CSC111 Counting Unique Words

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--D. Thiebaut (talk) 10:37, 24 April 2014 (EDT)

Counting Unique Words in a Document Using Sets and Lists

# D. Thiebaut
from urllib.request import Request
from urllib.request import urlopen
from time import clock

# getWebPage(): given a URL will go grab the content of the page
# and return it as a string.
def getWebPage( url ):

    req = Request( url )

    print( "Requesting Web file at", url )

    encoding = 'latin-1'  # can sometimes be 'utf-8'
    text = urlopen( req ).read().decode( encoding )
    print( "Done! Received %d characters." % len( text ) )

    return text

# countUniqueWordsWithList(): given a string will return
# the number of unique words in the string using a list
# of unique words.  The "in" operator is used to check if
# a new word is already in the list or not.
def countUniqueWordsWithList( text ):
    words = []
    for word in text.lower().split():
        word = word.strip()
        if word not in words:
            words.append( word )
    print( "found %d unique words" % len( words ) )

# countUniqueWordsWithSet(): given a string will return
# the number of unique words in the string using a set
# of unique words.  The "in" operator is used to check if
# a new word is already in the set or not.
def countUniqueWordsWithSet( text ):
    wordsSet = set( [] )
    for word in text.lower().split():
        word = word.strip()
        if word not in wordsSet:
            wordsSet.add( word )
    print( "found %d unique words" % len( wordsSet ) )

# main(): gets James Joyce's Ulysses from a Web page, and
# measures the time it takes to count the unique words in
# the book using lists, and using sets.
def main():
    url = ""
    text = getWebPage( url )

    # count the number of unique words using a set    
    start = clock()
    countUniqueWordsWithSet( text )
    end   = clock()
    print( "elapsed time using a set = %1.3f seconds" % (end-start ) )

    # count the number of unique words using a list
    start = clock()
    countUniqueWordsWithList( text )
    end   = clock()
    print( "elapsed time using a list = %1.3f seconds" % (end-start ))

