CSC111 Programs for Week 10 2015

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--D. Thiebaut (talk) 05:48, 6 April 2015 (EDT)

Skeleton Program for Displaying an Image

The program below will work with this image, named "catGlasses.gif". It should be located in the same directory where the program is saved.


# D. Thiebaut
# A skeleton program to start doing image processing
# in Python

from graphics import *

# image geometry
# 424x18
# make the window the same geometry
WIDTH  = 424
HEIGHT = 418
IMAGEFILENAME = "catGlasses.gif"

def waitForClick( win, message ):
    """ waitForClick: stops the GUI and displays a message.  
    Returns when the user clicks the window. The message is erased."""

    # wait for user to click mouse to start
    startMsg = Text( Point( win.getWidth()/2, win.getHeight()-15 ), message )
    startMsg.draw( win )    # display message
    win.getMouse()          # wait
    startMsg.undraw()       # erase

def main():
    # open the window
    win = GraphWin( "Image Editor", WIDTH, HEIGHT )

    # open the cat image
    cat = Image( Point(WIDTH//2, HEIGHT//2), IMAGEFILENAME )
    cat.draw( win )

    waitForClick( win, "click to close" )



Skeleton Program for Processing an Image

# D. Thiebaut
# Simple skeleton program for processing
# the pixels of an image

from graphics import *

# image geometry
# 424x18
# make the window the same geometry
WIDTH  = 424
HEIGHT = 418
IMAGEFILENAME = "catGlasses.gif"

def waitForClick( win, message ):
    """ waitForClick: stops the GUI and displays a message.  
    Returns when the user clicks the window. The message is erased."""

    # wait for user to click mouse to start
    startMsg = Text( Point( win.getWidth()/2, win.getHeight()-15 ), message )
    startMsg.draw( win )    # display message
    win.getMouse()          # wait
    startMsg.undraw()       # erase

def makeRed( win, img ):
    """ set the red component of all the pixels to 255, the
    maximum value.
    global WIDTH, HEIGHT
    for x in range( WIDTH ):
        for y in range( HEIGHT ):
            red, green, blue = img.getPixel( x, y )
            img.setPixel( x, y, color_rgb(255, green, blue ) )
def main():

    win = GraphWin( "Image Editor", WIDTH, HEIGHT )

    img = Image( Point(WIDTH//2, HEIGHT//2), IMAGEFILENAME )
    img.draw( win )

    makeRed( win, img )
    waitForClick( win, "click to close" )



Image Processing: Program developed in class

# D. Thiebaut
# Simple skeleton program for processing
# the pixels of an image
# This is the code we developed in class
from graphics import *

# image geometry
# make the window the same geometry
WIDTH  = 424   #243 
HEIGHT = 418 #207
IMAGEFILENAME = "catGlasses.gif" #"catHat.gif"

# other image we can play with
#WIDTH  = 243 
#HEIGHT = 207
#IMAGEFILENAME = "catHat.gif"

def waitForClick( win, message ):
    """ waitForClick: stops the GUI and displays a message.  
    Returns when the user clicks the window. The message is erased."""

    # wait for user to click mouse to start
    startMsg = Text( Point( win.getWidth()/2, win.getHeight()-15 ), message )
    startMsg.draw( win )    # display message
    win.getMouse()          # wait
    startMsg.undraw()       # erase

def saturate( x ):
    """given a color amount, 0-255, returns 0 if the amount is closer to 0 than 255,
    and returns 255 if not."""
    if x < 255//2:
        return 0
        return 255
def makeRed( win, img ):
    """ set the red component of all the pixels to 255, the
    maximum value.
    global WIDTH, HEIGHT
    for y in range( HEIGHT ):
        for x in range( WIDTH ):
            red, green, blue = img.getPixel( x, y )
            green, blue, red = red, green, blue
            red = saturate( red )
            green = saturate( green )
            blue = saturate( blue )
            img.setPixel( x, y, color_rgb(red, green, blue )) 

def makeBlackAndWhite( win, img ):
    """ Make the image black and white, by making each pixel
    grey.  A grey pixel has the same amount of red, green, and blue.
    global WIDTH, HEIGHT
    for y in range( HEIGHT ):
        for x in range( WIDTH ):
            red, green, blue = img.getPixel( x, y )
            # make the pixel grey, and use the average of the 3 values
            # as the amount of grey.
            avg = (green+blue+red)//3
            img.setPixel( x, y, color_rgb(avg, avg, avg ) )

def addBorder( win, img ):
    """add a red border at the top of the image"
    for y in range( 0, 15 ):
        for x in range( WIDTH ):
            img.setPixel( x, y, color_rgb( 255, 0, 0 ) )

def main():

    win = GraphWin( "Dominique Thiebaut", WIDTH, HEIGHT )

    img = Image( Point(WIDTH//2, HEIGHT//2), IMAGEFILENAME )
    img.draw( win )

    makeRed( win, img )
    addBorder( win, img )
    waitForClick( win, "click to close" )



Playing Checkers

# D. Thiebaut
# Create new checkers image with different color.
# based on piece.gif.  New image samed in piece2.gif
from graphics import *

WIDTH = 80  # dimension of checkers piece

def main():
    # open the window
    win = GraphWin( "Checkers", WIDTH, HEIGHT )

    # open image of black piece
    piece = Image( Point( WIDTH//2, HEIGHT//2 ),
                   "piece.gif" )
    piece.draw( win )

    # change color of all the dark pixels
    for x in range( WIDTH ):
        for y in range( HEIGHT ):
            r, g, b = piece.getPixel( x, y )
            if r>255-10 and g>255-10 and b>255-10:
            newColor = color_rgb( r + (255-r)//2, g,
                                  b+(255-b)//2 )
            piece.setPixel( x, y, newColor )

    # save modified image into new file "piece2.gif" )

    # close window



This program is the bare skeleton for display the board. You have to add the code inside the displayBoard() function.

# D. Thiebaut
# A first program to display an 8x8 chessboard
# in a graphic window.
from graphics import *

WIDTH = 600    # width of the window
HEIGHT= 600    # height of the window
SIDE  = 600//8 # the side of a cell of the 8x8 board

def displayBoard( win ):
    """displays an 8x8 board in the graphic window.  The board extends to the sides of the window'''
    # add your code here...

def waitForClick( win, message ):
    """ waitForClick: stops the GUI and displays a message.  
    Returns when the user clicks the window. The message is erased."""

    # wait for user to click mouse to start
    startMsg = Text( Point( win.getWidth()/2, win.getHeight()-15 ), message )
    startMsg.draw( win )    # display message
    win.getMouse()          # wait
    startMsg.undraw()       # erase

def main():
    # open the window
    win = GraphWin( "Checkers", WIDTH, HEIGHT )

    # display 8x8 checkers board
    displayBoard( win )

    # wait for user to click before closing everything...
    waitForClick( win, "click to close" )



Checkers Program Created in Class

# D. Thiebaut
# This is the program we developed in class.
# It displays a board with dark and white cells.
# It displays images for the checkers on dark cells only.
from graphics import *

WIDTH = 680    # width of the window 
                        #(adjusted to be slightly bigger than the image of the checkers piece)
HEIGHT= 680    # height of the window
SIDE  = 680//8 # the side of a cell of the 8x8 board

class Piece:
    """A class defining an individual checkers piece."""

    def __init__( self, ii, jj, col ):
        """constructor.  Given an position on the board, ii, jj, and a color col,
        creates a checkers piece of that color on the cell ii, jj on the board.  We
        assume that the top-left cell is at 0, 0."""
        self.i = ii
        self.j = jj
        self.color = col
        x = ii * SIDE + SIDE//2
        y = jj * SIDE + SIDE//2

        # old code: creates a piece using concentrinc circles
        self.circ1 = Circle( Point( x, y ), SIDE//2 )
        if col=="white":
            self.circ1.setFill( color_rgb( 250, 250, 250 ) )
            self.circ1.setFill( color_rgb( 10, 10, 10 ) )
        self.circ2 = Circle( Point( x, y ), SIDE//2 - 5 )
        if col=="white":
            self.circ2.setFill( color_rgb( 230, 230, 230 ) )
            self.circ2.setFill( color_rgb( 50, 50, 50 ) )

        # new code: creates a piece using an image, either "piece.gif" which is
        # black, or "piece2.gif" which is purple.
        if col=="white":
            self.image = Image( Point( x, y ), "piece.gif" )
            self.image = Image( Point( x, y ), "piece2.gif" )

    def draw( self, win ):
        """ draw the piece on the graphic window.
        # old code
        self.circ1.draw( win )
        self.circ2.draw( win )

        # new code
        self.image.draw( win )
def displayBoard( win ):
    """display an 8x8 board"""
    for i in range( 8 ):
        for j in range( 8 ):
            # compute the coordinates of the top-left point that will define
            # the rectangular cell
            x = i*SIDE
            y = j*SIDE

            # create a rectangle that is square, with width and height equal to SIDE.
            rect = Rectangle( Point( x, y ), Point( x+SIDE, y+SIDE ) )
            if (i+j)%2 == 0:
                rect.setFill( color_rgb( 255, 255, 255 ) )
                rect.setFill( color_rgb( 100, 100, 100 ) )

            # draw the square rectangle
            rect.draw( win )

def isBlack( i, j ):
    """A utility function that returns True if the cell at i, j should be 
    black.  We found out that if all the cells for which i+j is even should
    be the same color.   So we decided that if (i+j) is odd, the cell should be
    black.  If i+j is odd, then the remainder of the division by 2 is not 0"""
    if (i+j)%2 == 0:
        return False
        return True
def displayCheckers( win ):
    """displays the pieces on the board, on the top and bottom 3 rows, and
    on black cells only."""
    checkers = []
    for i in range( 8 ):
        for j in range( 3 ):
            if isBlack( i, j ):
                piece = Piece( i, j, "white" )
                piece.draw( win )
                checkers.append( piece )

    for i in range( 8 ):
        for j in range( 5, 8 ):
            if isBlack( i, j ):
                piece = Piece( i, j, "black" )
                piece.draw( win )
                checkers.append( piece )
def waitForClick( win, message ):
    """ waitForClick: stops the GUI and displays a message.  
    Returns when the user clicks the window. The message is erased."""
    startMsg = Text( Point( win.getWidth()/2, win.getHeight()-15 ),
                     message )
    startMsg.draw( win )    # display message
    win.getMouse()          # wait
    startMsg.undraw()       # erase

def main():
    # open the window
    win = GraphWin( "Checkers", WIDTH, HEIGHT )

    # display 8x8 checkers board
    displayBoard( win )
    checkers = displayCheckers( win )
    # wait for user to click before closing everything...
    waitForClick( win, "click to close" )

