CSC111 How cold is it in England?

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Revision as of 23:11, 12 December 2011 by Thiebaut (talk | contribs)
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--D. Thiebaut 22:57, 12 December 2011 (EST)

# D. Thiebaut
# this code is undocumented and possibly not robust...

import urllib.request
import sys

URL = ""

cities = {'Ross-on-Wye' : 'rossonwyedata.txt',
          'Armagh'      : 'armaghdata.txt',
          'Leuchars'    : 'leucharsdata.txt',
          'Eskdalemuir' : 'eskdalemuirdata.txt',
          'Yeovilton'   : 'yeoviltondata.txt',
          'Valley'      : 'valleydata.txt',
          'Sutton Bonington': 'suttonboningtondata.txt',
          'Dunstaffnage': 'dunstaffnagedata.txt',
          'Shawbury'    : 'shawburydata.txt',
          'Paisley'     : 'paisleydata.txt',
          'Braemar'     : 'braemardata.txt',
          'Sheffield'   : 'sheffielddata.txt' }

def getCity( cityName ):
   global URL
   print( "Getting list of temperatures from ", url )
   f = urllib.request.urlopen( URL + cityName )
   bytes =
   htmlText  = bytes.decode( "utf8" )
   return htmlText

def main():
    # prompt the user for a city name
    print( "What city are you interested in? " )

    # display list of cities (keys of dictionary) 
    print( "Choices are: ", ", ".join( cities.keys() ) )

    # keep on asking until city is recognized
    while True:
        city = input( "> " )
        if city in cities.keys():
        print( "Sorry,", city,"is not a valid city name" )

    # get text file associated with city
    cityFile = cities[ city ]

    # get Web page content
    text = getCity( cityFile )
    print( text )

