CSC334 Lab8
<meta name="keywords" content="computer science, bioinformatics, DNA, CSC334, Lab" /> <meta name="description" content="DNA Sequence Logo Lab" /> <meta name="title" content="Bioinformatics Lab" /> <meta name="abstract" content="DNA Sequence Logo" /> <meta name="author" content="thiebaut at" />
This lab should be done in conjunction with Lab 7 dealing with DNA sequence logos. Please refer to the introduction section of Lab 7 for more information on sequence logos.
Logos on the Web
Berkeley Logo Generator
Point your browser to, which is one of the currently better logo generators on the Web.
Enter the 8 sequences of Lab 7 in the input window, and click on the Create button:
Compare the output to the one you obtained in Lab 7.
Another option is to point your browser to, and to enter the same eight sequences, as illustrated below: