CSC111 Blocking Code into Functions

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--D. Thiebaut (talk) 21:16, 6 February 2014 (EST)

Version 1

# D. Thiebaut
# this program distributes some amount of dollars
# into bills and coins.
amount = 124.45
bAmount = int( amount )
cAmount = int( amount * 100 ) % 100

#print( amount, bAmount, cAmount )
print( "Distributing $" + str( amount ) )

no20s = bAmount // 20
bAmount = bAmount % 20

no10s = bAmount // 10
bAmount = bAmount % 10

no5s = bAmount // 5
no1s = bAmount % 5

print( no20s, "$20-bill(s)" )
print( no10s, "$10-bill(s)" )
print( no5s,  "$5-bill(s)" )
print( no1s,  "$1-bill(s)" )

no25s = cAmount // 25
cAmount = cAmount % 25

no10s = cAmount // 10
cAmount = cAmount % 10

no5s = cAmount // 5
no1s = cAmount % 5

print( no25s, "quarter(s)" )
print( no10s, "dime(s)" )
print( no5s,  "nickel(s)" )
print( no1s,  "cent(s)" )


Distributing $124.45
6 $20-bill(s)
0 $10-bill(s)
0 $5-bill(s)
4 $1-bill(s)

1 quarter(s)
2 dime(s)
0 nickel(s)
0 cent(s)

Version 2

# D. Thiebaut
# this program distributes some amount of dollars
# into bills and coins.

def distribute( amount, d1, d2, d3, d4 ):
    n1 = amount // d1
    amount = amount % d1

    n2 = amount // d2
    amount = amount % d2

    n3 = amount // d3
    amount = amount % d3

    n4 = amount % d4
    print( "%d unit(s) of %d" % ( n1, d1 ) )
    print( "%d unit(s) of %d" % ( n2, d2 ) )
    print( "%d unit(s) of %d" % ( n3, d3 ) )
    print( "%d unit(s) of %d" % ( n4, d4 ) )

amount = 124.45
bAmount = int( amount )
cAmount = int( amount * 100 ) % 100
print( "Distributing $" + str( amount ) )

distribute( bAmount, 20, 10, 5, 1 )

distribute( cAmount, 25, 10, 5, 1 )


Distributing $124.45

6 unit(s) of 20
0 unit(s) of 10
0 unit(s) of 5
0 unit(s) of 1

1 unit(s) of 25
2 unit(s) of 10
0 unit(s) of 5
0 unit(s) of 1