Tutorial: Running Multithreaded Programs on AWS

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Revision as of 14:48, 14 June 2012 by Thiebaut (talk | contribs) (Shell File: runFilterwiki10.sh)
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--D. Thiebaut 15:39, 14 June 2012 (EDT)

This tutorial is a quick overview of how to run a compiled C++ program on a multi-core machine. In this case the multicore is on AWS (Amazon), but it could also be any multicore desktop machine.

Overall Block Diagram


Main Python Program: runMultipleFilterWiki10.py

#! /usr/bin/env python2.6
# D. Thiebaut

import sys
import time
import multiprocessing 
import subprocess

def syntax():
    print "runMultipleFilterWiki10.py -start nn -end nn"
def runFilterWiki( id ):
    # runFilterwiki10.sh url inFile outFile
    # url = http://hadoop0.dyndns.org/wikipedia/1line.split.nnn.gz
    url = "http://hadoop0.dyndns.org/wikipediagz/1line.split." + id + ".gz"
    print "runFilterwiki10.sh", url, "infile."+id, "outfile."+id
    output = subprocess.Popen( ["runFilterwiki10.sh", url, "infile."+id , "outfile."+id],
             stdout=subprocess.PIPE  ).communicate()[0]
    print output

def main():

    start = None
    end   = None
    for i, arg in enumerate( sys.argv ):
        #print "2"
        if arg=="-start" and i+1 < len( sys.argv ):
           start = sys.argv[i+1]
        if arg=="-end" and i+1 < len( sys.argv ):
           end = sys.argv[i+1]

    #print "3"
    if start==None or end==None:

    start = int( start )
    end   = int( end )
    print "start = ", start
    print "end   = ", end

    list = []   
    for i in range( start, end ):        
        p = multiprocessing.Process( target=runFilterWiki, args=( i, ) )
        list.append( p )           

    for p in list:

Shell File: runFilterwiki10.sh

#! /bin/bash
# runFilterwiki10.sh
# D. Thiebaut
# runs filterwiki10 and fetches URL files first

USAGE="syntax: runFilterwiki10.sh urlOfInputFile LocalInputFileName localOutFileName"

#echo $#

if [ $# !=  3 ]; then
    echo "$USAGE"
    exit 1


echo /usr/bin/env curl -s -o ${inFile}.gz -G $url 
/usr/bin/env curl -s -o ${inFile}.gz -G $url 

echo gunzip ${inFile}.gz
gunzip ${inFile}.gz

echo ./filterwiki10 -in $inFile -out $outFile
./filterwiki10 -in $inFile -out $outFile

rm $inFile

echo gzip $outFile
gzip $outFile

/usr/bin/env curl -s -F "uploadedfile=@${outFile}.gz" http://hadoop0.dyndns.org/uploader.php
rm ${outFile}.gz

C++ Program: main.cpp

D. Thiebaut


Qt3 program.
Compile with qcompile3

This program was put together to test XGrid against hadoop.

It reads xml files produced by SplitFile and which reside in SplitFile/splits,
and generate a different xml file.

	./filterwiki10 -in 1line.split.0 -out out.txt

Format of input:

  1line.split.0 is a chunk resulting from splitting the original wikipedia dump
into files of roughly 60 MB (for hadoop split size).
Each line of 1line.split.0 contains a <page>...</page> entry, where all the 
information between <page> and </page> is the same as in the enwiki dump.

This was done so that hadoop could take that file and cut it into line and
give it directly to programs, and this way the programs would get exactly 
one page of wikipedia


Format of output

  The output is xml and in the format of an output that could result from
hadoop. Each line is of the form


i.e. the Id of the wikipedia page, followed by a long line of <xml> sandwiched
between <xml> and </xml>.  The contents looks like this (with \n added for 
		<cat>Political ideologies</cat>
		<lnk>6 February 1934 crisis</lnk>
		<lnk>A Greek-English Lexicon</lnk>

#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qobject.h>
#include <qtimer.h>
#include "engine.h"

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

  if ( argc<5 ) {
    cerr << "Syntax: " << argv[0] << " -in inFileName -out outFileName"  << endl << endl;
    return 1;

  QApplication app( argc, argv, false );
  engineClass engine;
  engine.setDebug( false );

  for ( int i=1; i<argc; i++ ) {
    if ( QString( argv[i] )=="-in" && ( argc>=i+1 ) )
      engine.setInFileName( QString( argv[i+1] ) );
    if ( QString( argv[i] )=="-out" && ( argc>=i+1 ) )
      engine.setOutFileName( QString( argv[i+1] ) );
  //--- start main application ---
  QTimer::singleShot( 0, &engine, SLOT( mainEngine() ) );
  return app.exec();