CSC231 SumProc4.asm
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;;; sumproc4.asm
;;; D. Thiebaut CSC231
;;; fourth of a series of programs illustrating how to pass and receive
;;; information to and from a function in assembly.
;;; This and all associated programs simply add the contents of
;;; two variables a and b and store the resulting sum in a variable
;;; called result (all are double words)
;;; this version passes a and b by value through the stack, and
;;; result by reference, so that the function can directly modify
;;; the variable result.
%assign SYS_EXIT 1
%assign SYS_WRITE 4
%assign STDOUT 1
;; -------------------------
;; data segment
;; -------------------------
section .data
a dd 0x1234 ; operand #1
b dd 0x5555 ; operand #2
result dd 0 ; where sum will be stored by function
;; -------------------------
;; code area
;; -------------------------
section .text
global _start
lea eax,[result]
push eax ; push address of result in stack
push dword [a] ; push copy of variable a
push dword [b] ; push copy of variable b
call sum ; call function which will modify
; variable result directly
;; exit()
mov eax,SYS_EXIT
mov ebx,0
int 0x80 ; final system call
;;; -------------------------------------------------------
;;; sum function
;;; gets 2 dwords from stack and uses address of result to
;;; store sum in it.
;;; registers modified: eax ebx
;;; stack looks like this after first 2 instructions:
;;; +----------+
;;; | &result | <-- ebp+16 (address of result)
;;; +----------+
;;; |copy of a | <-- ebp+12
;;; +----------+
;;; |copy of b | <-- ebp+8
;;; +----------+
;;; |retrn addr| <-- ebp+4 (plus 4 because double words!)
;;; +----------+
;;; |"old" ebp | <-- ebp <-- esp
;;; +----------+
;;; | |
;;; -------------------------------------------------------
sum: push ebp
mov ebp,esp
mov eax,dword [ebp+8] ; get copy of b
add eax,dword [ebp+12] ; add copy of a to it
mov ebx,dword [ebp+16] ; get address of result in ebx
mov dword [ebx],eax ; store sum at that address
pop ebp
ret 12 ; we can now get rid of 3 dwords in stack