CSC111 Week 8 Programs 2015

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--D. Thiebaut (talk) 13:19, 25 March 2015 (EDT)

# D. Thiebaut
# program written in class on 3/25/15
# First function is a guessing game
# Second function is a game of rock-paper-scissors
import random

# plays a game.  Picks a random number (1-100).  Asks the
# user to guess what it is, and reports if too low, to high,
# or match.
def guessingGame():
    computer = 50 # random.randrange( 1, 101)

    # friendly explanations
    print( "Let's play... guess the number I picked..." )
    while True==True:
        # get user's guess
        # report on too low or too high
        user = int( input( "Enter a number between 1 and 100> " ) )
        # compare user's guess to computer pick
        if user == computer:
            print( "You guessed it!\nI had picked", computer )
            if user < computer:
                print( "Too low!" )
                print( "Too high!" )

# winner: given two letters that are "R", "P" or "S",
# apply the rules of Rock, Paper, Scissors to indicate
# which one wins.  Returns COMPUTERWINS if first letter
# wins, USERWINS if second letter, and TIE if neither.
def winner( computer, user ):
    TIE          = "TIE"

    # do we have a tie?
    if computer==user:
        return TIE

    # if not, figure out who wins and return the appropriate
    # constant
    if ( computer=="R" and user=="S"
      or computer=="S" and user=="P"
      or computer=="P" and user=="R" ):
        return COMPUTERWINS
        return USERWINS

# playRockPaperScissors: plays a whole game
def playRockPaperScissors():
    # define constants
    TIE          = "TIE"
    # initialize variables
    computCount = 0
    userCount   = 0
    # play the game
    while True==True:
        # pick a random letter for the computer
        computer = random.choice( [ "R", "S", "P" ] )

        # get the user input (careful, this is totally not robust!)
        # the user can enter anything she wants...
        user = input( "\n\nYour play? " ).upper()

        # Report outcome to the user
        if winner( computer, user )==TIE:
            print( "It's a tie!" )
            if winner( computer, user )==COMPUTERWINS:
                print( "I win! I had picked", computer )
                computCount += 1
                print( "You win! I had picked", computer )
                userCount += 1

        # print scores:
        print( "Scores: user:", userCount, "  computer:", computCount )

def main():
    #while True:
    #    guessingGame()
    #    ans = input( "Play again (Y/N)? " )
    #    if not ans in [ "y", "Y", "yes", "YES" ]:
    #        break
