CSC270 Hw 10 2016
--D. Thiebaut (talk) 12:00, 14 April 2016 (EDT)
You can work on this homework in pairs. You need to provide a text file containing the C program that solves the problem below. The deadline is 4/21/16 at 11:55 p.m.
Problem 1
Create the program below and run int.
/* hw10.c your name here this program prompts the user for a string and displays it back. */ #include <stdio.h> int main() { char s[100]; //--- get a string of chars --- printf( "Enter a list of email addresses, separated by spaces: " ); gets( s ); //--- display it back --- printf( "You have entered: %s\n\n", s ); return 0; }
Don't worry if the compiler gives you a warning indicating that gets() is dangerous. It's fine for us right now. This program is the seed for the program you have to write.
<r />
Write a program that will have the following features:
- it will read a string from the user (as shown above),
- the string will contain email addresses separated by spaces (one or more spaces between each address)
- it will print the name of each person, without the text following the @-sign, and
- it will skip the first character of each name. For example if the email is, it will print only thiebaut.
Example of User Interaction
The user input is underline. The user does not press ENTER between the email addresses. Only at the very end of the string ( does the user press ENTER.
Enter a list of email addresses: doc grumpy happy sleepy bashful sneezy dopey
- The string entered by the user will never be longer than 100 characters.
- The string entered by the user will contain at least 1 address, and potentially several.
- All email addresses contain one @-sign
Submit your program on Moodle, as a text file, in the HW 10 section.