Parking,Ford Parking, cyan, Erika Chao & Wen Yu, 3, 162, 524, 171, 549, 196, 540, 189, 516
Building, Ford Hall, cyan, Ali Meneghetti, 3, 193, 493, 116, 517, 117, 524, 114, 524, 115, 530, 118, 530, 120, 534, 173, 521, 170, 516, 197, 507,
Building, Theater 14, cyan, Ali Meneghetti, 3, 115, 464, 160, 448, 159, 442, 162, 440, 157, 416, 177, 411, 183, 431, 179, 436, 182, 442, 178, 448, 186, 463, 195, 464, 196, 473, 165, 483, 162, 481, 144, 486, 145, 489, 134, 494, 132, 491, 128, 491, 126, 485, 132, 482, 128, 476, 119, 476,
Parking, Ford Parking, cyan, Ali Meneghetti, 3, 153, 535, 178, 526, 187, 550, 161, 559,
Road, Green Street, cyan, Ali Meneghetti, 3, 192, 451, 236, 621, 250, 627, 201, 451,
Road, West Street, cyan, Ali Meneghetti, 3, 9, 542, 58, 568, 93, 587, 142, 605, 144, 605, 199, 614, 247, 627, 274, 653, 296, 682, 311, 706, 321, 727, 336, 725, 352, 712, 360, 706, 363, 721, 351, 734, 347, 738, 308, 739, 303, 710, 289, 682, 271, 663, 262, 652, 243, 635, 225, 630, 199, 625, 166, 618, 145, 614, 116, 603, 92, 596, 71, 586, 48, 575, 27, 563, 5, 551,
House, Hubbard, cyan, Ali Meneghetti, 3, 273, 576, 278, 592, 274, 592, 274, 590, 265, 592, 266, 595, 259, 595, 256, 578, 260, 578, 261, 581, 267, 581, 268, 577,
House, Washburn, cyan, Ali Meneghetti, 3, 285, 547, 289, 547, 289, 541, 300, 541, 300, 544, 305, 542, 310, 555, 306, 555, 306, 560, 298, 565, 298, 562, 292, 562,
Building, Seelye Hall, cyan, Ali Meneghetti, 3, 302, 580, 323, 576, 326, 581, 322, 585, 324, 591, 329, 594, 326, 599, 327, 604, 333, 605, 334, 612, 314, 621, 311, 615, 314, 611, 310, 606, 305, 603, 305, 597, 308, 592, 308, 589, 304, 589,
Building, College Hall, cyan, Ali Meneghetti, 3, 330, 641, 314, 643, 316, 646, 312, 646, 312, 653, 318, 654, 318, 665, 316, 665, 316, 671, 319, 676, 325, 676, 326, 679, 348, 677, 345, 661, 335, 661, 330, 659, 330, 650, 333, 650,
Parking, Parking Garage, cyan, Ali Meneghetti, 3, 137, 627, 113, 637, 129, 687, 159, 678, 144, 636, 146, 627, 140, 624,
House, Lawrence, cyan, Ali Meneghetti, 3, 222, 479, 227, 479, 229, 481, 243, 478, 243, 475, 250, 473, 254, 486, 248, 488, 246, 485, 234, 490, 234, 493, 227, 493,
Building, Alamnae Gym, cyan, Ali Meneghetti, 3, 284, 492, 254, 499, 256, 503, 252, 506, 254, 514, 258, 514, 261, 519, 269, 517, 269, 514, 283, 510, 286, 514, 297, 512, 292, 493, 286, 495,
Building, Neilson Library, cyan, Ali Meneghetti, 3, 326, 496, 326, 505, 322, 505, 320, 499, 303, 505, 297, 506, 297, 510, 303, 510, 307, 522, 315, 520, 317, 526, 324, 524, 327, 527, 333, 527, 336, 534, 346, 533, 347, 535, 353, 534, 353, 530, 364, 526, 364, 521, 383, 515, 382, 508, 397, 505, 391, 489, 377, 494, 372, 484,
Building, Bass Hall, cyan, Ali Meneghetti, 3, 269, 442, 280, 480, 294, 477, 283, 439,
Road, Belmont Ave., cyan, Ali Meneghetti, 3, 43, 452, 1, 484, 1, 499, 42, 463,
Parking, Theater Parking, cyan, Ali Meneghetti, 3, 105, 447, 113, 463, 92, 467, 84, 454,
Road, Other Avenue, cyan, Ali Meneghetti, 3, 54, 481, 3, 539, 5, 551, 63, 486,
Road, Road, cyan, Ali Meneghetti, 3, 40, 460, 55, 480, 103, 513, 202, 488, 199, 478, 106, 504, 62, 477, 44, 451,
Road, Arnold Ave., cyan, Ali Meneghetti, 3, 163, 558, 167, 578, 164, 594, 161, 608, 168, 609, 171, 595, 171, 579, 167, 561,
Parking, Parking, cyan, Ali Meneghetti, 3, 244, 506, 248, 535, 257, 537, 259, 545, 275, 545, 280, 558, 247, 568, 244, 565, 236, 565, 222, 515,
Building, Lily Hall, cyan, Ali Meneghetti, 3, 272, 610, 257, 618, 260, 628, 267, 628, 272, 634, 286, 629,
Building, Pierce Hall, cyan, Ali Meneghetti, 3, 295, 634, 288, 638, 287, 636, 278, 643, 288, 654, 295, 648, 297, 651, 306, 643,
Parking, Grecourt Parking, cyan, Ali Meneghetti, 3, 224, 633, 220, 650, 208, 666, 201, 678, 188, 691, 225, 726, 245, 706, 249, 705, 257, 694, 260, 674, 260, 650, 258, 650, 257, 668, 255, 687, 246, 695, 231, 700, 221, 698, 213, 692, 208, 680, 207, 674, 217, 665, 223, 656, 228, 643, 228, 633,
Building, Garrison Hall, cyan, Ali Meneghetti, 3, 174, 643, 185, 646, 185, 663, 172, 663,
Road, Roads Inside Campus, cyan, Ali Meneghetti, 3, 303, 481, 244, 493, 249, 521, 260, 535, 275, 543, 299, 536, 310, 543, 317, 556, 303, 561, 285, 569, 285, 583, 277, 597, 255, 601, 246, 606, 247, 612, 268, 608, 285, 602, 290, 591, 293, 578, 293, 575, 310, 569, 322, 567, 364, 719, 366, 700, 330, 565, 363, 557, 364, 551, 328, 559, 318, 525, 313, 525, 317, 539, 305, 531, 286, 532, 267, 533, 255, 523, 254, 507,
House, 44 Green Street, cyan, Ali Meneghetti, 3, 219, 560, 210, 563, 213, 573, 225, 572,
Parking, More Parking, cyan, Ali Meneghetti, 3, 99, 547, 88, 574, 92, 576, 87, 585, 90, 587, 93, 580, 98, 576, 106, 551
Building, Theatre 14, Lauren and Jessie, Quadrant 3, Pink 126, 452, 169, 437, 190, 437, 194, 455, 202, 454, 205, 464, 173, 473, 173, 470, 154, 476, 152, 479, 143, 483, 142, 481, 136, 482, 136, 474, 139, 474, 137, 465, 128, 466, 124, 451
Building, Ford Hall, Lauren and Jessie, Quadrant 3, Pink 136, 501, 202, 483, 207, 496, 182, 505, 185, 516, 185, 516, 177, 518, 174, 514, 132, 524, 124, 508, 135, 503
House, Lawrence, Lauren and Jessie, Quadrant 3, Pink 232, 471, 235, 483, 262, 477, 257, 462, 233, 470
Building, Alumnae Gym, Lauren and Jessie, Quadrant 3, Pink 263, 486, 269, 511, 280, 509, 279, 505, 292, 502, 295, 506, 307, 503, 302, 486, 296, 486, 294, 478, 263, 488
House, Washburn, Lauren and Jessie, Quadrant 3, Pink 294, 537, 299, 554, 320, 549, 316, 531
House, Hubbard, Lauren and Jessie, Quadrant 3, Pink 265, 571, 270, 586, 290, 581, 284, 566
Building, Green Box, Lauren and Jessie, Quadrant 3, Pink 270, 460, 274, 474, 285, 473, 282, 456
Building, College Hall, Lauren and Jessie, Quadrant 3, Pink 325, 634, 321, 635, 322, 644, 325, 644, 326, 667, 357, 667, 354, 650, 342, 650, 340, 642, 345, 642, 343, 631
Building, Seelye Hall, Lauren and Jessie, Quadrant 3, Pink 310, 573, 313, 578, 317, 577, 314, 592, 321, 599, 319, 603, 321, 609, 342, 605, 333, 565
Parking, P, Lauren and Jessie, Quadrant 3, Pink 107, 537, 99, 562, 106, 565, 116, 540
Parking, P, Lauren and Jessie, Quadrant 3, Pink 164, 524, 175, 573, 171, 597, 178, 601, 177, 548, 197, 539, 188, 516
Road, West St., Lauren and Jessie, Quadrant 3, Pink 3, 524, 103, 576, 246, 609, 254, 623, 117, 593, 2, 537
Road, Belmont, Lauren and Jessie, Quadrant 3, Pink 3, 493, 57, 445, 50, 440, 2, 485
Road, Almaga, Lauren and Jessie, Quadrant 3, Pink 14, 527, 69, 467, 76, 469, 21, 530
Parking, P, Lauren and Jessie, Quadrant 3, Pink 94, 445, 101, 458, 123, 452, 117, 438
Road, Green St., Lauren and Jessie, Quadrant 3, Pink 201, 437, 250, 618, 319, 729, 328, 718, 261, 620, 210, 438
Building, Lily Hall, Lauren and Jessie, Quadrant 3, Pink 265, 609, 273, 619, 278, 617, 283, 625, 294, 620, 281, 601
Building, Pierce Hall, Lauren and Jessie, Quadrant 3, Pink 286, 631, 307, 622, 315, 632, 296, 645
Building, Nielson, Lauren and Jessie, Quadrant 3, Pink 313, 494, 318, 511, 325, 510, 328, 515, 334, 515, 336, 518, 343, 518, 345, 525, 373, 519, 373, 476, 310, 494
Building, Bass Hall, Lauren and Jessie, Quadrant 3, Pink 279, 438, 290, 471, 304, 467, 296, 440
Parking, P, Lauren and Jessie, Quadrant 3, Pink 232, 507, 245, 553, 256, 557, 287, 551, 287, 534, 273, 536, 270, 530, 261, 525, 253, 495, 238, 499
Building, 44,54 Green, Lauren and Jessie, Quadrant 3, Pink 218, 554, 222, 565, 232, 564, 229, 550
Parking, P, Lauren and Jessie, Quadrant 3, Pink 248, 575, 259, 574, 266, 588, 255, 594
Parking, Parking Garage, Lauren and Jessie, Quadrant 3, Pink 121, 627, 138, 678, 169, 667, 152, 622, 159, 616, 149, 613, 147, 617
Building, Garrison Hall, Lauren and Jessie, Quadrant 3, Pink 181, 636, 181, 653, 198, 653, 195, 634
Parking, P, Lauren and Jessie, Quadrant 3, Pink 196, 682, 235, 717, 258, 692, 253, 685, 246, 688, 231, 687, 219, 675, 215, 664
House, Lamont, Red, Artemis Metaxa and Melanie Bancilhon, 4, 580, 639, 579, 638, 574, 641, 566, 638, 570, 633, 579, 624, 568, 610, 563, 606, 572, 595, 581, 599, 579, 602, 592, 614, 593, 611, 600, 618, 581, 639
House, Cutter Ziskind, Red, Artemis Metaxa and Melanie Bancilhon, 4, 584, 480, 586, 466, 627, 474, 617, 525, 574, 515, 577, 503, 601, 506, 606, 484, 583, 479, 586, 466
House, Albright, Red, Artemis Metaxa and Melanie Bancilhon, 4, 490, 715, 498, 707, 478, 687, 470, 695
House, Northrop Gillet, Red, Artemis Metaxa and Melanie Bancilhon, 4, 565, 563, 546, 547, 529, 567, 532, 570, 528, 576, 525, 572, 508, 592, 527, 608, 534, 597, 527, 594, 522, 595, 522, 592, 522, 589, 523, 589, 526, 589, 531, 582, 528, 577, 533, 572, 537, 574, 547, 565, 555, 571, 565, 563, 546, 547
House, Dawes, Red, Artemis Metaxa and Melanie Bancilhon, 4, 534, 697, 544, 689, 538, 681, 524, 688
House, Talbot, Red, Artemis Metaxa and Melanie Bancilhon, 4, 613, 665, 619, 662, 618, 658, 627, 646, 628, 646, 635, 640, 626, 630, 620, 636, 619, 634, 607, 646, 609, 649, 603, 653
House, Chase Duckett, Red, Artemis Metaxa and Melanie Bancilhon, 4, 505, 617, 509, 614, 495, 604, 490, 613, 495, 619, 490, 625, 498, 632, 490, 638, 487, 637, 478, 629, 470, 641, 478, 648, 478, 647, 493, 655, 498, 652, 503, 651, 502, 645, 505, 643, 506, 644, 517, 633, 511, 627, 514, 624, 507, 616, 509, 614, 497, 606, 490, 612
Building, John M.Greene Hall, Green, Artemis Metaxa and Melanie Bancilhon, 4, 520, 512, 521, 507, 494, 486, 492, 490, 487, 486, 486, 489, 484, 486, 474, 498, 476, 503, 475, 506, 478, 508, 476, 510, 504, 530, 507, 528, 509, 530, 512, 527, 515, 528, 522, 519, 520, 517, 522, 514, 519, 513, 522, 509
Building, Prospect, Green, Artemis Metaxa and Melanie Bancilhon, 4, 608, 556, 621, 543, 603, 527, 591, 541
Hall, Clark Hall, Green, Artemis Metaxa and Melanie Bancilhon, 4, 474, 581, 480, 571, 476, 568, 479, 564, 472, 558, 468, 564, 465, 563, 459, 570
House, Capen, Red, Artemis Metaxa and Melanie Bancilhon, 4, 669, 602, 673, 594, 683, 599, 689, 588, 680, 584, 684, 569, 682, 566, 684, 561, 676, 558, 655, 596, 668, 602
Building, Hatfield Hall, Purple, Artemis Metaxa and Melanie Bancilhon, 4, 423, 526, 438, 523, 435, 516, 446, 513, 443, 504, 428, 505, 429, 509, 419, 510, 424, 526
Hall, Drew Hall, Green, Artemis Metaxa and Melanie Bancilhon, 4, 536, 490, 526, 483, 522, 480, 524, 474, 529, 477, 533, 476, 542, 481
Building, Hillyer Art Library, Blue, Artemis Metaxa and Melanie Bancilhon, 4, 376, 613, 386, 601, 401, 617, 388, 626
Building, Alumnae House, Green, Artemis Metaxa and Melanie Bancilhon, 4, 443, 715, 454, 707, 451, 698, 460, 687, 463, 686, 472, 677, 458, 666, 450, 675, 452, 677, 443, 690, 439, 684, 427, 692, 442, 714, 453, 707
House, Baldwin, Red, Artemis Metaxa and Melanie Bancilhon, 4, 488, 722, 496, 731, 505, 726, 510, 731, 517, 731, 521, 728, 506, 710, 488, 723, 495, 730
Lawn, Davis Lawn, White, Artemis Metaxa and Melanie Bancilhon, 4, 603, 580, 643, 534, 644, 539, 661, 542, 663, 540, 666, 552, 659, 571, 649, 585, 634, 599, 625, 605, 603, 579
Lawn, Chapin Lawn, white, Artemis Metaxa and Melanie Bancilhon, 4, 439, 441, 475, 440, 478, 453, 475, 476, 460, 493, 440, 495, 430, 482, 429, 466, 432, 454, 437, 447, 441, 441
Lawn, Seelye Lawn, white, Artemis Metaxa and Melanie Bancilhon, 4, 377, 602, 427, 555, 430, 552, 430, 549, 430, 545, 421, 538, 377, 548, 377, 600
Building, Stoddard Hall, Purple, Artemis Metaxa and Melanie Bancilhon, 4, 405, 697, 419, 692, 421, 696, 423, 694, 425, 700, 422, 701, 433, 724, 421, 732, 410, 709, 406, 709, 405, 705, 408, 704, 406, 699
Building, Campus Center, Green, Artemis Metaxa and Melanie Bancilhon, 4, 492, 439, 502, 433, 545, 444, 543, 452, 550, 453, 548, 465, 515, 461, 517, 465, 499, 476, 486, 474, 488, 459, 491, 459, 497, 446, 489, 439
Building, Dewey Hall, Purple, Artemis Metaxa and Melanie Bancilhon, 4, 448, 535, 457, 526, 464, 532, 454, 545, 451, 543, 442, 553, 432, 545, 442, 534
Building, Wright Hall, Purple, Artemis Metaxa and Melanie Bancilhon, 4, 398, 434, 399, 428, 405, 427, 413, 435, 413, 443, 421, 443, 425, 455, 400, 463, 403, 476, 401, 478, 402, 481, 400, 482, 398, 480, 396, 480, 382, 437, 394, 432, 396, 436
Building, 76, Green, Artemis Metaxa and Melanie Bancilhon, 4, 523, 492, 531, 497, 526, 503, 515, 498
House, Conway, Red, Artemis Metaxa and Melanie Bancilhon, 4, 591, 682, 600, 675, 604, 678, 600, 684, 598, 688, 594, 688, 588, 697, 581, 690, 575, 690, 577, 686, 575, 684, 586, 683, 586, 680, 591, 681
Building, Campus School, Green, Artemis Metaxa and Melanie Bancilhon, 4, 660, 667, 668, 671, 669, 685, 683, 685, 681, 700, 671, 700, 674, 706, 666, 730, 653, 730, 660, 707, 656, 704, 653, 699, 655, 695, 648, 693, 651, 679, 654, 679, 661, 664, 669, 669
road, Prospect St., green, Elysia and Cathy, 4, 550, 513, 557, 530, 635, 616, 742, 656, 748, 670, 625, 623, 551, 542, 533, 542
road, Bedford Terrace, green, Elysia and Cathy, 4, 454, 643, 494, 674, 506, 684, 519, 698, 533, 715, 525, 722, 511, 702, 498, 691, 479, 676, 468, 668, 457, 659, 449, 652
road, Henshaw Ave, green, Elysia and Cathy, 4, 571, 439, 734, 476, 738, 486, 570, 448
house, Ziskind, green, Elysia and Cathy, 4, 586, 464, 587, 465, 583, 475, 604, 481, 603, 492, 621, 496, 626, 472
house, Cutter, green, Elysia and Cathy, 4, 577, 500, 575, 513, 616, 521, 622, 495, 604, 493, 601, 505
building, Wright Hall, green, Elysia and Cathy, 4, 394, 477, 402, 474, 399, 462, 423, 455, 419, 443, 415, 443, 413, 436, 405, 427, 400, 427, 397, 434, 395, 435, 392, 431, 381, 435, 393, 477
building, JMG, green, Elysia and Cathy, 4, 494, 485, 520, 506, 517, 509, 520, 510, 519, 515, 516,520, 513, 526, 508, 528, 505, 525, 503, 528, 476, 509, 473, 499, 482, 486, 488, 485, 490, 488, 493, 485, 519, 506
house, Chase, green, Elysia and Cathy, 4, 490, 610, 494, 603, 506, 610, 505, 614, 513, 621, 510, 626, 515, 630, 507, 641, 495, 633, 498, 630, 490, 623, 493, 613
house, Northrop, green, Elysia and Cathy, 4, 530, 573, 529, 570, 531, 568, 528, 566, 544, 546, 562, 559, 555, 570, 545, 563, 537, 571, 534, 569
house, Gillett, green, Elysia and Cathy, 4, 533, 597, 524, 591, 523, 594, 519, 590, 522, 586, 526, 586, 531, 579, 528, 576, 530, 572, 528, 571, 526, 573, 523, 573, 508, 591, 526, 606, 532, 597
Building, Campus Center, cyan, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 490, 441, 496, 446, 493, 459, 487, 458, 486, 474, 496, 475, 515, 468, 515, 462, 517, 460, 547, 467, 549, 456, 544, 456, 545, 444, 492, 442
Building, JMG, cyan, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 475, 497, 482, 488, 486, 489, 485, 487, 493, 491, 493, 488, 522, 507, 519, 510, 522, 509, 519, 514, 521, 517, 514, 528, 511, 528, 508, 530, 506, 528, 504, 531, 475, 512, 476, 508, 473, 507, 474, 504, 474, 500, 482, 488, 484, 491
Building, Wright Hall, cyan, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 383, 441, 395, 478, 397, 484, 403, 480, 401, 479, 404, 477, 401, 463, 424, 458, 419, 444, 415, 444, 414, 442, 384, 441
Building, Hatfield, cyan, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 420, 513, 424, 526, 437, 522, 434, 517, 446, 512, 442, 503, 431, 507, 429, 509, 419, 512
Building, Dewey Hall, cyan, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 432, 545, 441, 534, 447, 537, 456, 526, 464, 534, 455, 546, 450, 542, 440, 552, 431, 545
Building, Clark Hall, cyan, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 458, 568, 462, 562, 464, 568, 469, 558, 481, 561, 475, 568, 482, 570, 473, 579, 459, 571
Building, 10 Prospect, cyan, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 604, 526, 620, 542, 609, 557, 590, 542, 603, 528
Building, Davis Ballroom, cyan, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 641, 513, 676, 519, 670, 538, 663, 539, 661, 540, 644, 536, 644, 533, 639, 531, 642, 512
Building, Stoddard Hall, cyan, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 405, 695, 420, 692, 432, 724, 419, 728, 405, 697
Building, Hilyer Complex, cyan, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 376, 611, 385, 601, 400, 616, 403, 610, 390, 599, 402, 588, 407, 593, 410, 590, 420, 598, 416, 601, 442, 625, 429, 639, 421, 631, 414, 636, 419, 642, 389, 669, 387, 668, 385, 672, 378, 674, 376, 649, 385, 639, 379, 629, 376, 613
Building, Alumnae House, cyan, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 427, 691, 438, 685, 442, 688, 453, 679, 450, 676, 457, 667, 471, 673, 462, 687, 459, 687, 450, 701, 453, 706, 443, 714, 426, 692
Building, 30 Belmont, cyan, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 541, 704, 546, 697, 558, 707, 551, 721, 540, 705
Building, Unity House, cyan, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 523, 656, 529, 651, 542, 668, 533, 680, 527, 672, 530, 667, 524, 658
Building, Campus School, cyan, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 647, 690, 651, 681, 655, 680, 662, 663, 669, 669, 670, 683, 682, 687, 681, 698, 668, 699, 673, 704, 666, 728, 654, 727, 659, 706, 656, 706, 656, 698, 648, 693, 653, 683, 654, 680, 660, 666, 671, 673
Building, Capin Anex, cyan, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 686, 513, 694, 518, 692, 522, 699, 524, 699, 532, 685, 526, 683, 517
Field, Chapin Lawn, green, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 431, 460, 435, 448, 441, 439, 449, 433, 462, 432, 472, 439, 477, 451, 477, 465, 468, 479, 459, 490, 447, 493, 434, 487, 427, 476, 429, 464, 433, 454
Field, Seelye Lawn, green, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 341, 557, 357, 617, 428, 552, 428, 534, 342, 556
Field, Davis Lawn, green, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 603, 575, 642, 533, 663, 541, 665, 560, 625, 604
Road, Elm St, green, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 377, 688, 379, 700, 431, 667, 547, 518, 572, 439, 585, 386, 640, 281, 693, 203, 749, 133, 750, 101, 699, 167, 668, 206, 630, 264, 599, 323, 575, 373, 557, 438, 550, 480, 540, 504, 436, 643, 380, 684
Road, Prospect St, black, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 536, 538, 540, 534, 549, 532, 546, 522, 552, 515, 557, 536, 625, 608, 741, 656, 748, 670, 627, 623, 550, 542, 533, 541
Road, Bedford Ter, black, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 448, 651, 483, 680, 523, 721, 532, 717, 515, 694, 483, 668, 454, 644
Field, Capen Garden, green, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 682, 562, 690, 541, 700, 536, 715, 538, 731, 543, 716, 598, 678, 579
Road, Henshaw Ave, black, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 572, 447, 573, 440, 732, 477, 738, 486, 571, 447
Road, Neilson Dr, black, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 501, 554, 464, 528, 339, 556, 304, 564, 300, 584, 295, 592, 256, 603, 255, 599, 291, 585, 295, 579, 295, 561, 334, 551, 448, 522, 467, 518, 503, 547
Road, Chapin Way, black, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 465, 516, 452, 523, 463, 495, 480, 462, 475, 435, 475, 421, 478, 408, 486, 397, 498, 384, 512, 373, 529, 359, 538, 346, 543, 348, 535, 357, 520, 369, 506, 380, 493, 391, 484, 404, 479, 425, 481, 433, 489, 441, 493, 451, 487, 457, 482, 466, 473, 487, 466, 495, 462, 504, 466, 516
Parking, Parking1, grey, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 686, 439, 685, 448, 704, 454, 707, 443
Parking, Parking2, grey, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4 /n Parking, parking2, grey, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 655, 491, 675, 494, 675, 510, 652, 503
Parking, parking3, grey, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 626, 489, 637, 491, 634, 513, 620, 512
Parking, parking4, grey, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 626, 489, 637, 491, 634, 513, 620, 512, 685, 559, 693, 543, 685, 539, 676, 554
Parking, parking5, grey, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 683, 610, 677, 622, 695, 632, 701, 617
Parking, parking6, grey, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 619, 676, 628, 667, 624, 664, 614, 671
Parking, parking7, grey, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 460, 704, 482, 721, 489, 715, 466, 695
Parking, parking8, grey, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 514, 685, 524, 674, 502, 657, 495, 665
Parking, parking9, grey, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 513, 626, 522, 610, 529, 613, 531, 634
Parking, parking10, grey, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 586, 658, 610, 631, 599, 622, 576, 649
Parking, parking11, grey, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 586, 658, 610, 631, 599, 622, 576, 649, 559, 681, 545, 670, 562, 654, 573, 663
House, Baldwin, purple, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 488, 722, 503, 708, 521, 725, 517, 728, 507, 729, 503, 724, 496, 727
House, Albright, purple, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 497, 704, 490, 711, 469, 695, 478, 685
House, Dawes, purple, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 530, 693, 541, 686, 536, 680, 523, 687
House, 12 Bedford, purple, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 551, 716, 558, 709, 548, 697, 539, 703
House, Talbot, purple, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 611, 663, 617, 656, 633, 638, 624, 628, 619, 633, 617, 632, 605, 643, 607, 646, 602, 652, 613, 663
House, Conway, purple, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 573, 682, 585, 681, 585, 677, 589, 676, 589, 679, 602, 671, 603, 677, 597, 685, 597, 688, 594, 688, 591, 694, 586, 695, 581, 690, 574, 690, 575, 684, 573, 680
House, Lamont, purple, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 577, 637, 578, 636, 599, 616, 592, 608, 589, 610, 579, 602, 581, 598, 573, 592, 561, 604, 569, 608, 566, 610, 579, 623, 571, 630, 566, 630, 567, 634, 567, 638, 570, 639, 573, 639, 576, 637
House, Duckett, purple, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 476, 627, 467, 637, 478, 646, 479, 645, 486, 652, 491, 651, 494, 654, 497, 650, 501, 650, 503, 638, 494, 633, 490, 638, 487, 635, 476, 628, 469, 639
House, Chase, purple, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 494, 602, 488, 611, 494, 616, 488, 621, 497, 631, 494, 634, 506, 641, 515, 629, 510, 625, 512, 621, 506, 614, 507, 612, 495, 601
House, Gillett, purple, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 531, 597, 526, 604, 508, 590, 523, 571, 530, 577, 527, 584, 523, 585, 520, 589, 524, 592, 531, 595
House, Northrop, purple, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 527, 565, 536, 571, 544, 564, 555, 570, 563, 560, 545, 546, 529, 563
House, Capen, purple, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 675, 554, 654, 594, 668, 599, 672, 591, 683, 597, 689, 584, 678, 581, 683, 567, 678, 563, 680, 558, 672, 553
House, Cutter, purple, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 578, 500, 574, 515, 615, 522, 621, 498, 602, 493, 599, 504, 577, 500
House, Ziskind, purple, McCulloch,Mockler,Strohbeck, 4, 584, 463, 581, 477, 605, 483, 602, 493, 622, 497, 627, 472, 585, 463
building, Albright, light blue, Zoe Zandbergen, Quadrant 4, 469, 707, 491, 725, 498, 714, 478, 694
building, Baldwin, light blue, Zoe Zandbergen, Quadrant 4, 504, 735, 498, 741, 489, 734, 505, 720, 521, 735, 513, 743
building, Talbot, light blue, Zoe Zandbergen, Quadrant 4, 601, 666, 614, 674, 619, 668, 616, 665, 627, 655, 629, 657, 635, 647, 624, 638, 619, 643, 617, 642, 606, 654, 609, 659
building, Dawes, light blue, Zoe Zandbergen, Quadrant 4, 532, 706, 524, 698, 535, 688, 541, 697
parking, P, light blue, Zoe Zandbergen, Quadrant 4, 516, 697, 527, 685, 513, 673, 533, 650, 530, 616, 524, 618, 514, 636, 519, 640, 494, 675
road, Bedford Terrace, light blue, Zoe Zandbergen, Quadrant 4, 448, 660, 490, 692, 503, 705, 525, 732, 532, 725, 502, 692, 454, 654
parking, P, light blue, Zoe Zandbergen, Quadrant 4, 607, 676, 624, 692, 633, 692, 646, 677, 651, 669, 666, 649, 662, 649, 649, 657, 638, 661, 626, 659, 616, 664, 623, 665, 637, 668, 644, 668, 635, 681, 627, 683, 626, 682, 628, 679, 624, 674, 619, 675, 618, 674, 612, 667, 607, 669
building, Alumnae House, light blue, Zoe Zandbergen, Quadrant 4, 442, 723, 452, 716, 448, 710, 460, 694, 462, 697, 472, 686, 457, 674, 447, 683, 453, 688, 441, 699, 437, 693, 426, 701
parking, P, light blue, Zoe Zandbergen, Quadrant 4, 696, 643, 676, 634, 679, 619, 702, 628,
building, Davis Ballroom, light blue, Zoe Zandbergen, Quadrant 4, 643, 545, 662, 550, 664, 546, 669, 548, 674, 529, 640, 521, 638, 541,
building, Smith College Museum of Art, light blue, Zoe Zandbergen, Quadrant 4, 428, 647, 389, 607, 402, 594, 408, 599, 411, 595, 420, 604, 418, 609, 442, 633,
Field, Davis Lawn, light blue, Zoe Zandbergen, Quadrant 4, 625, 617, 666, 569, 664, 549, 641, 544, 603, 590,
Parking, P, light blue, Zoe Zandbergen, Quadrant 4, 650 515 651 499 677 505 677 521
Building,Cutter-Ziskind,Naylani Halpern-Wight and Ariana Brunner,4,587,464,627,473,617,522,575,514,578,501,601,504,604,482,583,476
Building,Lamont,Naylani Halpern-Wight and Ariana Brunner,4,573,593,582,598,580,602,592,612,593,612,599,616,580,638,578,636,572,640,568,636,568,630,572,631,578,621,568,612,570,609,564,603
Field,Davis Lawn,Naylani Halpern-Wight and Ariana Brunner,4,635,534,666,546,666,558,626,604,604,580,627,542,633,536
house,Wilder,lavender blue,Perla Garcia and Stephanie Pinedo,2, 522,51,560,63,570,55,586,74,579,81,589,93,607,74,567,32,553,49
house,Comstock,lavender blue, Perla Garcia and Stephanie Pinedo,2, 549,52,533,67,572,110,588,93,577,81,569,85,553,70
building,Lyman Conservatory(Botanic Garden),dodger blue,Perla Garcia and Stephanie Pinedo,2,480,380,459,387,467,416,462,418,464,426,489,418,487,415,494,413,490,396,495,394,490,384,482,384,480,378
road,Round Hill Rd.,papaya whip,Perla Garcia and Stephanie Pinedo, 2,636,367,633,373,758,396,756,391,636,367
river,Botanical Pond,Mint cream,Perla Garcia and Stephanie Pinedo,2, 447,386,445,390,446,397,450,403,455,407,459,402,457,396,453,389,449,386,446,386
road, Paradise Rd., papaya whip, Perla Garcia and Stephanie Pinedo, 2, 450, 54, 462, 44, 671, 266, 665, 277
house, Tenney, lavender blush, Perla Garcia and Stephanie Pinedo, 2, 644, 261, 659, 270, 651, 281, 636, 273
house, 150 Elm, lavender blush, Perla Garcia and Stephanie Pinedo, 2, 634, 274, 650, 284, 642, 296, 626, 287
house, Park, lavender blush, Perla Garcia and Stephanie Pinedo, 2, 587, 347, 599, 327, 617, 339, 613, 346, 608, 343, 604, 347, 600, 343, 595, 350
building, Admissions, dodger blue, Perla Garcia and Stephanie Pinedo, 2, 559, 349, 571, 357, 564, 367, 553, 359, 554, 354
Building, Ford Hall, cyan, Maya Sleiman and Analia Vazquez Cegla, 136, 503, 203, 483, 208, 497, 180, 505, 184, 517, 177, 518, 175, 514, 142, 524, 141, 522, 131, 526, 128, 521, 124, 521, 123, 515, 126, 513, 125, 509, 134, 504
House, Hubbard, cyan, Maya Sleiman and Analia Vazquez Cegla, 265, 572, 269, 570, 270, 573, 278, 570, 279, 568, 286, 567, 288, 580, 283, 583, 276, 584, 271, 587, 266, 573, 269, 571
Parking Lot, Parking Garage, cyan, Maya Sleiman and Analia Vazquez Cegla, 153, 626, 156, 616, 149, 613, 145, 618, 121, 628, 138, 678, 169, 669, 153, 626
Building, Alumnae Gym, cyan, Maya Sleiman and Analia Vazquez Cegla, 296, 486, 294, 478, 264, 486, 265, 492, 262, 495, 265, 506, 268, 505, 270, 510, 280, 509, 279, 506, 293, 502, 294, 505, 305, 501, 301, 485, 296, 486, 294, 478
House, Washburn, cyan, Maya Sleiman and Analia Vazquez Cegla, 299, 551, 305, 550, 305, 552, 319, 547, 317, 543, 321, 538, 316, 534, 315, 530, 310, 532, 310, 529, 300, 534, 301, 535, 293, 539, 300, 553
House, Lawrence, cyan, Maya Sleiman and Analia Vazquez Cegla, 261, 477, 258, 463, 253, 463, 253, 466, 238, 470, 237, 467, 230, 469, 235, 482, 242, 482, 241, 481, 257, 477, 257, 479, 262, 477, 259, 462
Building, Nielson Library, cyan, Maya Sleiman and Analia Vazquez Cegla, 311, 494, 316, 511, 324, 509, 326, 516, 335, 514, 336, 518, 342, 517, 345, 526, 353, 522, 357, 526, 365, 522, 365, 520, 376, 516, 373, 509, 393, 504, 391, 499, 406, 494, 402, 480, 389, 484, 381, 473, 333, 487, 335, 491, 331, 494, 329, 489, 311, 494
Building, College Hall, cyan, Maya Sleiman and Analia Vazquez Cegla, 340, 650, 340, 642, 344, 639, 341, 630, 325, 632, 325, 635, 321, 636, 323, 644, 325, 644, 327, 654, 324, 654, 324, 659, 327, 659, 327, 666, 357, 666, 355, 651
Building, Seelye Hall, cyan, Maya Sleiman and Analia Vazquez Cegla, 322, 610, 342, 604, 340, 594, 337, 594, 332, 574, 334, 574, 333, 565, 311, 572, 312, 578, 317, 578, 314, 584, 313, 590, 319, 595, 321, 601, 322, 608, 341, 603
Building, Lilly Hall, cyan, Maya Sleiman and Analia Vazquez Cegla, 277, 616, 273, 618, 265, 610, 280, 600, 293, 618, 282, 623
Building, Pierce Hall, cyan, Maya Sleiman and Analia Vazquez Cegla, 297, 628, 305, 622, 315, 633, 308, 641, 305, 638, 297, 645, 286, 634, 294, 626, 297, 627
road, Arnold Avenue, cyan, Maya Sleiman and Analia Vazquez Cegla, 176, 546, 171, 549, 176, 571, 170, 599, 161, 635, 164, 644, 175, 641, 177, 633, 172, 622, 177, 598, 181, 578, 179, 558, 175, 546
House, Talbot, cyan, Laura Rosenbauer and Zheng Mu, 4, 603, 656, 613, 664, 619, 660, 617, 657, 627, 647, 630, 647, 636, 640, 626, 631, 619, 635, 617, 633, 607, 646, 609, 649, 603, 654
House, Capen, cyan, Laura Rosenbauer and Zheng Mu, 4, 668, 603, 672, 594, 682, 599, 690, 588, 680, 583, 684, 570, 680, 567, 681, 561, 674, 557, 654, 596
Building, Davis Ballroom, cyan, Laura Rosenbauer and Zheng Mu, 4, 642, 515, 639, 534, 643, 534, 643, 536, 661, 542, 663, 539, 671, 539, 675, 523
Road, Prospect Street, cyan, Laura Rosenbauer and Zheng Mu, 4, 549, 542, 623, 622, 747, 670, 741, 657, 635, 614, 561, 537
House, Cutter-Ziskind, cyan, Laura Rosenbauer and Zheng Mu, 4, 584, 478, 605, 484, 600, 505, 576, 501, 575, 516, 617, 526, 629, 475, 587, 464
Building, Boat House, cyan, Lissette Ramirez & Paloma Wiggins, 393, 308, 395, 305, 394, 303, 404, 299, 405, 302, 407, 301, 412, 316, 397, 320
House, Chapin, cyan, Lissette Ramirez & Paloma Wiggins, 434, 412, 443, 410, 442, 406, 455, 403, 456, 406, 462, 404, 467, 422, 440, 429
House, Park, cyan, Lissette Ramirez & Paloma Wiggins, 563, 312, 569, 315, 573, 310, 580, 314, 582, 309, 587, 312, 592, 305, 574, 295
House, 150 Elm, cyan, Lissette Ramirez & Paloma Wiggins, 604, 249, 609, 241, 624, 248, 618, 259
House, Parsons, cyan, Lissette Ramirez & Paloma Wiggins, 684, 414, 698, 414, 697, 405, 704, 405, 704, 412, 708, 411, 707, 424, 705, 424, 705, 428, 683, 426
Building, Helen Hills Hills Chapel, cyan, Lissette Ramirez & Paloma Wiggins, 627, 374, 626, 371, 624, 369, 624, 365, 627, 362, 629, 358, 653, 365, 652, 368, 656, 370, 656, 376, 651, 376, 650, 380
House, Sessions, cyan, Lissette Ramirez & Paloma Wiggins, 588, 413, 591, 404, 599, 406, 600, 402, 611, 405, 608, 417
Building, Admissions, cyan, Lissette Ramirez & Paloma Wiggins, 530, 325, 529, 323, 535, 316, 546, 322, 539, 33
House, Park, yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith and Madeleine Osorovitz, 2, 563, 309, 569, 311, 574, 306, 580, 311, 583, 306, 585, 308, 591, 302, 573, 291, 562, 307,
House, President House, yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith and Madeleine Osorovitz, 2, 564, 216, 574, 224, 563, 246, 553, 242,
Building, Helen Hills Hills Chapel, red, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith and Madeleine Osorovitz, 2, 627, 355, 625, 357, 623, 358, 621, 366, 624, 370, 648, 374, 652, 373, 655, 370, 655, 363, 651, 362, 627, 357,
House, Hopkins, yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith and Madeleine Osorovitz, 2, 519, 380, 518, 388, 525, 391, 526, 394, 533, 395, 533, 393, 538, 393, 538, 390, 541, 390, 541, 384, 539, 385, 539, 383, 519, 378, 519, 386,
Building, Lymann conservatory, red, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith and Madeleine Osorovitz, 2, 433, 349, 440, 376, 435, 382, 438, 390, 463, 381, 463, 377, 467, 375, 464, 359, 468, 354, 464, 348, 456, 347, 455, 343, 432, 348,
House, Sessions, yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith and Madeleine Osorovitz, 2, 599, 400, 597, 402, 591, 402, 588, 411, 608, 416, 611, 404, 600, 401
buildings, John M Green, red, Becky Shen, 4, 490, 485, 472, 503, 502, 527, 523, 510
buildings, Chase, red, Becky Shen, 4, 495, 601, 486, 621, 510, 644, 515, 622
parking, Davis Parking, black, Becky Shen, 4, 653, 491, 652, 507, 670, 508, 678, 495
parking, Lamont Parking, black, Becky Shen, 4, 602, 624, 575, 649, 584, 659, 612, 632
road, Prospet St., pink, Becky Shen, 4, 556, 527, 627, 611, 740, 654, 750, 669, 627, 625, 549, 542
building, hatfield hall, blue, Lynn Albright, 408, 522, 412, 536, 426, 534, 426, 527, 437, 523, 433, 515, 417, 517, 420, 521,
building, john m. green hall, blue, Lynn Albright, 470, 499, 463, 509, 464, 518, 492, 540, 504, 538, 511, 528, 511, 519, 485, 498, 472, 498,
building, 76 elm, blue, Lynn Albright, 507, 508, 514, 514, 521, 507, 513, 503,
building, drew hall, blue, Lynn Albright, 510, 488, 525, 499, 531, 491, 514, 483,
building, campus center, blue, Lynn Albright, 478, 470, 478, 484, 493, 483, 505, 475, 505, 470, 534, 474, 537, 466, 532, 463, 534, 454, 492, 444, 480, 449, 483, 457, 483, 468, 477, 469,
building, dewey hall, blue, Lynn Albright, 421, 556, 429, 563, 440, 553, 443, 556, 453, 546, 448, 540, 438, 548, 433, 545, 423, 557,
building, clark hall, blue, Lynn Albright, 450, 579, 463, 590, 470, 579, 467, 570, 462, 567, 453, 574,
building, hillyer hall, blue, Lynn Albright, 363, 685, 373, 682, 407, 653, 404, 647, 410, 643, 418, 649, 433, 635, 394, 596, 381, 605, 392, 620, 389, 624, 377, 612, 359, 627, 374, 650, 362, 665, 363, 685,
house, northrop, blue, Lynn Albright, 518, 578, 526, 582, 536, 574, 545, 582, 555, 571, 534, 557, 517, 576,
house, gillett, blue, Lynn Albright, 515, 585, 521, 589, 513, 597, 524, 607, 517, 618, 499, 604, 515, 584,
house, chase, blue, Lynn Albright, 487, 615, 496, 622, 506, 641, 497, 654, 484, 648, 489, 642, 481, 635, 485, 628, 480, 621,
house, duckett, blue, Lynn Albright, 468, 639, 459, 650, 467, 657, 483, 664, 495, 655, 484, 646, 476, 647, 469, 637, 460, 648,
house, cutter, blue, Lynn Albright, 568, 512, 564, 525, 605, 536, 611, 512, 594, 507, 589, 516,
house, ziskind, blue, Lynn Albright, 576, 475, 573, 489, 596, 495, 593, 506, 610, 510, 617, 484, 577, 475,
building, 10 prospect, blue, Lynn Albright, 580, 551, 597, 567, 612, 554, 594, 537,
building, stoddard hall, blue, Lynn Albright, 396, 708, 408, 740, 420, 734, 411, 703,
building, alumnae house, blue, Lynn Albright, 417, 702, 430, 721, 443, 715, 438, 710, 461, 687, 448, 674, 437, 685, 443, 687, 433, 699, 428, 695,
house, albright, blue, Lynn Albright, 458, 706, 479, 725, 489, 715, 469, 698,
house, baldwin, blue, Lynn Albright, 495, 719, 478, 733, 484, 740, 495, 736, 501, 742, 511, 737, 497, 720,
house, dawes, blue, Lynn Albright, 514, 699, 521, 707, 536, 698, 528, 690,
house, 26 bedford, blue, Lynn Albright, 538, 707, 526, 714, 539, 725, 550, 717,
building, unity house, blue, Lynn Albright, 511, 666, 520, 662, 531, 678, 521, 686, 518, 680, 521, 679,
house, conway, blue, Lynn Albright, 564, 693, 577, 706, 596, 687, 591, 683, 579, 693, 566, 692,
house, talbot, blue, Lynn Albright, 591, 665, 602, 676, 608, 671, 610, 664, 617, 654, 619, 657, 626, 649, 616, 638, 607, 643, 597, 656, 591, 665, 601, 673,
building, davis ballroom, blue, Lynn Albright, 633, 524, 627, 541, 632, 545, 651, 551, 661, 549, 663, 532,
building, 25B, blue, Lynn Albright, 676, 491, 673, 506, 683, 510, 689, 494,
building, capen annex, blue, Lynn Albright, 676, 527, 673, 535, 686, 541, 689, 537, 682, 534, 683, 528,
house, capen, blue, Lynn Albright, 644, 606, 658, 612, 662, 606, 674, 607, 679, 597, 671, 595, 675, 578, 671, 577, 674, 571, 667, 567, 646, 606,
building, morgan hall, blue, Lynn Albright, 665, 661, 665, 672, 678, 675, 682, 666,
building, campus school, blue, Lynn Albright, 661, 680, 651, 677, 643, 691, 639, 691, 636, 702, 644, 707, 646, 716, 641, 739, 651, 743, 663, 716, 660, 710, 669, 712, 673, 697, 660, 693, 661, 680, 650, 675,
building, wright hall, blue, Lynn Albright, 371, 446, 384, 487, 393, 486, 392, 475, 415, 465, 412, 453, 407, 454, 397, 438, 388, 439, 388, 443, 385, 443, 384, 441,
house, lamont, blue, Lynn Albright, 564, 606, 554, 615, 568, 636, 561, 639, 557, 643, 558, 649, 562, 651, 565, 651, 567, 651, 569, 646, 590, 631, 585, 625, 579, 622, 572, 613,
road, Green St., cyan, Dina Chen and Yuting Ren, 3, 190, 395, 198, 393, 256, 606, 263, 622, 287, 647, 306, 670, 322, 699, 327, 715, 329, 729, 319, 729, 314, 709, 306, 691, 293, 671, 273, 646, 255, 629, 245, 599, 190, 394
road, West St., cyan, Dina Chen and Yuting Ren, 3, 5, 529, 26, 539, 75, 564, 131, 589, 168, 598, 233, 612, 243, 612, 245, 612, 247, 608, 254, 626, 224, 620, 197, 614, 156, 607, 127, 598, 101, 589, 78, 577, 5, 541
building, Alumnae Gym, cyan, Dina Chen and Yuting Ren, 3, 265, 490, 294, 480, 297, 487, 303, 487, 307, 505, 296, 507, 295, 505, 281, 507, 280, 508, 271, 513, 269, 508, 266, 508, 262, 496, 266, 495
house, Lawrence, cyan, Dina Chen and Yuting Ren, 3, 232, 471, 237, 470, 238, 472, 254, 469, 254, 466, 261, 465, 264, 479, 258, 481, 257, 478, 244, 482, 244, 484, 237, 487
parking, Parking on West St., cyan, Dina Chen and Yuting Ren, 3, 98, 563, 108, 538, 118, 542, 110, 568
parking, Parking near Ford, cyan, Dina Chen and Yuting Ren, 3, 164, 525, 190, 518, 199, 542, 172, 550
building, Theatre 14., cyan, Dina Chen and Yuting Ren, 3, 126, 455, 194, 435, 195, 441, 193, 441, 198, 459, 203, 457, 207, 466, 174, 475, 173, 473, 153, 479, 155, 482, 144, 485, 144, 484, 138, 484, 137, 478, 140, 477, 138, 470, 130, 470
building, Lily Hall, cyan, Dina Chen and Yuting Ren, 3, 265, 613, 283, 601, 295, 621, 286, 627, 279, 619, 273, 622
building, Pierce Hall, cyan, Dina Chen and Yuting Ren, 3, 288, 635, 296, 628, 297, 629, 306, 622, 317, 636, 309, 642, 307, 642, 299, 648
house, Hubbard, cyan, Dina Chen and Yuting Ren, 3, 265, 574, 270, 572, 270, 574, 280, 572, 280, 570, 284, 570, 290, 583, 284, 584, 284, 583, 275, 584, 276, 587, 270, 587
parking, Garage, black, Margaret and Leslie, 148, 618, 120, 627, 140, 680, 170, 669, 155, 626, 159, 618, 150, 615
parking, Lot, black, Margaret and Leslie, 99, 561, 107, 538, 117, 542, 109, 567, 104, 568
house, Lawrence, black, Margaret and Leslie, 237, 470, 231, 470, 236, 485, 242, 485, 242, 483, 255, 478, 257, 480, 262, 479, 259, 464, 254, 466, 254, 467, 239, 471, 238, 468, 231, 469, 236, 485
building, Ford Hall, black, Margaret and Leslie, 204, 485, 135, 502, 136, 504, 124, 509, 127, 513, 123, 515, 124, 522, 128, 521, 129, 525, 140, 523, 140, 524, 175, 515, 176, 520, 184, 517, 181, 506, 208, 499
house, Hubbard, black, Margaret and Leslie, 273, 573, 271, 570, 265, 573, 270, 588, 274, 587, 274, 585, 281, 584, 283, 585, 290, 583, 284, 566, 279, 567, 279, 571
building, College Hall, black, Margaret and Leslie, 344, 631, 327, 634, 327, 635, 323, 635, 322, 645, 326, 645, 327, 657, 325, 656, 325, 659, 327, 660, 326, 667, 335, 668, 335, 669, 343, 669, 343, 670, 357, 667, 355, 651, 346, 653, 346, 649, 342, 650, 341, 641, 345, 641, 345, 631
house, Washburn, black, Margaret and Leslie, 305, 554, 300, 556, 294, 538, 299, 537, 299, 534, 311, 531, 312, 533, 317, 533, 319, 538, 322, 539, 319, 544, 320, 549, 317, 550, 317, 553, 307, 556, 306, 553
building, Seeley Hall, black, Margaret and Leslie, 312, 574, 334, 567, 336, 574, 334, 574, 335, 583, 338, 580, 340, 588, 337, 589, 339, 596, 342, 596, 344, 605, 324, 612, 321, 605, 324, 601, 322, 599, 320, 599, 317, 598, 315, 595, 315, 592, 315, 588, 315, 586, 317, 585, 319, 583, 318, 581, 314, 581, 312, 574
Parking, Parking Garage, dark gray, Anjali Desai, 3, 140, 680, 120, 628, 148, 619, 150, 614, 158, 618, 155, 626, 169, 669, 140, 679
Building, Ford Hall, honeydew, Anjali Desai, 3, 141, 523, 131, 526, 130, 522, 126, 522, 124, 517, 127, 515, 125, 509, 136, 506, 136, 505, 204, 484, 208, 498, 183, 505, 184, 516, 177, 519, 174, 515, 143, 525
Building, Garrison Hall, honeydew, Anjali Desai, 3, 185, 644, 184, 635, 196, 635, 196, 645, 198, 645, 199, 653, 196, 653, 196, 656, 185, 657, 185, 655, 182, 655, 182, 646, 184, 645
Building, Theatre 14, honeydew, Anjali Desai, 3, 155, 478, 154, 481, 144, 486, 142, 482, 138, 483, 136, 476, 140, 475, 138, 467, 129, 467, 124, 454, 171, 440, 191, 440, 196, 458, 204, 455, 206, 463, 174, 474, 173, 473, 154, 477
Building, 30 Belmont Ave., honeydew, Anjali Desai, 3, 87, 495, 85, 493, 79, 502, 94, 512, 100, 503, 94, 500, 93, 496, 88, 492, 88, 495
House, Lawrence House, coral, Anjali Desai, 3, 239, 471, 253, 468, 253, 464, 259, 463, 263, 478, 258, 481, 255, 479, 242, 482, 242, 484, 235, 485, 232, 472, 238, 470, 240, 471, 254, 468
House, Washburn, coral, Anjali Desai, 3, 301, 540, 301, 535, 312, 532, 312, 534, 316, 533, 321, 540, 320, 545, 320, 549, 317, 550, 317, 553, 306, 556, 305, 554, 300, 555, 294, 540, 299, 537
Building, Lilly Hall, honeydew, Anjali Desai, 3, 279, 617, 274, 620, 266, 611, 282, 601, 295, 619, 284, 627, 279, 618
Building, Pierce Hall, honeydew, Anjali Desai, 3, 298, 630, 297, 628, 287, 635, 297, 647, 306, 640, 307, 641, 316, 634, 305, 625, 299, 631
Building, College Hall, honeydew, Anjali Desai, 3, 326, 637, 322, 637, 322, 643, 327, 645, 327, 656, 325, 658, 325, 660, 327, 661, 327, 668, 334, 668, 334, 670, 343, 670, 344, 671, 357, 670, 357, 654, 345, 654, 344, 652, 341, 652, 340, 643, 345, 642, 343, 632, 327, 635, 327, 636, 322, 636, 322, 645, 327, 645
Building, Alumnae Gym, honeydew, Anjali Desai, 3, 267, 495, 262, 496, 265, 506, 268, 506, 270, 512, 280, 510, 280, 507, 293, 503, 295, 506, 307, 503, 303, 487, 297, 488, 296, 481, 263, 489
Building, Neilson Library, honeydew, Anjali Desai, 3, 307, 498, 313, 497, 313, 494, 330, 490, 332, 495, 336, 495, 335, 489, 383, 474, 388, 487, 402, 481, 407, 494, 392, 501, 393, 506, 374, 512, 376, 519, 366, 522, 366, 523, 357, 527, 355, 525, 346, 527, 343, 519, 338, 519, 337, 517, 328, 517, 326, 512, 317, 513, 313, 501, 308, 501
Building, Green Box, honeydew, Anjali Desai, 3, 271, 461, 281, 457, 286, 475, 275, 477
Building, Bass Hall, honeydew, Anjali Desai, 3, 290, 473, 283, 449, 280, 449, 277, 441, 281, 439, 279, 433, 293, 428, 305, 470, 291, 474
Building, Young Science Library, honeydew, Anjali Desai, 3, 277, 441, 274, 431, 260, 436, 260, 439, 257, 439, 258, 442, 256, 443, 258, 452, 262, 454, 262, 457, 266, 458, 268, 460, 281, 455, 281, 453, 278, 442
Building, Seelye Hall, honeydew, Anjali Desai, 3, 337, 575, 335, 567, 313, 573, 314, 580, 318, 581, 319, 583, 319, 583, 317, 586, 315, 589, 315, 594, 316, 596, 319, 599, 322, 599, 324, 602, 324, 603, 320, 604, 323, 612, 344, 607, 342, 599, 339, 598, 337, 592, 339, 591, 337, 583, 335, 583, 334, 577, 337, 574, 334, 567
House, 44 Green St., coral, Anjali Desai, 3, 229, 550, 220, 553, 223, 567, 234, 564, 231, 552
river, Paradise Pond, blue, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,377,128,436,175,467,199,483,228,502,250,496,280,459,292,434,298,411,298,394,297,389,300,389,308,382,319,377,319,380,266,406,267,429,272,450,273,465,273,470,265,463,252,446,238,429,223,421,224,416,235,410,255,405,265,378,269,377,176,376,128,405,149
road, College Lane, grey, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,378,349,378,356,484,334,510,335,533,342,554,351,576,363,581,365,584,359,541,339,513,328,497,328,473,330,447,332,411,343,375,351,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
road, Elm Street, grey, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,747,101,747,130,656,255,616,318,595,363,573,424,571,437,559,438,572,390,586,354,603,319,626,276,652,237,690,185,719,143,749,105,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
road, Round Hill Road, grey, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,610,337,613,332,734,355,731,357,730,361,613,338,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
road, Paradise Road, grey, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,434,15,426,24,643,243,650,238,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
house, Haven House, yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,506,422,507,413,538,419,538,427,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
building, President's House, red, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,565,220,551,240,564,248,575,226,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
building, Admissions, red, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,535,313,527,324,541,333,547,322,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
house, Hopkins House, yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,541,386,540,393,520,390,520,382,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
house, Park Annex, yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,531,371,546,374,549,366,535,361,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
house, Park House, yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,573,295,562,311,571,315,575,306,578,311,583,306,587,310,589,306,574,296,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
building, Botanic Gardens, red, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,435,351,441,385,467,377,461,352,455,347,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
parking, Parking, pink, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,497,342,516,346,509,360,492,357,485,372,481,370,484,345,492,347,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
house, Wesley House, yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,499,393,497,407,506,407,508,392,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
house, Chapin House, yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,462,402,434,408,439,427,466,423,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
building, Boat House, red, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,392,302,395,317,410,317,406,300,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
building, Boat House, red, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,392,302,395,317,410,317,406,300,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
building, Crew House, red, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,384,321,386,330,377,335,377,322,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
building, Crew House, red, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,384,321,386,330,377,335,377,322,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
building, Wright Hall, red, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,411,435,410,435,385,435,406,429,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
building, Wright Hall, red, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,411,435,410,435,385,435,406,429,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
building, Campus Center, red, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,517,436,493,436,500,430,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
building, Campus Center, red, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,517,436,493,436,500,430,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
parking, Parking, pink, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,612,436,637,434,640,428,617,422,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
parking, Parking, pink, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,696,401,696,412,684,412,681,426,677,403,695,401,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
house, Parsons, yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,703,405,705,426,683,426,686,416,694,416,698,406,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
house, Parsons Annex, yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,691,364,687,381,688,390,682,389,683,385,681,382,684,360,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
building, The Gables, red, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,702,367,711,367,711,383,700,383,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
building, The Gables, red, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,702,367,711,367,711,383,700,383,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
parking, Parking, pink, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,713,388,711,395,703,392,703,387,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
parking, Parking, pink, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,713,388,711,395,703,392,703,387,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
parking, Parking, pink, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,713,388,711,395,703,392,703,387,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
parking, Parking, pink, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,619,372,658,382,658,388,619,380,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
building, Helen Hills Chapel, red, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,656,365,655,381,625,369,629,359,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
building, Helen Hills Chapel, red, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,656,365,655,381,625,369,629,359,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
house, Sessions House, yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,587,414,608,415,610,407,591,404,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
house, Sessions House, yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,587,414,608,415,610,407,591,404,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
house, Tenney House, yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,620,229,633,237,623,246,612,236,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
house, Tenney House, yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,620,229,633,237,623,246,612,236,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
house, Sessions Annex, yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,591,420,610,422,604,431,590,428,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
house, Sessions Annex, yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,591,420,610,422,604,431,590,428,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
house, 150 Elm, yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,610,242,623,250,618,258,602,250,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
house, 150 Elm, yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,610,242,623,250,618,258,602,250,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
house, 138 Elm, yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,602,283,595,294,583,282,591,273,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
house, 138 Elm, yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,602,283,595,294,583,282,591,273,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
house, Wilson House, yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,621,42,670,93,677,85,627,35,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
house, Wilson House, yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,621,42,670,93,677,85,627,35,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
house, Jordon House, yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,623,134,630,142,602,173,601,157,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
house, Jordon House, yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,623,134,630,142,602,173,601,157,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
house, Gardiner House, yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,673,106,643,133,636,126,661,99,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
house, Gardiner House, yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,673,106,643,133,636,126,661,99,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
house, Morrow House, yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,611,40,582,66,590,73,611,52,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
house, Morrow House, yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,611,40,582,66,590,73,611,52,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
house, Cushing House, yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,570,77,575,84,555,103,541,105,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
house, Cushing House, yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,570,77,575,84,555,103,541,105,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
house, Emerson House, yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,601,156,600,167,543,109,554,108,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
house, Emerson House, yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,601,156,600,167,543,109,554,108,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
house, Wilder House, yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,543,5,529,14,536,27,544,19,561,37,555,47,563,55,578,39,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
house, Wilder House, yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,543,5,529,14,536,27,544,19,561,37,555,47,563,55,578,39,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
house, Comstock House, yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,526,17,532,27,528,34,548,54,553,48,559,61,546,75,510,34,526,18,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
house, Comstock House, yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,526,17,532,27,528,34,548,54,553,48,559,61,546,75,510,34,526,18,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
house, King House, yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,676,123,686,133,691,151,685,168,674,164,680,151,680,141,666,134,664,130,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
house, King House, yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,676,123,686,133,691,151,685,168,674,164,680,151,680,141,666,134,664,130,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
house, Scales House, yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,659,177,666,185,651,191,635,186,622,171,625,165,637,175,645,177,654,178,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
house, Scales House, yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,659,177,666,185,651,191,635,186,622,171,625,165,637,175,645,177,654,178,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
house, Friedman Apt., yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,662,393,674,398,674,405,661,399,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
house, Friedman Apt., yellow, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,662,393,674,398,674,405,661,399,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
tree, Trees, green, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,502,134,569,206,539,223,503,225,461,172,425,148,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
tree, Trees, green, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,484,119,411,133,380,109,380,77,415,61,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
tree, Trees, green, Lucia Simova and Hope MacKeith,2,484,119,411,133,380,109,380,77,415,61,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Road, Bedford Ter, purple, Keara Phillips-Vabre & Miranda Coleman, 4, 457, 644, 469, 654, 476, 661, 487, 667, 492, 673, 502, 681, 510, 688, 518, 695, 524, 704, 532, 710, 511, 703, 502, 695, 496, 690, 490, 685, 481, 677, 473, 672, 465, 665, 456, 657, 450, 654
Building , Davis Ballroom, maroon, Keara Phillips-Vabre & Miranda Coleman, 4, 663, 542, 665, 536, 669, 538, 676, 520, 641, 512, 636, 531, 644, 533, 642, 538, 662, 543
House , Northrop, sandy brown, Keara Phillips-Vabre & Miranda Coleman, 4, 528, 566, 544, 547, 564, 561, 555, 571, 547, 564, 539, 572, 539, 572, 529, 568
Building , 10 Prospect, maroon, Keara Phillips-Vabre & Miranda Coleman, 4, 608, 557, 622, 543, 604, 527, 590, 540, 608, 556
Building , , maroon, Keara Phillips-Vabre & Miranda Coleman, 4, 608, 557, 622, 543, 604, 527, 590, 540, 608, 556
Parking Lot , Parking, grey49, Keara Phillips-Vabre & Miranda Coleman, 4, 655, 489, 650, 503, 672, 509, 677, 496, 656, 493
House , Lamont, sandy brown, Keara Phillips-Vabre & Miranda Coleman, 4, 577, 622, 567, 611, 568, 608, 564, 605, 572, 594, 580, 598, 579, 600, 591, 611, 594, 610, 598, 615, 582, 638, 579, 637, 572, 640, 569, 640, 567, 637, 567, 634, 569, 631, 571, 631, 580, 624, 568, 612, 569, 611, 564, 604, 572, 595, 581, 600, 579, 603, 590, 611
Road, Prospect St., purple, Keara Phillips-Vabre & Miranda Coleman, 4, 549, 511, 541, 521, 545, 524, 548, 528, 548, 533, 543, 533, 538, 531, 533, 537, 530, 540, 531, 542, 539, 542, 549, 542, 555, 547, 563, 556, 576, 569, 588, 583, 600, 596, 610, 607, 620, 618, 626, 625, 635, 629, 648, 634, 664, 641, 684, 648, 697, 654, 712, 660, 723, 664, 733, 668, 745, 671, 747, 671, 745, 663, 741, 656, 734, 655, 724, 653, 713, 649, 705, 647, 692, 641, 682, 636, 668, 631, 656, 625, 647, 622, 635, 616, 629, 611, 621, 601, 614, 595, 605, 581, 594, 570, 583, 559, 570, 544, 559, 535, 556, 524, 552, 513
House , Talbot, sandy brown, Keara Phillips-Vabre & Miranda Coleman, 4, 616, 666, 621, 660, 619, 657, 623, 650, 626, 647, 629, 646, 634, 641, 635, 639, 627, 630, 622, 634, 618, 634, 614, 638, 611, 643, 607, 647, 611, 648, 607, 652, 603, 655, 607, 660, 613, 665, 614, 665
Cutter, House, Blue, Emily&Mingrui, quadrant4, 577, 502, 575, 515, 617, 526, 616, 511,
Ziskind, House, Blue, Emily&Mingrui, quadrant4, 585, 465, 583, 477, 623, 487, 625, 474,
JMG, Building, Blue, Emily&Mingrui, quadrant4, 493, 489, 488, 487, 484, 487, 474, 496, 476, 504, 477, 512, 500, 528, 509, 528, 515, 528, 521, 517, 521, 511, 519, 506,
Elm St., Road, Blue, Emily&Mingrui, quadrant4, 375, 692, 375, 710, 442, 660, 495, 595, 533, 547, 554, 499, 572, 444, 555, 439, 538, 504, 510, 551, 456, 619, 433, 653, 378, 689,
Davis Lawn, Field, Blue, Emily&Mingrui, quadrant4, 604, 578, 644, 532, 662, 542, 663, 559, 649, 579, 623, 609,
Parking, Parking, Blue, Emily&Mingrui, quadrant4, 599, 622, 574, 649, 587, 659, 611, 630,
Tree, Tree, Blue, Emily&Mingrui, quadrant4, 563, 582, 569, 589, 573, 579, 568, 575,
Northrop, House, Blue, Emily&Mingrui, quadrant4, 529, 569, 536, 573, 546, 563, 554, 571, 560, 563, 544, 546,
JMG, building, coral, Emily Li and Mingrui Xu, quadrant 4,446,448,468,465,466,474,457,481,433,469,430,460, ,,,,,,
Elm Street, road, coral, Emily Li and Mingrui Xu, quadrant 4,497,423,485,464,399,581,355,615,353,626,399,598,481,492,498,456,507,425,
Duckett House, house, coral, Emily Li and Mingrui Xu, quadrant 4,450,569,442,573,433,567,427,573,443,586,450,585,455,577, ,,,,
Davis Lawn, field, coral, Emily Li and Mingrui Xu, quadrant 4,569,486,554,495,536,525,554,546,588,509,584,492, ,,,,,,
Cutter-Ziskind, house, coral, Emily Li and Mingrui Xu, quadrant 4,523,430,520,439,537,446,533,468,518,461,513,471,546,478,555,439, ,,
River, Paradise Pond, light blue, Tasbiha Chowdhury, 2, 352, 117, 408, 151, 422, 167, 434, 172, 437, 182, 452, 188, 466, 199, 487, 234, 499, 2,45, 500, 276, 488, 285, 463, 291, 436, 301, 407, 299, 385, 318, 354, 327
River, Paradise Road, light blue, Tasbiha Chowdhury, 2, 747, 101, 646, 233, 528, 108, 625, 16, 621, 11, 526, 102, 477, 55, 531, 4, 525, 4, 476, 46, 438, 13, 426, 20, 641, 244, 584, 356, 516, 328, 360, 356, 359, 362, 426, 347, 430, 349, 454, 345, 455, 342, 509, 335, 579, 362, 569, 395, 550, 464, 565, 469, 572, 415, 654, 254
House, Comstock/Wilder, light blue, Tasbiha Chowdhury, 2, 507, 32, 547, 72, 581, 39, 548, 5, 537, 5
House, Cushing/Emmerson/Jordan, light blue, Tasbiha Chowdhury, 2, 555, 105, 578, 84, 569, 75, 539, 104, 600, 170, 632, 142, 625, 134, 600, 154
House, Murrow/Wilson/Gardiner, light blue, Tasbiha Chowdhury, 2, 589, 74, 610, 52, 618, 62, 629, 50, 641, 63, 638, 68, 647, 78, 651, 74, 663, 87, 658, 90, 656, 88, 648, 94, 656, 103, 634, 125, 642, 133, 672, 105, 666, 96, 669, 92, 670, 94, 678, 86, 628, 34, 619, 40, 624, 45, 621, 48, 609, 36, 581, 65
House, Scales/King, light blue, Tasbiha Chowdhury, 2, 637, 173, 639, 168, 630, 161, 616, 172, 626, 182, 628, 180, 649, 193, 668, 185, 671, 186, 685, 174, 682, 171, 690, 155, 682, 133, 683, 130, 675, 162, 673, 161, 660, 173, 662, 177, 646, 178
Building, Crew House, light blue, Tasbiha Chowdhury, 2, 369, 324, 374, 334, 387, 332, 384, 321
Building, Boat House, light blue, Tasbiha Chowdhury, 2, 393, 313, 395, 320, 412, 313, 408, 301
Street, Round Hd Road, light blue, Tasbiha Chowdhury, 2,611, 341, 614, 333, 730, 354, 731, 360
House, Haven, light blue, Tasbiha Chowdhury, 2, 505, 420, 502, 419, 502, 414, 507, 414, 507, 412, 520, 415, 520, 412, 525, 412, 525, 416, 538, 417, 538, 428, 504, 423