Hadoop pingHadoop.py
--D. Thiebaut 14:49, 16 December 2010 (UTC)
#! /bin/env python
# http://www.wellho.net/solutions/python-python-threads-a-first-example.html
# this program launches several parallel threads, each one in charge of pinging
# a host and report on whether it is responding or dead.
# the hosts addresses are defined by the main for-loop:
# for hostId in ["01","02","03","04","05","06","07","08","09","10"]:
# host = "hadoop1%s.dyndns.org" % hostId
import os
import re
import time
import sys
from threading import Thread
class testit( Thread ):
def __init__ ( self, ip ):
self.ip = ip
self.status = -1
def run( self ):
pingaling = os.popen( "ping -q -c2 " + self.ip, "r" )
while True:
line = pingaling.readline()
if not line: break
igot = re.findall(testit.lifeline, line)
if igot:
self.status = int( igot[0] )
#--- static members for the class ---
testit.lifeline = re.compile(r"(\d) received")
report = ( "No response", "Partial Response", "Alive")
print time.ctime()
pinglist = []
for hostId in ["01","02","03","04","05","06","07","08","09","10"]:
#ip = "131.229.72."+str(host)
host = "hadoop1%s.dyndns.org" % hostId
current = testit( host )
for pingle in pinglist:
for pingle in pinglist:
print "Status from ",pingle.ip,"is",report[pingle.status]