CSC111 Lab 8 2014
--D. Thiebaut (talk) 14:01, 24 March 2014 (EDT)
This lab deals with strings and list operations, and transforming strings into lists and lists into strings.
Splitting Strings
Work in the console, and try these different commands. Observe what the different operations do.
>>> line = "The quick, red fox jumped. It jumped over the lazy, sleepy, brown dog." >>> line 'The quick, red fox jumped. It jumped over the lazy, sleepy, brown dog.' >>> line.split() >>> words = line.split() >>> words >>> words[0] >>> words[1] >>> words[-1]
>>> words[-2] >>> chunks = line.split( ',' ) # split on commas >>> chunks >>> chunks = line.split( '.' ) # split on periods >>> chunks >>> words >>> separator = "+" >>> newLine = separator.join( words ) # join the words into a new string and use separator as the glue >>> newLine >>> separator = "$$$" >>> newLine = separator.join( words ) # same but use $$$ as the glue >>> newLine >>> words # verify that you still have individual words in this list >>> newWords = [ words[0], words[3], words[4], words[7], words[8], words[12] ] # create a new list of some words >>> newWords
>>> " ".join( newWords ) # join strings in newWords list with a space