CSC111 Lab 4 Solution Programs
--D. Thiebaut 10:03, 29 September 2011 (EDT)
Updated by --D. Thiebaut 10:04, 30 September 2011 (EDT)
# Solution snipets for Lab 4
# D.Thiebaut
def greetings():
text = """
* Solution programs for Lab 4 *
print( text )
def main():
print( "\nAll aa, ab, ac,... on separate lines\n" )
for c in "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz":
print( "a" + c )
print( "\nAll aa, ab, ... az, ba, bb, ... bz\n" )
for first in "ab":
for second in "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz":
print( first + second )
print( "\nAll aa, ab,, ba, bb, ... bz, ca, cb... cz\n" )
for first in "abc":
for second in "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz":
print( first + second )
print( "\bSame with counter + 111a- in front\n" )
count = 1
for first in "abc":
for second in "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz":
print( "%2d" % count, "111a-" + first + second )
count = count + 1
print( "\nmini challenge\n" )
for second in "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz":
for first in "abc":
print( first + second, end=' ' ) #quote space quote
print( "\nChallenge #2\n" )
zoo = [ "pig", "horse", "elephant" ]
# variation #1
print("\n\n\n-- Variation #1" )
count = 1
for animal in zoo:
print( "Animal #%d:" % (count), end=" " )
print( animal )
count = count + 1
# variation #2
print("\n\n\n-- Variation #2" )
count = 1
for animal in zoo:
print( "Animal #%d: %s" % ( count, animal ) )
count = count + 1
# variation #3
print("\n\n\n-- Variation #3" )
count = 1
for animal in zoo:
countString = "%d" % count # countString is now the
# string equivalent of count
print( "Animal #" + countString + ": " + animal )
count = count + 1
# answer to the challenge
print("\nAnswer to the challenge\n\n" )
count = 1
for animal in zoo:
print( "about to print", animal, count, "time(s)..." )
for i in range( count ):
print( animal, end=" " ) # that's a space between quotes
count = count + 1
print( "\nChallenge #3\n" )
semesters = [ "spring", "fall" ]
years = [ "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013" ]
for year in years:
for sem in semesters:
print( sem, year )
# or
semesters = [ "spring", "fall" ]
years = [ 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 ]
for year in years:
for sem in semesters:
print( sem, year )
# or
print("\nor...\n" )
semesters = [ "spring", "fall" ]
for year in range( 2010, 2014):
for sem in semesters:
print( sem, year )
print( "\n\n Challenge #4\n\n" )
for i in range( 1,10 ):
for j in range( 1, 10 ):
print( i*j, sep=" ", end=" " )
print( "\n\n" )
for i in range( 1,10 ):
for j in range( 1,i+1 ):
print( "%3d" % (i*j), sep=" ", end=" " )