CSC111 Sample Poems 2014
Revision as of 11:18, 13 March 2014 by Thiebaut (talk | contribs) (Created page with "--~~~~ ---- A list of some of the poems generated by the poem generator of Homework #5. <source lang="text"> Oprah usually does CS homework in D...")
--D. Thiebaut (talk) 11:18, 13 March 2014 (EDT)
A list of some of the poems generated by the poem generator of Homework #5.
Oprah usually does CS homework in Duckett early in the morning.
Cathy sometimes runs around the pond at night.
Mikasa Akerman intentionally swims distance on the tumblr dashboard later that very same day
Dr. Thiebaut intentionally dies repeatedly in the Hubbard House living room during dinner
President Kathy noisily dances around Ziskind House at sunset.
Wild Style secretly naps in Neverland at midnight.
Jane Goodall masterfully discovered a new element in the jungle in 1955
Shreeya sometimes jumps on tables in the gluten-free aisle of Chuckett every Sunday afternoon
Harry Potter strangely writes lists of words in the White House every five minutes
Batman always stops time in space at hammer time
Superman regularly stops time somewhere over there late at night
The cat voraciously runs around the pond at night
Hemingway jauntily runs through the air at sunset.
Dominique Thiebaut always programs in the Campus Center at midnight.
Father Christmas occasionally dances around in the Tea Hut every Thursday
John secretly plays his favorite songs on the stage during the summer.
Captain Kirk seldom wears silly hats in the White House before breakfast
<font color="magenta">'''My love tenderly mourns in my dreams every day'''</font>
Jennifer Lawrence eagerly writes soliloquies on board the USS Enterprise at midnight
Gnarly the Walrus startlingly eats mice in public while programming.
The cat in the hat provocatively licks a popsicle in the yard at afternoon tea.
My dog discreetly burps at Dance Northampon after waking up
Han Solo sagely rages in a dark corner during the end times
The dog sadly jumps on the crosswalk every day.
The Doctor listlessly hiccups at Hogwarts every third Wednesday
Luna usually studies transfiguration with Sirius Black at night.
Tom the peacock voraciously devours marshallows in the closet at midnight
Nicole disgustingly crawls on the tables all the time
Gary the Snail seldom guards the sheep village in Tyler House before lunch
Neil deGrasse Tyson always wanders around the world whenever possible
Kadee always eats dog food on the sofa at night
The student suddenly laughs out with no sound by the window in the summer.
The bunny relaxedly walks near the beach early in the morning
The band inspiredly suffers in silence by the river these days
She inspiredly won't stop in my dreams in the wee hours of morning
The baby awkwardly knit in a dentist office once a week
Spiderman successfully loses 10 pounds at the office tonight
Harry Styles beautifully eats a sandwich under my bed at 4 AM.
Josh oddly skips in space at sunset
Kevin Spacey happily calls angry bird in a cage.
Keira Knightley dreamily bows on the table midnight
Leonardo DiCaprio nonchalantly slurps soup in the ocean at five in the morning
Rachel sadly wins an award in the ocean on Sunday