CSC352 Scripts to Measure Execution Times
Assume that we want to measure the execution time of this program:
#! /usr/bin/python
# D. Thiebaut
import random
import time
time.sleep( random.randrange( 2 ) )
which takes a random number of time between 0 and 2 seconds.
We use a Python script below that will run the program above the right number of times and keep track of the best time.
#! /usr/bin/python
# D. Thiebaut
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
def oldRunCommandOnce( program ):
command="(time ./%s) 2>&1 | grep real | cut -d'm' -f 2 | cut -d's' -f 1" % program
p = Popen( command, shell=True, stdin=PIPE,
stdout=PIPE, close_fds=True )
fin, fout = p.stdin, p.stdout
execTime = float( fout.readline() )
return execTime
def runCommandOnce( program ):
command="(/usr/bin/time ./%s) 2>&1 | grep real" % program
p = Popen( command, shell=True, stdin=PIPE,
stdout=PIPE, close_fds=True )
fin, fout = p.stdin, p.stdout
line = fout.readline()
#print "line = ", line
words = line.split()
execTime = float( words[0] )
return execTime
def main():
bestTime = 1E10
program = ""
for i in range( 3 ):
execTime = runCommandOnce( program )
print "sample %d: %f sec" % ( i+1, execTime )
bestTime = min( bestTime, execTime )
print "Best time = %f sec" % bestTime