CSC352 Project Roadmap
--D. Thiebaut (talk) 10:40, 3 October 2013 (EDT)
A look at the current wiki page
Wiki Editing Techniques
- Go over Wiki editing technique
- [Class Wiki]
- Everybody adds a section.
- Code page with java/C/other code. Put packing code from homework 2. bracket all packing code with <onlysmith> and </onlysmith> to limit distribution (until future publication).
- A section with the first names of all the students in the class
- A section with photos taken by students during museum visit.
30-minute search of Web-documented collage/photo displays on a Large Scale
- Search the Web for projects
- examples of large collections of images
- examples of navigation through collection of images
- algorithms or software packages to handle large collections
- projects specific to Mediawiki
- Add interesting projects to Wiki
- Limit yourself to short edits to allow multiple editors at the same time