CSC231 Homework 8
(c) --DT 13:42, 30 October 2008 (UTC)
The deadline for this assignment is Fri. Nov 14th, at 11:59 p.m. plus 1 minute.
Reading Files
Write an assembly language program that is compatible with the arduino-serial.c program of Lab 7 and which reads a file of commands and sends them to the Arduino.
The file will be called "arduino.cmd", always, so no need to ask the user for it: you can hard code this string in your program.
The commands supported will be of the form:
- w d p n or w a p nnn where n is either 0 or 1, nnn is an integer, and p is a pin number.
- r d
So, a command file could be something like this:
w d 2 0 w d 3 0 w d 4 0 w d 5 0 w d 6 0 w d 7 0 w d 8 0 w d 2 1 w d 3 1 w d 4 1 w d 5 1 w d 6 1 w d 7 1 w d 8 1 w d 8 0 w d 7 0 w d 6 0 w d 5 0 w d 4 0 w d 3 0 w d 2 0
which will clear Pins 2 to 8 then turn 2, 3, 4, ... 8 ON, one after the other, then turn them off in the reverse order. You could imagine having a huge file with thousands of lines for creating an interesting light show!
Your program will read one line of the file at a time, will copy it in the buf buffer of the C program, and will call the function to send a string to the Arduino...
Save your program in a file called hw8.asm, and submit it along with arduino-serial.c as follows:
submit hw8 hw8.asm submit hw8 arduino-serial.c
Because the Arduino contains an LED on Pin 13 already, you do not need additional hardware to test your program. Create a file with multiple "w d 13 0" and "w d 13 1" strings, and that should be enough to test your program. For debugging purposes you may force the assembly to wait a few milliseconds between strings, so that you can see the result of the execution.
For this assignment, I would ask you not to modify the arduino_loop.pde sketch. You will be free to modify the sketch for your final project, but not for this assignment.
Make sure you read the information posted in the weekly-schedule page for the week of 11/03.
You may find the solution assembly program for Lab 7 useful...