CSC231 Homework 11 Solutions 2012

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--D. Thiebaut 09:55, 12 December 2012 (EST)

Problem 1

;;; Julia Edwards
;;; 231a-aa
;;; December 1, 2012
;;; Uses functions to print out the contents of the registers:
;;; 	eax, ebx, ecx, edx, edi, esi
;;; in hexadecimal, as an unsigned int, and as a signed int.
;;; The signed and unsigned ints are separated with commas,
;;; as is appropriate. They are printed out through calls
;;; to a recursive function, printDecimal.
;;; E.g.:
;;; 	---------------------------------------------
;;;	eax = 0x00000004  4 4
;;;	ebx = 0x00000001  1 1
;;;	ecx = 0xFFFFFFFF  4,294,967,295 -1
;;;	edx = 0x000012FC  4,860 4,860
;;;	edi = 0xFFFFFFFE  4,294,967,294 -2
;;;	esi = 0x12235557  304,305,495 304,305,495
;;;	---------------------------------------------
;;; **Because the (register's) counter is a word variable, this puts
;;; a limitation on the number of registers that could be printed.
;;; Luckily, we have far less than 1024 registers, but that is the
;;; max number of registers which can hypothetically be printed.
;;; **Because registers can only hold up to 4 bytes (one dword), the
;;; max number that will be printed is 0xFFFFFFFF = 4,294,967,295  or -1.
;;;	The maximum stack space that is used depends on the size of the
;;;	largest number stored in the registers (e.g. if eax contains
;;;	0xFFFFFFFF, it has the largest number stored in any of the registers
;;;	by default). It also depends on whether there is a large negative 
;;;	number in any of the registers. The maximum stack space possibly used
;;;	is used by a 10-digit long negative number, as we'll see.  
;;;	The maximum stack space used by the program occurs when printing a
;;;	10-digit long, negative number. Therefore, there are two maximum-stack-
;;;	space-used possibilities: one for the cases when at least one register contains
;;;	a number between -1,000,000,000 (0xC4653600) and -2,147,483,648 (0x80000000), 
;;;	and the other for the cases when no registers hold numbers between these two
;;;	values.
;;;	The most stack space is used when printing a decimal number. This function takes
;;;	1 word and 1 dword as parameters (passed through the stack) as well as 1 dword for
;;;	the return address, and pushes ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, and edx immediately. Altogether,
;;;	this is 1 * 2 bytes + (2 + 5) * 4 bytes = 30 bytes used, just upon entrance into the
;;;	function. Later in the function, the stack space grows once again by a word (2 bytes)
;;;	when dx is pushed to save the quotient for printing purposes. This means that 32 bytes
;;;	are pushed to the stack every time a recursive call is made (and in the final, non-
;;;	recursive call, only 30 bytes are pushed to the stack because dx isn't pushed in this
;;;	case).
;;;	When printing a negative number, another 20 bytes is pushed (only once) to the
;;;	stack, because printNegative takes one dword as a parameter, a dword for a return
;;;	address, and pushes ebp, eax, and ebx (5 * 4 bytes = 20). This is why the most stack
;;;	spaced is used when printing a 10-digit-long negative number (as 10-digits is the
;;;	maximum possible number of digits).
;;;	In general, the maximum number of stack space used (in bytes) as a function of N
;;;	(where N = the number of digits of the maximum number) is:
;;;		(32 * N) + 20 - 2	for the case when a register contains a 
;;;		      	      		10-digit negative number (-2 because dx
;;;					is not pushed in the final call)
;;;		and
;;;		(32 * N) - 2		when none of the registers contain a 10-digit 
;;;		      	   		negative number
;;;		E.g.:
;;;		FFFFFFFF (with no registers containing large negative numbers:
;;;		FFFFFFFF = 10 digits (unsigned), so N = 10
;;;		(32 * 10) - 2 = 318 bytes used (at the maximum)
;;; To include this file in a .asm file:
;;; 	%include ""

		section	.data

;;; holds the names of the registers we will print (pre-formatted)
regNames	db	"eax = 0x", "ebx = 0x",
		db	"ecx = 0x", "edx = 0x",
		db	"edi = 0x", "esi = 0x"

;;; holds the line for the top and bottom of the box
line		db	"---------------------------------------------", 10
lineLen		equ	$-line

;;; holds a space
space		db	" "
spaceLen	equ	$-space

;;; holds a new line
newLine	    	db	10
newLineLen	equ	$-newLine

;;; a string of all the hex digits
hexChars	db	"0123456789ABCDEF"

;;; holds the value of the current register we're printing
currentReg	dd	0x00000000

;;; used to print the appropriate label
counter		dw	0
char		db	'x'

negSign		db	'-'

comma		db	','

		section	.text

;;; dumpRegs()
;;; no parameters
;;; prints the contents of the following registers:
;;; 	eax, ebx, ecx, edx, esi, edi
;;; inside of a nicely formatted box.
;;; modifies:
;;;	currentReg
;;;	counter
;;; returns nothing
dumpRegs:	mov	word[counter], 0
		call	printLine 		;prints the top of the box

		mov	dword[currentReg], eax 	;print eax's formatted line
		call	printReg
                add     word[counter], 8 	;increment the counter for
						;label by 8, because each
						;label is 8 bytes long  

                mov     dword[currentReg], ebx 	;print ebx's formatted line
                call    printReg
		add     word[counter], 8

                mov     dword[currentReg], ecx 	;print ecx's formatted line
                call    printReg
		add     word[counter], 8

		mov     dword[currentReg], edx 	;print edx's formatted line
                call    printReg
		add     word[counter], 8
                mov     dword[currentReg], edi 	;print edi's formatted line
        	call    printReg
		add     word[counter], 8
                mov     dword[currentReg], esi 	;print esi's formatted line
                call    printReg
		call	printLine 		;print the bottom of the box

;exit dumpRegs() 

;;; printLine():
;;; no parameters
;;; no modifications
;;; prints a long, dashed on the screen and
;;; returns to a new line. Uses int 0x80 to print.
;;;	----------------------------------------------
;;; returns nothing
		push	ecx	;store registers
		push	edx
		mov	ecx, line	;the line to print
		mov	edx, lineLen	;the length of that line
		call	printString

;;; restore the values of eax, ebx, ecx, and edx
		pop	edx
		pop	ecx

;;; exit printLine()


;;; printString(String string, int lengthOfString):
;;; parameters:
;;; 	ecx = string to print
;;; 	edx = length of the string to print
;;; modifies: ecx, edx
;;; prints the string passed in through ecx
;;; using int 0x80.
		push	eax	;save eax
		push	ebx	;save ebx
		mov	eax, 4	;write
		mov	ebx, 1	;stdout
		int	0x80	;print the string

		pop	ebx	;restore original contents of ebx
		pop	eax	;restore original contents of eax

;;; exit printString()

;;; printSpace():
;;; no parameters
;;; no modifications
;;; prints a space by calling printString().
printSpace:	push	edx		;save edx
		push	ecx		;save ecx
	        mov     ecx, space 	;move a space
					;into ecx (parameter
					;for printString())
		mov     edx, spaceLen	;move the length
					;of that space
					;into edx (parameter
					;for printString()) 
		call    printString 	

        	pop	ecx		;restore original
					;value of ecx
		pop	edx		;restore original
					; value of edx

;exit printSpace()

;;; printNewLine():
;;; no parameters
;;; no modifications
;;; prints a new line by calling printString().
printNewLine:     push    edx             ;save edx
                  push    ecx             ;save ecx

                  mov     ecx, newLine    ;move a new line
                                          ;into ecx (parameter
                                          ;for printString())

                  mov     edx, newLineLen ;move the length
                                          ;of that new line
                                          ;into edx (parameter
                                          ;for printString())
                  call    printString
                  pop     ecx             ;restore original
                                          ;value of ecx
                  pop     edx             ;restore original
                                          ; value of edx

;;;exit printNewLine

;;; printNegSign:
;;; no parameters
;;; no modifications
;;; prints a '-' by calling printString().
printNegSign:     push    edx             ;save edx
                  push    ecx             ;save ecx
                  mov     ecx, negSign
                  mov     edx, 1
                  call    printString
                  pop     ecx             ;restore original
                                          ;value of ecx
                  pop     edx             ;restore original
		  	  		  ;value of edx
;;;exit printNegSign

;;; printLabel():
;;; no parameters
;;; no modifications
;;; prints the first part of each line
;;; by calling printString().
;;; i.e.:
;;; | eax = 
printLabel:	push    ecx			;save ecx
                push    edx			;save edx

		mov     ecx, regNames		;the list of register names
						;(parameter for printString())	 
		add	cx, word[counter]	;the index of the name of
						;the register we're on

		mov     edx, 8			;the length of each label
						;(parameter for printString()) 
        	call    printString	
                pop     edx			;restore original edx
                pop     ecx			;restore original ecx

;exit printLabel()

;;; printReg(int currentReg)
;;; parameters: currentReg (contains the contents of the current
;;; register that we're printing)
;;; no modifications
;;; calls printLabel, printHexWord, printSpace, printHexByte, and
;;; printEndBar to print out the contents of the given register
;;; in blocks like:
;;; | eax = 0000 00 00 |
printReg:	call	printLabel 	;print the register label

		call	printHexDWord

		call	printSpace
		call	printSpace

		push	word 0x00
		push	dword[currentReg]
		call	printDecimal

		call	printSpace

		cmp	dword[currentReg], 0x80000000
		jae	printNeg

		push	word 0x00
                push    dword[currentReg]		
		call	printDecimal
		jmp	end

printNeg:	push    dword[currentReg]
		call	printNegative

end:		call	printNewLine	

; exit printReg()

;;; printHexDigit(int currentReg)
;;; parameters: currentReg (holds the value of the current
;;; register that we're printing)
;;; no modifications
;;; prints a hexdigit (=4 bits) using the int 0x80 method
;save each register, as all would be altered by the int 0x80 call
		push	edx
		push	ecx
		push	ebx
		push	eax

;move the contents of the register we're printing (stored in currentReg)
;into eax	
		mov	eax, dword[currentReg]
		rol	eax, 4			;move the next digit to
						;print into al (digits
						;are 4 bits long) 

		mov	dword[currentReg], eax 	;save the changes made
		and	eax, 0x0F 		;isolate al

; move hexChars into ecx and use al as an index so that we can
; print the letter/number corresponding to the current digit
		mov	ecx, hexChars
		add	cx, ax
		mov	eax, 4			;write
		mov	ebx, 1			;stdout
		mov	edx, 1			;print 1 character
						;that is 1 byte long
		int	0x80			;print the character

;restore the registers to their original values
		pop	eax
		pop	ebx
		pop	ecx
		pop	edx

;exit printHexDigit() 

;;; printHexByte():
;;; parameters: currentReg (holds the value of the current
;;; register that we're printing)
;;; no modifications
;;; calls printHexDigit() twice to print out
;;; the hex value of a byte.
printHexByte:	call    printHexDigit
	        call    printHexDigit

;;; exit printHexByte()

;;; printHexWord():
;;; parameters: currentReg (holds the value of the current
;;; register that we're printing) 
;;; no modifications
;;; calls printHexByte() twice to print out
;;; the hex value of a word (2 bytes long)
printHexWord:	call    printHexByte
	        call    printHexByte

;;; exit printHexWord()

;;; printHexDWord():
;;; parameters: currentReg (holds the value of the current
;;; register that we're printing)
;;; no modifications
;;; calls printHexWord() twice to print out
;;; the hex value of a dword (2 words long)
                call    printHexWord    
		call    printHexWord 

;;; exit printHexDWord()

;;;	dword number - the number to print out
;;;	word  comma counter - keeps track of when a comma
;;;	      	    	      needs to be printed out (after
;;;			      every 3 digits)
;;;no modifications
;;;no returns
;;;Prints out an integer passed through the stack as its unsigned, decimal version.
;;; e.g. "-1" will be printed out as 4294967295

		;;save registers
                push    ebp
                mov     ebp, esp
                push	eax
		push	ebx
		push	ecx
		push	edx

;;;figure out if there is only one digit left in our number...
                mov     eax, [ebp+8]	;eax <-- the quotient of the last divide,
			     		;    	 or the original number (if just
					;	 entering the function)
                mov     edx, 0          ;will divide edx:eax by 10.  edx gets 0                
                mov     ebx, 10         ;divisor is 10                                         
                div     ebx             ;edx <-- remainder, eax <-- quotient                   
                cmp     eax, 0          ;is there something left?                              
                je      printOut        ;if no, print out the digit                            

;;;figure out if comma counter needs to be reset (if we're recursing)
                mov	cx, word[ebp+12]
		cmp	cx, 3		;compare to 3, and not 0, so that
			    		;a comma is not printed after the
					;least significant digit
		je	reset		;if 3, reset comma counter
		inc	cx		;else, comma counter+=1
		jmp	recurse

reset:		mov	cx, 1		;comma counter <--1, because there
			    		;are 3 digits bewteen 1 and 3 (inclusive)
					;and we want to print a comma after every
					;3 digits

recurse:	push	dx		;save the remainder (for when we exit the recursion)
		push    cx              ;pass in comma counter                                 
                push    eax             ;pass in the quotient                                  
                call    printDecimal

;;; ; done finding digits. ecx has the number                                                 
;;; ; of digits, and the stack has the numbers

                pop     dx     	       ;dx <-- the remainder of the last call

		mov     ax, dx	       ;ax <-- dx, so that the most sig. digit prints
			    	       ;out properly
                add     al, '0'                 ;transform into Ascii                          
                mov     byte[char], al          ;put it in string and print string            
                mov     eax, 4
                mov     ebx, 1
                mov     edx, 1
                mov     ecx, char
                int     0x80

		mov     cx, word[ebp+12]	;cx <--comma counter
                cmp     cx, 3			;if cx==3...
                je      Comma			;print a comma
		jmp	finish			;else, return

;print a comma if cx == 3
Comma:		mov     eax, 4
                mov     ebx, 1
                mov     ecx, comma
                mov     edx, 1
                int     0x80

;restore registers
finish:         pop	edx
		pop	ecx
		pop	ebx
		pop	eax
                pop     ebp

;1 dword * 4 bytes + 1 word * 2 bytes
                ret     6

;;;	dword contents - the contents of the register
;;;no modifications
;;;returns nothing
;;;Converts a negative number from its 2's complement value to
;;;decimal value, and prints out a negative sign before
;;;calling printDecimal to print out the decimal value.

;save registers
	push	ebp
	mov	ebp, esp
	push	eax
	push	ebx

	mov	eax, dword[ebp+8] ;eax <--register contents
	sub	eax, 1		  ;2's complement flips all bits and adds 1,
		     		  ;so to convert back, subtract 1 first then...

	mov	ebx, 0xFFFFFFFF	  
	xor	eax, ebx	  ;...flip all bits by xor-ing with 0xFFFFFFFF...

	call	printNegSign	  ;print the '-'

	push	word 0x00	  ;pass in comma counter = 0
	push	eax  		  ;pass unsigned value...
	call	printDecimal	  ;print it

;restore regs
	pop	ebx
	pop	eax
	pop	ebp

;1 dword * 4 bytes = 4
		ret	4

Problem 2

The trick here was to see that the program's recursion pattern is a tree, but the stack grows as deep as the longest path from the root of the tree to a leaf node. If we are computing fib( N ) where N is larger than 2, then the recursion will stop when we reach 2. So the longest path will be N-1. The stack with grow proportionally to O(N), or kxN, where k is a constant. Depending on how you wrote your program, k will be some multiple of words.

The major error, which everybody avoided (congrats!) would have been to say that because the tree size is O(N2), then the size of the stack is the same. Glad nobody fell for that!