CSC352 Project Page 2017
--D. Thiebaut (talk) 10:22, 26 January 2017 (EST)
- The second half of the semester (or earlier if you wish), you will work on a project that will consist of several components and/or requirements.
- Pick a partner to create a pair.
- Pick a topic from the list below.
- Write a Latex tutorial which will introduce somebody with a CS background to the topic you've picked. You need to include an introduction that sets the background for your pick, a series of simple examples (all of which you will need to demonstrate you have run), a section on performance, and an assessment on the future of the technology you covered. This document must contain a list bibliography.
- Do a 1-hour presentation to the class, with slides, where you will introduce the class to the technology you have picked. This 1-hour presentation should include (if possible) a mini-lab that will allow everybody in class to run a few programs that will be using the technology you picked.
Non Exhaustive List of Topics
The list below is taken from the Hadoop Ecosystem Table page:
- Pig, Hive, JAQL, Storm, Flink, Apex, Pydoop, and others
- NoSQL: HBase, Cassandra, Accumulo, Kudu, MongoDB
- Machine Learning: Mahoot, H2O
- Other?
- GPU: Cuda
- Azure, and/or any component of its ecosystem.
- Google Compute Engine, Google App Engine
- You need to have a plan in place the first week after Spring Break. This plan includes
- who your partner is
- what topic you have picked