CSC103 Final Solutions Fall 2012
--D. Thiebaut 10:11, 31 October 2012 (EDT)
This program provided by Erika is simple, short, and will compute the exact sum.
; CSC 103 Final – Problem 2
; Erika Miguel
; Computes the sum of all the multiples of 3 between 0 and 30
; and stores the result in variable sum.
jmp start
; data section with 2 variables
counter: 30
sum: 0
; code section
; sum <- counter
lod counter
sto sum
; counter <- counter - 3
lod counter
sub-c 3
sto counter
; if counter is 0, then jump out of loop
jmz done
; sum <- sum + counter
lod sum
add counter
sto sum
; go back to compute new sum
jmp loop
; if we reach this point, then we are done with
; the loop and sum should contain the result
done: hlt
// D. Thiebaut
// This program displays random circles on the screen when the mouse is pressed.
// When the mouse is pressed and moves to the left, circles shrink, while still remaining
// of random radius. Similarly, circles grow when the mouse moves to the right, while
// still remaining random in size.
float diameter;
void setup() {
size( 500, 500 );
void draw() {
diameter = random( mouseX / 2 );
if (mousePressed == true){
fill( mouseX/3, random( 255 ), random( 255 ) );
ellipse( random( 500 ), random( 500 ), diameter, diameter );